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Scot McCloughan Q&A: The Philosophy and Tools of a Successful NFL GM


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"SM: You can’t and you shouldn’t if you do enough work. Everybody said Brandon Scherff was taken too high, he’s a guard now and he’s the fifth pick in the draft. I said, ‘Are you kidding me?’ He played every snap in the season but one. The only reason he missed one is because his shoe fell off and to this day he yells at me about it. That’s the only snap he missed all year. He would have played the whole season, every snap. He’s not the most flashy guy, he’s not the prettiest guy, but he’s a football player and that’s what I’m talking about with a red. Now, he might be a blue in two years, three years, who knows. But right now he’s a red. He’s a core guy and, all of sudden, guys walk in next year and see him, they’ll be like, ‘OK, that’s how we act. That’s how we lift weights, that’s how we condition, that’s how we go to meetings, that’s how we practice.’ Guys walk in and they’re scared of him. Trent Williams is scared of him and he’s a Pro Bowler. Trent said, ‘I don’t want to mess with that guy.’ And (Scherff) is a rookie, but that’s what starts building a culture. He’s a red. You wait and see who we take at 21 in the draft this year. He’s a red."







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Thanks for posting!


Some really interesting quotes in there.  This one was interesting to me, too. 


B/R: Do you talk to other people primarily?

SM: No, it has to be him. I interview him. Obviously the college scouts and the pro scouts play a big roles finding out information. There’s a lot that goes into it because I will never talk to another team about a player.


This one will give you insight into why players love him.


B/R: Guys like Frank Gore are like that?

SM: Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard the story, but I talked to him the night before the draft (in 2005). I’m a Mike Nolan’s house, eating dinner. My family hasn’t moved out yet and I get a call from an agent asking me, ‘Hey, do you mind talking to Frank.’ No, not a problem. I love Frank, I’ve watched him the last three years. As a true freshman, I watched him beat out (Clinton) Portis and (Willis) McGahee. So he calls me and I can’t understand a word he’s saying, not a word. He’s emotional and I finally get down to it. He asks me, ‘Will you draft me?’ I said, ‘We have the first pick in the third round. If you’re there, we’re taking you. I promise you.’ He said, ‘I’m going in the first, I’ve already talked to three teams. Four teams said they’ll take me in the second.’ I said, ‘Look, I’m being honest with you, if you’re there with the first pick in the third round, I’m taking you.’ So we take him and he comes to the building. He walks by all the coaches and everybody else and he says, ‘I want to know where Scot McCloughan’s office is?’ He comes in, gives me a hug and starts crying. He said, ‘You’re the only one who was honest with me.’ You start getting that type of credibility, because they all talk to each other. In free agency they’re going to call around. They’ll call Frank and say, ‘Hey, this Scot McCloughan guy, is he a good guy? Has he lied to you?’ To this day, even five years later, we still talk. It’s like Anquan Boldin. I was at his first game as a freshman at Florida State. He was the high school quarterback of the year in Florida. The high school basketball player of the year in Florida. He comes in and I’m watching Laverunues Coles and Peter Warrick. I saw him come in and his first two catches are for touchdowns. OK, he’s on my radar now (laughs).

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Talking of GM's, or future GM's in waiting and their thoughts, I was very interested to read the Ravens #2 DeCosta saying he studies every mock draft he can get his hands on to try see trends/ who wants who/ where guys are predicted to go. 


Wouldn't of thought that would of played a part in the process. 



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Talking of GM's, or future GM's in waiting and their thoughts, I was very interested to read the Ravens #2 DeCosta saying he studies every mock draft he can get his hands on to try see trends/ who wants who/ where guys are predicted to go. 


Wouldn't of thought that would of played a part in the process. 




I know a lot, if not most of them do.


The bigger heads like McShay and Kiper actually get their early mocks together by talking to front office types and GMs around the league.


The middle teir mockers, like your Daniel Jeramiah's and the like, used to be NFL scouts.


Then you have the bloggers, a lot of whom (especially the ones we have here) are really talented and just need a shot. 


Some of them have day jobs, and thankfully are able to keep them. :lol:

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SM: ...You wait and see who we take at 21 in the draft this year. He’s a red.


B/R: You already know who it’s going to be.

SM: (smiling) Yeah, I think. Hopefully he’s not gone. But I’m adding the same kind of guy. Toughness, smarts, competitiveness, team. The whole thing.





Well now, I sure hope he gets his guy.  This could mean we won't be trading down if he's there, or it could mean nothing. :lol:

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Excellent article!


"You wait and see who we draft at 21..." makes me think he has someone in mind who a LOT of people will be surprised about in Round 1. Michael Thomas and Karl Joseph were the two names that instantly came to mind - among others. Thomas wouldn't be a shock in round 1, but I'm pretty sure most people would say Joseph would be. Maybe Kelly or even Whitehair?


Who knows though.  :lol: Could be anyone or just a bunch of talk... 


Cant' wait for the 28th!

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Sounds like its someone who he would be happy to take at 21 if no offers come in, but is hoping to trade down a few slots for and thinks will still be there.  So someone who is projected at borderline 1st/2nd round but who fits his mindset, making him more valuable to OUR franchise than maybe what his draft day projection would be in a complete vaccuum.

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"You wait and see who we draft at 21..." makes me think he has someone in mind who a LOT of people will be surprised about in Round 1. Michael Thomas and Karl Joseph were the two names that instantly came to mind. Thomas wouldn't be a shock in round 1, but I'm pretty sure most people would say Joseph would be. 


Who knows though.  :lol: Could be anyone or just a bunch of talk... 


Cant' wait for the 28th!

Yeah, right?  He seems himself to be excited about the possibility of this player being on the board when they come to pick (I am sure he believes there is a good shot of that happening).  That gets ME excited about whoever we are going to draft!  


It is weird that when we make draft picks now I won't be second-guessing them and trying to read up as much as I can to see if they fit as a good draft pick; after last years draft I can honestly trust in SM.

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It's obvious to me that he is talking about Mackensie Alexander. :)

The bits about Scherff were awesome. One of the best interviews that I've read on here in a long time. Some really good football talk and insight in there, so I'll be surprised if this thread cracks 3 pages. Great read.

Hopefully that shuts up some of our fans and others that poo-pooed the Scherff pick at 5 because he was a "guard."

Everybody thinks they are a Kiper/McShay. Scot wanted football players; maulers; mean and nasty. Scherff was a great pick.

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This quote is an incredibly important one for the future of our Team. You have to love the future as a Skins fan!:


M: No, because starting with Ron Wolf in 2004 and being with Ted Thompson for so many years, it’s a tool I like to use because you can address needs prior to the draft, but it’s not a long-term solution. I want to draft well and identify the guys are Redskins, not just as players but as people. Take care of them, and then you start a culture on the practice field, in the meeting rooms, in the film sessions. You get guys saying, "Hey, if we do this right, they just took care of him, and they took care of him because he does it right." He’s here every day, he’s smart, he’s working his tail off. It’s all about the Redskins. It’s about passion. It’s about football. And that’s when you start hitting on guys. Those red guys, those core guys, you start hitting on them.

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Great read, wow.

Everything we've suffered under Snyder will have been worth it if Scott succeeds here. Because succeeding Scot's way can change the entire course of this franchise's future under Snyder, redefining what is "normal" and how the Redskins FO conducts itself.

Snyder is still young--we NEED Scot to become one of those figures that he idolizes and emulates.

Now, Scot is young as well...but what he's doing here could last a lot longer than his tenure, if we're lucky.

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