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Why are people not outraged over Trump not releasing his taxes!!!?


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3 minutes ago, Dan T. said:


I've contacted two reporters, one from the Washington Post and one from Buzz Feed, who recently wrote articles about the petition site.  We'll see if anything comes of it.


I hope there's some other explanation, because would there be anything more vile and, yes, fascist, than an administration purposefully screwing with the numbers of a web site established for citizens to petition their government?


Neither of the petitions about muzzling scientists ever registered more than a single vote.  I know they both have over 100 votes just from my circle of colleagues/friends.




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10 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


Neither of the petitions about muzzling scientists ever registered more than a single vote.  I know they both have over 100 votes just from my circle of colleagues/friends.




This is one of those times when there are so many things to be angry about that petitions like these get lost. 

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I'm on record as saying I don't give a crap about his taxes and that is still true.  But selectively playing with the petitions that don't match their narrative is huge to me.  It's what the action symbolizes that is huge.  I will also be calling reporters trying to convince them to report on this.

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6 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

I'm on record as saying I don't give a crap about his taxes and that is still true.  But selectively playing with the petitions that don't match their narrative is huge to me.  It's what the action symbolizes that is huge.  I will also be calling reporters trying to convince them to report on this.


As near as we scientists can figure, no petition after about the 23rd is registering votes beyond 1.  Some of the older ones were allowed to continue to register votes after that date, but nothing none of us knows of has gotten above the 1 vote count that was started after the 23rd.


I do not think they are selectively playing with petitions, other than by date started.  I think they left the general page up, but the vote tallying thing for newer petitions has been disabled (potentially accidentally).

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5 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


As near as we scientists can figure, no petition after about the 23rd is registering votes beyond 1.  Some of the older ones were allowed to continue to register votes after that date, but nothing none of us knows of has gotten above the 1 vote count that was started after the 23rd.


I do not think they are selectively playing with petitions, other than by date started.  I think they left the general page up, but the vote tallying thing for newer petitions has been disabled (potentially accidentally).

My understanding from reading this thread, and I could be wrong, is that petitions that he liked (lock up hillary) are still counting while ones he wouldn't like (release taxes) are not counting.  And none of the new petitions are counting. 


Is that not accurate?  If it is I would call that selectively playing with petitions.  If I'm wrong, which I admit is possible since I haven't done much of my own research, than this may not be as big a deal as I thought.

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14 minutes ago, PeterMP said:


As near as we scientists can figure, no petition after about the 23rd is registering votes beyond 1.  Some of the older ones were allowed to continue to register votes after that date, but nothing none of us knows of has gotten above the 1 vote count that was started after the 23rd.


I do not think they are selectively playing with petitions, other than by date started.  I think they left the general page up, but the vote tallying thing for newer petitions has been disabled (potentially accidentally).


"Investigate Hillary Clinton for crimes committed against the People and Government of the United States" was created on January 20, 2017.

"Immediately release Donald Trump's full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance." was created on January 20, 2017.


The numbers for the former continue to register.  The numbers for the latter do not.


Edit: The last line was true as of yesterday.  Now it appears all are frozen.


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51 minutes ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

My understanding from reading this thread, and I could be wrong, is that petitions that he liked (lock up hillary) are still counting while ones he wouldn't like (release taxes) are not counting.  And none of the new petitions are counting. 


Is that not accurate?  If it is I would call that selectively playing with petitions.  If I'm wrong, which I admit is possible since I haven't done much of my own research, than this may not be as big a deal as I thought.


The older ones did appear to being treated differently, which is why I said some (and not all) of the other older ones were continuing to register votes.  We did not look at it in enough detail to figure out a pro/anti-Trump appeal of the petitions (and realistically, I'm not sure based on the few petitions you really could).


The last line should have been worded better.  Sorry!

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On February 2, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Dan T. said:

Yep.  They shut it down.  Is there anything more democratic than petitioning your government?  Is there anything more facist than shutting those petitions down?


We The People indeed.


I'm not sure why they didn't just follow precedent and say a few words about the petition and then ignore it (or just ignore it entirely).


This isn't really directed at you or anybody in this thread in particular, but I'm reminded of this video, which I find funny:



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Numbers appear to be registering on all petitions again.  White House continues to claim it was a computer glitch.  Based on what I observed, I don't buy that.


Anyway, the march towards a half million, interrupted for days, now continues on the petition to release Trump's tax returns.



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lol...  it won't matter if every person in the States sign it.

the answer is, and shall always be

"**** you."


Peasants are ignored if they complain, and are only good for cannon fodder if they go along.

You cannot give a con man anything and ever expect him to do anything in return. Supporters of the Trumpenstein don't realize that they are the 'mark' in the relationship, and the ONLY thing that stops them from being ignored like every detractor will be is they simply get on board with whatever he tells them he's doing.


People demanding honesty and transparency out of Trump are wasting their time. You will never ever ever ever ever ever ever get it.




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7 minutes ago, Bang said:

lol...  it won't matter if every person in the States sign it.

the answer is, and shall always be

"**** you."


Peasants are ignored if they complain, and are only good for cannon fodder if they go along.

You cannot give a con man anything and ever expect him to do anything in return. Supporters of the Tumpenstein don't realize that they are the 'mark' in the relationship, and the ONLY thing that stops them from being ignored like every detractor will be is they simply get on board with whatever he tells them he's doing.


People demanding honesty and transparency out of Trump are wasting their time. You will never ever ever ever ever ever ever get it.





I absolutely agree with you.  My interest in following the growing numbers on the petition is just as a "**** you" to Trump and to Kelly Ann Conway and a  rebuttal to them for saying that "people don't care about his taxes."  They do, and this petition is one way of showing that.  If the results get under his orange skin even just a bit, it's worthwhile.

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1 hour ago, Dan T. said:

Numbers appear to be registering on all petitions again.  White House continues to claim it was a computer glitch.  Based on what I observed, I don't buy that.


Anyway, the march towards a half million, interrupted for days, now continues on the petition to release Trump's tax returns.




Older petitions that I know have more than one signature are still only registering 1 signature.  Just tried to (re-)sign one, and it still only one signature.

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1 hour ago, PeterMP said:


Older petitions that I know have more than one signature are still only registering 1 signature.  Just tried to (re-)sign one, and it still only one signature.


It strains credulity that a Website could function smoothly for several years and then, all of a sudden, just days after a new administration takes over, crash because of a recent spike in users.

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I signed it, but I'm with Bang. Cheeto Reaper in office won't do anything about it, even if it had 100M votes. There's a very good reason why he didn't/won't release his taxes. There's stuff in there he doesn't want people to see.


I think there are some lawsuits that were filed against him/the WH in order to get them released. That's probably the best bet at this stage, though I'm not sure about the legal precedent for forcing a President to release tax returns.

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