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Scot McCloughan Q&A: The Philosophy and Tools of a Successful NFL GM


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I've been around long enough, which is great because I've made a lot of mistakes, and I've learned from them...........

That is the part that i think we benefit from most. I do believe we have this guy at a great time in his career. Lets be honest, some of his draft history is a mixed bag, I guess most are, but I do reckon he's learned from his mistakes and hopefully we are going to cash in right now.

That's interview is full of great pieces, the references to Garcon and Galette are very telling in terms of the way he views veteran players.

The draft talk is just great. He said right back at the start of his tenure here about the roster being built on players 5 through 35. He talks about them in here, the red guys on the team. There's always lots of talk about BPA and need prior to the draft. What we have here is a guy that just wants to stockpile good footballers.

He knows the importance of picking guys early on who he just knows are going to stick. Maybe not necessarily what we the fan base would view as pure BPA. The Scherff pick is the perfect example and he nailed it. I'm willing to bet that is the area where he's probably become a bit smarter in his drafting analysis, in that his rating of BPA has changed as he's learned his trade over the years.

Hopefully that results in more hits than misses. Great, great interview.

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That really was a great interview. I have been fascinated by Scot since his hiring and even more fascinated by gaining more and more insight as to how his brain works in relation to team-building. This IS the GM that I have been screaming for from the mountain tops since Snyder took over this team and I realized that his methods could never develop a consistent winner.


Look, Snyder isn't going anywhere and the team IS his. So short of an accident or fatal illness, plan B is for him to hire a GM who can save this franchise from himself...and to Snyder's credit, he has finally done that.

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That was a great article. After the 2014 season, I said the Skins need to hire the best scouts/GM money can buy, and draft o-line in the 1st no matter what. Fortunately, they did exactly that.

I just wonder if McCloughan prefers to build a team from scratch, or prefers to build upon what he has built. I want McCloughan here for the rest of his career. No matter what. McCloughan has his players backs, Snyder needs to have McCloughan's back.

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Look, Snyder isn't going anywhere and the team IS his. So short of an accident or fatal illness, plan B is for him to hire a GM who can save this franchise from himself...and to Snyder's credit, he has finally done that.

Yeah, hiring a qualified, talented GM with an incredible eye for spotting talent and an understanding of how to build a team up for long term success should be Plan A...not Snyder selling the team or dying lol...

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I trust McCloughan 100%.   Just looking at how important our 2015 draft picks were last season is huge.  


Just listened to Jason Cole interview with Al Gadli in which Cole says McCloughan met with Snyder last year during training camp in 4 to 5 hour meeting where McCloughan made the case that Cousins should be the starter.  Why is it even necessary for McCloughan to have that meeting?   What am I missing?   The conventional wisdom is that Snyder is not meddling anymore and letting McCloughan do his thing, but if so then why does McCloughan need to convince Snyder at all?    The fact that our own has any say (or even speaks with the GM about roster decisions) really bothers me.     Not to mention the awful decision to pick up RGIII's option, which made him untradeable and cost us a roster spot all season.

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I trust McCloughan 100%.   Just looking at how important our 2015 draft picks were last season is huge.  


Just listened to Jason Cole interview with Al Gadli in which Cole says McCloughan met with Snyder last year during training camp in 4 to 5 hour meeting where McCloughan made the case that Cousins should be the starter.  Why is it even necessary for McCloughan to have that meeting?   What am I missing?   The conventional wisdom is that Snyder is not meddling anymore and letting McCloughan do his thing, but if so then why does McCloughan need to convince Snyder at all?    The fact that our own has any say (or even speaks with the GM about roster decisions) really bothers me.     Not to mention the awful decision to pick up RGIII's option, which made him untradeable and cost us a roster spot all season.

I think RG3 is/was the last bastion of meddlesome Snyder that existed. Now its officially done with and over.


I can understand Snyder wanting to see RG3 given one more chance given all that was invested in him, but I'm glad he was ultimately smart enough to listen to McC's judgment.

