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Why are people not outraged over Trump not releasing his taxes!!!?


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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Why are you compelled to continue with your failed attempt to minimize how a large segment  show how small a percentage of the people view this issue?


I could ask a similar question of you.  I would post the new percentage but your change in number didn't even register as a percentage of population.


I already told you what percentage of the population thinks Trump should release his taxes, just as Presidents for the last 45 years have done, and as he promised he would do numerous times:  74 percent of Americans. And 42 percent of Republicans.


And since I last posted,  about three hours ago, 3,630 more people have signed the petition. It's up to 370,350.  You think that's an insignificant number.  I don't.  And neither do the people who created the We The People Web site, because it's nearly 4 times the number they set as the threshold to trigger a response from the White House.

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46 minutes ago, boobiemiles said:

You are trying to comparer Obama presidency to this.  I am saying why aren't we holding someone in the Oval office to the highest standard.  We did with Obama. Why not Trump?  This is not about politics.  I am an independent. I am saying all these policies can have a drastic effect on your life.  Look at the financial crisis.  It didn't matter your party affiliation we all got screwed.

First, this thread is specifically about his tax returns. There are a ton of people disappointed he hasn't released them. I have stated, on multiple occasions that he is under no obligation to release them. 


Second, you claimed that he should not be able to enact ANY policy until he releases them so YOU (and others who want to find SOMETHING in his taxes to legitimize their feeling that Trump shouldn't be President) can claim he is illegitimate. 


My response was intended to illustrate that the last President told the opposition party that elections have consequences. Unfortunately, too many people protest voted against Hillary, and too many people stayed home on Election Day, and the consequences of that is President Trump. He has the right to enact Executive Policy after Inauguration Day. 


Transparency is great. Unfortunately the previous administrations have decided transparency is not universally defined and changes whenever it is convenient. Trump claimed he was going to be "the most transparent President". And to his credit, to this point he has been. He is doing EXACTLY what he said he was going to do. I don't like it. I am disappointed he won. I am disappointed in people who say the election out. I am disappointed in the protest voters. 


Elections have consequences. And we have to live through those consequences and do better in 4 years. 

23 minutes ago, tshile said:




which is likely the most important one.


The democrats got their ass kicked, and this was not the election to have that happen... (If you're a democrat, or you just disagree with the GOP's ideas especially re: SCOTUS)

That's the truly long lasting consequence of this election. Though as we have seen with other SCOTUS nominees, once they are approved they do their own thing. Roberts was suppose send to be a conservative shill. Without him the ACA dies. So there is hope...

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11 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


I already told you what percentage of the population thinks Trump should release his taxes, just as Presidents for the last 45 years have done, and as he promised he would do numerous times:  74 percent of Americans. And 42 percent of Republicans.


And since I last posted,  about three hours ago, 3,630 more people have signed the petition. It's up to 370,350.  You think that's an insignificant number.  I don't.  And neither do the people who created the We The People Web site, because it's nearly 4 times the number they set as the threshold to trigger a response from the White House.

You quoted a poll.  If 74% of Americans actually did something about it, like sign the petition, maybe something will happen.  But when such a small percentage are the only ones who have taken the action of signing the petition, yes the number is insignificant.  Notice it says the WH will respond, not comply.  I believe their response was "no".  You want that to change?  Get the 74% to do more.

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1 minute ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

You quoted a poll.  If 74% of Americans actually did something about it, like sign the petition, maybe something will happen.  But when such a small percentage are the only ones who have taken the action of signing the petition, yes the number is insignificant.  Notice it says the WH will respond, not comply.  I believe their response was "no".  You want that to change?  Get the 74% to do more.

Even if 100% of the population signed it, the WH would respond, "No."

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I have changed my mind.  I think if a petition reaches the 100,000 it should be acted upon.  Maybe if it at least doubles the threshold.


apparently the petition to indict Hillary got 237,000.





if you you want to read about some other petitions that were real winners, click the link below.



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Fifteen thousand more people have signed on since last update....

Up to 385,096.



I know, I know.  It seems like a relatively trivial matter considering all the other **** going on.  I picture some lone IRS survivor of the nuclear holocaust stumbling out from the blasted ruins of the IRS Headquarters building hold a charred sheath of papers mumbling "Here it is. Leader Trump's tax returns."

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21 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

Fifteen thousand more people have signed on since last update....

Up to 385,096.



I know, I know.  It seems like a relatively trivial matter considering all the other **** going on.  I picture some lone IRS survivor of the nuclear holocaust stumbling out from the blasted ruins of the IRS Headquarters building hold a charred sheath of papers mumbling "Here it is. Leader Trump's tax returns."


Hypocritical hyper-partisan obstructionism!!

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Personally, I no longer care about his taxes. I used to care mainly because of him possibly having financial ties to Russia or other foreign entities, causing a conflict of interest. 


At this point it is beyond clear that his ties to Russia go far beyond financial interests. Seeing his taxes may or may not help provide additional context about how he became compromised, but the evidence contained within wouldn't make or break my opinion.


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41 minutes ago, skinsfan_1215 said:

Personally, I no longer care about his taxes. I used to care mainly because of him possibly having financial ties to Russia or other foreign entities, causing a conflict of interest. 


At this point it is beyond clear that his ties to Russia go far beyond financial interests. Seeing his taxes may or may not help provide additional context about how he became compromised, but the evidence contained within wouldn't make or break my opinion.


My wife keeps hoping something will surface that will cause a change.  I've been trying to tell her it doesn't matter - GOP leadership can say "oh no!  That's terrible!" and then go right back to what they're doing.

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Wow. 2,268 more people in the last two hours.



1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

0.119% of US population.  


0.589% of Hillary voters.  Wow, we are over halfway to 1%.


You say you're a math teacher, but you tend to use irrelevant numbers to make arguments.  Closing on 4 times the number needed for a White House response. Besides, you said you were on board a few posts ago.  Did you forget to vote?



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2 hours ago, Dan T. said:

Wow. 2,268 more people in the last two hours.




You say you're a math teacher, but you tend to use irrelevant numbers to make arguments.  Closing on 4 times the number needed for a White House response. Besides, you said you were on board a few posts ago.  Did you forget to vote?



I believe the white house did respond.  They said no.  

And you must have missed the point of my earlier post.  There was a reason I linked the petition to indict Hillary with its 237,000 signatures.

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3 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:


or 150% of the votes cast in Wyoming..whose votes got to count (electorally) 1/18 of the amount of California's despite having 1/56th of the number of people voting. 


Cali could divide into more states to get even. :)

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