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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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I don't honestly believe his is capable of "getting" it. He has never shown one iota of deep thought in his entire existence, where is that supposed to come from now? A magic lamp? Fairy godmother? (Pence wouldn't stand for that)


The tiny thread I hold onto is that Mattis and McMasters can get and keep his attention, that's the entire list of people in his regime I would trust to act in the country's best interests.

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I hate conspiratards. With a passion. Before Trumpists came along, they were my mortal enemies. (Of course there's a **** ton of collusion between the two groups.) The big thing I promised myself after the election was that I would always remain conscious of and steadfast against going down that hole. I'm not going to let my anger and politics sell out my frontal cortex. It becomes a tough balancing act when there's so much smoke though.


So with that, I  don't think the Syrian bombing was a wag the dog distraction move by Trump. My biggest issue with many conspiratard theories is the number of people who would have to be in on it. No different here. I don't think either McMaster or Mattis would let the Orange Buffon use the military as a political tool to run cover for him for a second.


That said the fact that it's such a clear possibility with such obvious motivations shows why this country desperately needs a fully independent and completely thorough investigation into the whole Russian thing. Because until that happens there's no way that our leaders can properly lead. The cloud over the executive branch is going to become more and more paralyzing.


Just my opinion. 

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1 hour ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:



That said the fact that it's such a clear possibility with such obvious motivations shows why this country desperately needs a fully independent and completely thorough investigation into the whole Russian thing. Because until that happens there's no way that our leaders can properly lead. The cloud over the executive branch is going to become more and more paralyzing.


Just my opinion. 

Maybe not too relative, but I was just listening to Andy Borowitz talking about how it's tricky to satirize Trump because nothing seems outside of the realm of possibility.  




Edit:  regarding the arrested programmer... for a second I was like "why didn't he just stay in Russia?", and then I thought "oh, right... Russia (and their loose ends)". 

Edited by skinny21
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Click the video and then sing along with the lyrics below.


I went home with a banker
The way I always do
How was I to know
He was with the Russians, too?

I was gambling in the Ukraine
I took a little risk
Send lawyers, Trump and money
Vlad, get me out of this!

I'm a deplorable bystander
And somehow I got stuck
Between Iraq and Damascus
And I'm down on my luck
And the US is ****ed

Well I'm down on my luck

Now I'm hiding in the White House
I'm a desperate man
Send lawyers, Rex and money
The **** has hit the fan

Send lawyers, Kush and money
Send lawyers, Paul and money
Send lawyers, Page and money
Send lawyers, Trump and money





Edited by Dan T.
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12 hours ago, BornaSkinsFan83 said:

I hate conspiratards. With a passion. Before Trumpists came along, they were my mortal enemies. (Of course there's a **** ton of collusion between the two groups.) The big thing I promised myself after the election was that I would always remain conscious of and steadfast against going down that hole. I'm not going to let my anger and politics sell out my frontal cortex. It becomes a tough balancing act when there's so much smoke though.


So with that, I  don't think the Syrian bombing was a wag the dog distraction move by Trump. My biggest issue with many conspiratard theories is the number of people who would have to be in on it. No different here. I don't think either McMaster or Mattis would let the Orange Buffon use the military as a political tool to run cover for him for a second.


That said the fact that it's such a clear possibility with such obvious motivations shows why this country desperately needs a fully independent and completely thorough investigation into the whole Russian thing. Because until that happens there's no way that our leaders can properly lead. The cloud over the executive branch is going to become more and more paralyzing.


Just my opinion. 


I don't think anyone in the Military or State Department would need to be in on Trump and a couple of his closest aids thinking that this would help change the news cycle away from the Russia/Trump campaigns. In other words, there is no chance McMaster or Mattis said "Mr President, we should do this to change the news cycle." I'm sure their motives were pure in these actions.

However, it certainly isn't beyond Trump to have be aware of or have an aid whisper to him "Mr. President, this would also help change the news coverage as it would show us being tough on Russia."

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We'll find out what kind of debt he really is in if he opts to really oppose Russia and/or China. If we really stand up against them on things like Syria, the Ukraine, NK, etc. That stuff will likely be leaked out in an attempt to weaken him more. If he doesn't stand strong against them. Then it'll be the opposite. He backed off after a treat of making it all public. 

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3 hours ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:

We'll find out what kind of debt he really is in if he opts to really oppose Russia and/or China. If we really stand up against them on things like Syria, the Ukraine, NK, etc. That stuff will likely be leaked out in an attempt to weaken him more. If he doesn't stand strong against them. Then it'll be the opposite. He backed off after a treat of making it all public. 

He certainly has backed off China a lot which was right around him getting his trademarks in China. 

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So, does this mean that the story of Russia actively using state espionage in our election, and doing so while in contact with the Trump insiders, isn;t a story any more?  


I mean, granted, I don;t pay really close attention.  But the understanding I have is:  


1)  Russia used state espionage assets to interfere in our election.  They did so openly, and this was known at the time.  

2)  The US government, either before or after the espionage, used our own state espionage against Russia and it's agents.  

3)  And while we were watching Russian agents, multiple Trump insiders showed up and had contact with said agents.  

4)  And, when the National Security Adviser was told that Trump insiders were showing up on the surveillance, asked which ones.  


I really don't watch TV.  (Occasional Redskin games, and there's three TV shows I DVR and watch later.)  But when I'm at work, many of my patients have their TV on.  (Often while asleep.  But they get mad if I turn off their TV while they're asleep.)  And so I get to hear TV while I'm at work.  Including Fox News, which, this morning, was still announcing that the big story here is #4.  Which was not only a big story, but was a crime.  And proof that the media, (except for Fox News), is clearly politically biased, because they aren't completely focused on item #4.  


And I'm pretty sure that this spin is working.  The real media has moved on from the Russia story.  (There's no new news coming out.)  So the only media talking about the thing is Fox, working on dragging the narrative to where they want it to be.  


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FBI doesn't move on.  FBI gonna drop some indictments one of these days.


Media is worse than a 5 year old with ADHD.  But more developments will come.  More shoes will drop.  And then suddenly it will be big news again.


Things going a little quiet is probably a good thing.  It means Putin will hopefully stop murdering loose ends on the Steele dossier long enough for the FBI to corner people.

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Think you're overreacting, there, just a teensy bit.  


(Or at least, acting prematurely.)  


Yes, there's certainly a possibility of things escalating.  (There was the possibility before, too.)  


And things weren't exactly hunky dory, before, either.  


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1 hour ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Breaking News: Russia and Iran threatening to fire on U.S. because Syria. That asshole is putting our country in danger and his hasty actions has ****ed up everything.




I don't buy this at all. Russia and Iran do not want war with the US. Lots of Middle Eastern countries are united against Iran having nuclear weapons and Russia would prefer to influence countries through their disinformation campaigns. 

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