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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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Looking at online media and they are once again 100 percent complicit in covering for Trump. Ratings are all they care about. You’d think Trump didn’t lie constantly in his speech. Also, some real brain dead commentary. This idea that Democrats didn’t know this was going to be a fight for the Presidency is nuts. I don’t know a single complacent democrat. 

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10 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:


Literally her (Pelosi's) only accomplishment.


Seem to remember reading that the House has passed the federal budget, before the fiscal year ended (on October 1).  I'm under the impression that's unprecidented in modern times  (Skippy wont allow the Senate to vote on any of it, because he's waiting for the right time to stage a government shutdown threat, so he can attach demands to it.)  

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5 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

So this is how low we've sunk.  The Secretary of State of the United States of America is tweeting cartoon memes like some kind of Internet troll. 


The U.S. Secretary of State.


His boss is chief internet troll


All they do is perform for an audience of one. Dignity, humanity, and wellness of the country be damned

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1 minute ago, Dan T. said:

So this is how low we've sunk.  The Secretary of State of the United States of America is tweeting cartoon memes like some kind of Internet troll. 


The U.S. Secretary of State.


This was my thought as well...a goddamn US Secretary of State tweeting out cartoon memes to try to make fun of the House Speaker.


But it's true that the fish rots from the head down. The sort of standards you set for yourself and those under you as a leader sets the tone for how people will (or at least are expected to) operate and establishes a culture. If the standards a leader sets for himself are lying, cheating, and acting like a petulant child then that sort of **** will roll downhill. And now here we are.

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10 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

We don't need a third party.  We need system where there are multi-parties and where independents can be successful.


Also, need term limits for all branches of government.


10 hours ago, Destino said:

Some system of ranked voting is needed to give 3rd parties life.  Right now a vote for a third party helps the party you likely oppose the most.  


Keep remembering a Social Studies teacher telling me about a system called "proportional representation".  (I've mentioned it before in here.  All y'all who've heard it already, feel free to skip.)  


The way he described it might work would take advantage of the fact that the constitution specifies how to decide how many congressmen Florida gets.  but does not specify that they must be selected by dividing the state up into districts which elected winner-take-all representatives.  


Right now, Florida has 27 congressional districts.  


Under a proportional system, instead of having the D party nominate 27 candidates, one per district, the state Party would submit a list with 27 names on it.  The state makes a statewide vote, for the Party of their choice.  And if the Florida vote is, say, 51% R and 49% D, then the first 13 (49% of 27) names on the D list go to Washington, to represent Florida.  (And the first 14 names on the R list go).  


The advantage (well, one of the advantages) of a proportional system is that it makes it vastly easier for other parties to elect a representative.  For, say, the Libertarians to elect somebody, then instead of having to get 51% of the vote in District 11, all they have to do is to get 3% of the vote in Florida.  (2% might be good enough to get one guy elected.)  (And if the Libertarians can get 5% of the vote, then they get to send two people.)  


It also eliminates "safe seats".  No matter how R or D a state is, they're always close to gaining or losing one seat, if the vote makes a relatively small shift.  If Florida is 60% R, then instead f sending 27 Rs to Washington, they send 16.  If that 60% becomes 57$ or 62%, then they lose or gain a seat.


The instructor said that a system like this encourages a huge number of political parties.  You'd get a party of "We're just like the Republicans, but we like gun control."  And a "We're just like the Dems, but we're pro life."  


I think he said that England had a system like that, and their legislature had 23 political parties represented in it.  The ratio of "for/against" a proposal changes, depending on the proposal, as individual parties side with one side on one issue, and the other side on another.  And their legislature is all about building a coalition on each individual proposal.  


I could easily see the advantages of such a system.  



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To me the surprise GI coming home thing was a little weird. That surprise is so commonplace now that it's become a gimmick.  It's done all the time now on YouTube and at sporting events. Yeah, it is always nice for the family. But come on, at the State of the Union? Just manipulative sappiness.  But the weird part - the kids seemed to hardly care.  "Oh, there's daddy.  Ho hum."  Even the wife didn't seem all that thrilled.  I don't think it was quite the made-for-TV moment the Reality Star-in-Chief thought it was going to be.

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