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i09: Texting May Soon Be Allowed Inside America's Biggest Movie Theater Chain


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Texting May Soon Be Allowed Inside America's Biggest Movie Theater Chain


It’s come to this: texting may soon be allowed in movie theaters, according to the head of America’s biggest chain. It’s all part of a scheme to lure in younger audiences, which apparently would be worth the trade-off of angering anyone who actually wants to enjoy a movie without the distraction of little glowing screens everywhere.


Click on the link for the full article

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I think most people here can remember a time where they didn't have a cell phone.  Or if they did, it wasn't nearly as nice as the iPhone or Samsung they have now. 


There's literally a generation of kids out there that doesn't know what it's like to NOT have a cell phone.  While it's a way of life for practically everyone on the planet right now, it's most definitely a way of life for them.


Which makes stuff like this suck.  If you're anywhere less than...what, 22 years old?  You probably don't know any better.  I love being able to turn off my phone for two hours.  

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I can admit being on my phone during the day here at work and at night at home. I've said before that I have a love-hate relationship with technology. I love that you can be connected and get any information at any time. But I hate the obsession that people have with their devices. There is a time and place to be on your phone, but sadly people don't realize this. It's a me first selfish generation.

I guarantee you your heart will not stop beating if you put the phone away for an hour.

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I can admit being on my phone during the day here at work and at night at home. I've said before that I have a love-hate relationship with technology. I love that you can be connected and get any information at any time. But I hate the obsession that people have with their devices. There is a time and place to be on your phone, but sadly people don't realize this. It's a me first selfish generation.

I guarantee you your heart will not stop beating if you put the phone away for an hour.

Last week i accidently left my cell phone at home when i left in the morning. I thought...man...this day is going to suck. It was fine. It was actually good to not have it within my grasp.

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Last week i accidently left my cell phone at home when i left in the morning. I thought...man...this day is going to suck. It was fine. It was actually good to not have it within my grasp.

Occasionally I'll do that when I run up to the store. Sometimes I don't realize I left it at home, until I get back home. I survive. I did leave it at work on a Friday and got 1/4 the way down the road during rush hour and had to turn around.

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I can admit being on my phone during the day here at work and at night at home. I've said before that I have a love-hate relationship with technology. I love that you can be connected and get any information at any time. But I hate the obsession that people have with their devices. There is a time and place to be on your phone, but sadly people don't realize this. It's a me first selfish generation.

I guarantee you your heart will not stop beating if you put the phone away for an hour.


I remember going to South Africa and not having it on the entire time.  It was great.


When I was with the ex I'd go to her place and leave it in the car.  Wanted her to know that I was just focused on enjoying time with her, not my phone.  She liked that.


Also, it was good to leave it alone and nice to come back to any updates that were cool.  

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I remember going to South Africa and not having it on the entire time. It was great.

When I was with the ex I'd go to her place and leave it in the car. Wanted her to know that I was just focused on enjoying time with her, not my phone. She liked that.

Also, it was good to leave it alone and nice to come back to any updates that were cool.

Yeah. Going to Peru with my ex, I couldn't use it. Never sweated it.

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I remember going to South Africa and not having it on the entire time.  It was great.


My work is taking the whole company on a cruise in May. Internet access on the ship is like $20 a day. I won't pay for that. So I'll be phone free for a few days. Which will be nice. Maybe i can use that to reset some bad habits that have developed.

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Anyone remember the guy last year who shot somebody for texting during the movie...



Curtis Reeves. His trial keeps getting postponed.


It happened January 2014 and it was during the previews before the movie. And the shooter was a retired police captain who felt threatened because he got hit with popcorn after physically confronting someone who was texting their babysitter. And he shot the wife too but didn't kill her.


Insane that Florida's Stand Your Ground rule could be invoked in the case but I think that's what the douche is doing.  

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I go to the theater because I want an immersive experience that is free from distractions.  I have a nice TV at home with a decent surround sound system, but it still is nothing like a movie theater experience.


It seems like to a lot of people, it simply isn't that way for them and going to the movie theater is just any old other means of watching a movie.

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From the original interview. 






Would appealing to millennials involve allowing texting or cellphone use?

Yes. When you tell a 22-year-old to turn off the phone, don’t ruin the movie, they hear please cut off your left arm above the elbow. You can’t tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone. That’s not how they live their life.

At the same time, though, we’re going to have to figure out a way to do it that doesn’t disturb today’s audiences. There’s a reason there are ads up there saying turn off your phone, because today’s moviegoer doesn’t want somebody sitting next to them texting or having their phone on.

Would you have a certain section for texting?

That’s one possibility. What may be more likely is we take specific auditoriums and make them more texting friendly.



Okay. Now I'll bypass the rant on being without phone for a few hours,(in my case sometimes days if my wife and I are camping in areas with little to no coverage),and go with that second quote. That would be a good way to start this experiment. Designate one auditorium for texting the other no texting and see how attendance goes.  Not a bad way to start and as the man has clearly thought of,a possible way to appease and appeal to a broader audience,(though I do believe it's a sad commentary that it has come to that). 

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This is something i don't care about. The way theaters are designed anymore i  can barely tell there's other people in the place, much less see all their little phones.


to be honest, i'd much rather theaters said "we don't care if you text, but no children under 3 in movies over a G rating.."
Infinitely more distracting when folks don't get that we don't want to hear your baby crying during the movie, or watch your 2 yr old run up and down the steps because he can't sit still for a couple hours. You made this choice, so get a sitter if you absolutely have to go to the movies.



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I'm sure this won't cause any problems in the theaters.  Folks on their phones all the time isn't a recipe for disaster at all.  Just another well thought out rule that for sure will make the in-theater experience that much more 'fun'.

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