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The Brexit Thread

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Pro-Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson is booed as he leaves his home in London, which voted against Brexit

4:42 AM



Cyclists block car carrying Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson, bang on vehicle and call the former mayor 'scum' - Sky News
4:46 AM




Senior Russian MP: Brexit a "personal failure of Barack Obama."
4:45 AM





Bloke on BBC who voted Out says he is shocked and didn't expect result or Cameron resignation, is now worried about uncertainty.
4:26 AM



@fiachkelly he looked terrified and said didn't think his vote would matter - astonishing
4:31 AM





Edited by visionary
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This will unfold out for a long time, but Russia seems to be taking a victory lap. 



President Trump or Prime Minister Boris, over the table, from Putin. 


Let that very real prospect sink in. Then go run screaming into the Hills. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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I cannot believe I'm agreeing with conservatives (again), but it sounds like the EU is totally undemocratic. Hard to blame the Brits for insisting on their sovereignty.

Why is it undemocratic? I thought members of the European Parliament was selected by direct vote from citizens of the member country?

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I'm also kind of tempted to tune into the Euro Cup now.  Wales is playing Northern Ireland (Brexit battle!) and I want to see the crowd reception the English team gets in France, that no doubt feels a bit rejected after this vote.  

We've got no other choice than to kick out England from the Euro ;)

I'm not sure about the welcome they'll get since they are more and more eurosceptics here and others who are just happy England is out. Those lousy european politicians need to get their act together, redo the EEC from scratch.

Keep the currency, build a strong economical union and let the countries decide about their own borders and lifestyles.


This is a geopolitical disaster. A clannish, divided Europe has always been a geopolitical disaster. And I can think of no better way to resuscitate Russian geopolitical dominance than for the EU to collapse.

Vladimir approves this message :P

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Well done England. Enjoy your new Chinese and Russian overlords



*The major port facing your homeland did the right thing and voted to remain for what it's worth. 



The Welsh amuse the living piss out of me. Deprived, they have received £2.5 billion in EU structural funds the last 6 years. Good luck getting that replaced from West Minister now idiots. 


Same as the farmers voting to leave ..... who's going to give you your subsides now? ..... Oh yeah. Right. That will come out of that £350 mill. we (never) have to save now ..... DOH!


The base stupidity of what SO many have done to themselves is just staggering. 



Edited by Gibbs Hog Heaven
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*The major port facing your homeland did the right thing and voted to remain for what it's worth. 



The Welsh amuse the living piss out of me. Deprived, they have received £2.5 billion in EU structural funds the last 6 years. Good luck getting that replaced from West Minister now idiots. 


Same as the farmers voting to leave ..... who's going to give you your subsides now? ..... Oh yeah. Right. That will come out of that £350 mill. we (never) have to save now ..... DOH!


The base stupidity of what SO many have done to themselves is just staggering. 




I don't pretend to know, all the ramifications of this vote.  I'll study up on it, before posting anything else, if at all.


For many of us, it's just a story on TV, that will barely have any affect on our day-to-day lives.  It's something that's happening to someone else, far away.    For you, it's real.  


I hope it works out for your, and your countrymen.

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Serious question- I presume hard borders will now go back up between Ireland and the North? What carnage that would be!


Same way as when the Scots leave the UK and remain in the EU. 



Since NIL voted to stay, what are the odds that they now vote to become a part of Ireland again? They have that right, correct?

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Doubt it. If anything, I think any meltdown and marginalization of the UK that comes from this will scare the stupidity out of our electorate.

I don't think fear has EVER scared the stupid out of our electorate.

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