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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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56 minutes ago, twa said:


The FBI was probably too busy spying on Americans and the press to notice the oversight.

You forfeit your right to complain about any of it. You KNEW Trump was compromised by and colluded with the Russians and you voted for him any way. You proved that you didn’t care about the rule of law, patriotism, or justice. You just wanted to win. Well guess what, you broke it you own it. He’s yours. And don’t give us the BS line about you abandoning Trump, too damn bad he’s yours. 

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1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

You don’t.

His political bias forces him to say this, he’s one that has surrendered to his bias. He may actually even be foolish enough to believe thst Hillary would have been a disaster, but I still remember the old twa, the one who was reasonable and cogent, and so I must still believe that those faculties still exist within his brain. He just refuses to demonstrate them here any longer.

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30 minutes ago, twa said:

I wonder what is in those missing e-mails and such?

If only she and the DNC had obeyed the rules and heeded the warnings.

LoL!!! :rofl89:

You fear Hillary because of emails that are unknown to you, and yet you were comfortable with Trump and his Russian collusion.

Just so you know, when your therapist recommends a course of treatment to help you make better life decisions, it’ll be based off stuff like this.

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4 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

You KNEW Trump was compromised by and colluded with the Russians and you voted for him any way.

You guys stop ganging up on twa. None of us knew that prior to the election. We don't know it now. I mean, yeah... we knew that he was for some reason smitten with Russia and hated every other country. We knew that he was a liar and that he has, his entire life, been motivated by his own self-interests. We know that him and his campaign have lied over and over and over again about their contacts with Russia and Russian interference. We know about 1 bazillion other things... but we don't KNOW!!


This is the problem with you libtards. Let me illustrate. For this analogy, let's pretend that playing basketball is the same thing as colluding with Russia. If the guy in this picture were Donald Trump, you'd be all like, "LOOK! HE'S GOT A ****ING BASKETBALL IN HIS HANDS!!! IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!! ONLY A ****ING MORON COULDN'T SEE IT!!!!!!!!"


But the truth is that you have no idea what that is in Trump's hands. The picture is kinda blurry. It's probably a pumpkin.


So yeah, the rest of you sheeple may jump to conclusions, seeing only what you want to see but not the smart, objective people like twa and I. Look at this **** though!!! Now that is DEFINITELY the real Hillary Clinton. Lock that **** up!!!



Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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