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Yeah, hiring a qualified, talented GM with an incredible eye for spotting talent and an understanding of how to build a team up for long term success should be Plan A...not Snyder selling the team or dying lol...


I guess that came off a little harsh, huh? Lol

After years of Snyder's meddling and hiring unqualified golf-buddies and PR-Reps as defacto GMs, I guess I got to a point where I had zero faith Snyder would ever wake up and realize he needed to get out of his own way and hire a competent football mind like McGloughan to run this team.

Before McGloughan, watching Snyder run this team just felt like watching a drunk stumble out of a bar, get into a car and drive off...you knew things would eventually end badly.

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I guess that came off a little harsh, huh? Lol

Only slightly lol...


After years of Snyder's meddling and hiring unqualified golf-buddies and PR-Reps as defacto GMs, I guess I got to a point where I had zero faith Snyder would ever wake up and realize he needed to get out of his own way and hire a competent football mind like McGloughan to run this team.

Before McGloughan, watching Snyder run this team just felt like watching a drunk stumble out of a bar, get into a car and drive off...you knew things would eventually end badly.


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I think RG3 is/was the last bastion of meddlesome Snyder that existed. Now its officially done with and over.


I can understand Snyder wanting to see RG3 given one more chance given all that was invested in him, but I'm glad he was ultimately smart enough to listen to McC's judgment.


I hope you're right.   But why would it end now?   I thought it was officially done with and over years ago, first when Shanahan was hired.  Then one decision after another that didn't make any sense, and you realize the narrative you hoped was true (that Snyder was 100% done meddling) just isn't.  With Shanahan, it was the McNabb trade that didn't add up.  Smells of Snyder's involvement, all the while I thought Shanahan had full personnel control?  


I know McCloughan is a 100% no-nonsense guy who isn't going to put up with that stuff.  But then why is he having to convince the owner in a 4-hour meeting that Cousins is a better option than RGIII?!?  It really bothers me.  And it makes me question the whole narrative that McCloughan has full personnel control.   I think the impact of RGIII's contract option has not been discussed enough.  Made him untradeable.  And he's sitting on our roster in November when we really could've used it on a backup TE or special teams guy.   Why is the owner making that decision (probably through Bruce Allen his proxy)? 

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I hope you're right.   But why would it end now?   I thought it was officially done with and over years ago, first when Shanahan was hired.  Then one decision after another that didn't make any sense, and you realize the narrative you hoped was true (that Snyder was 100% done meddling) just isn't.  With Shanahan, it was the McNabb trade that didn't add up.  Smells of Snyder's involvement, all the while I thought Shanahan had full personnel control?  


I know McCloughan is a 100% no-nonsense guy who isn't going to put up with that stuff.  But then why is he having to convince the owner in a 4-hour meeting that Cousins is a better option than RGIII?!?  It really bothers me.  And it makes me question the whole narrative that McCloughan has full personnel control.   I think the impact of RGIII's contract option has not been discussed enough.  Made him untradeable.  And he's sitting on our roster in November when we really could've used it on a backup TE or special teams guy.   Why is the owner making that decision (probably through Bruce Allen his proxy)? 

McC does have full personnel control. I just think RG3 was the last thread. It was a unique(if that's the right word)circumstance.

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Still thinking back to when it was announced we hired him as our GM. I remember reading an article ESPN had put out like a month earlier, talking about his scouting firm and how he was recovering from being a sever alcoholic. I remembered thinking it would be nice if he could be our GM. Three weeks later BAM!!! He was our GM.


Don't know if we'll win Super Bowls or not, but I know that I want that man leading this team. As long as he's in charge, I'll know we'll always be competing hard.

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McC does have full personnel control. I just think RG3 was the last thread. It was a unique(if that's the right word)circumstance.


Shanahan also had full personnel control. Snyder hasn't been dictating much at all in years, regardless of the media template. If he was, Griffin never would have been benched in 2013 or 2014. Shanahan even said as much, that he only went to Snyder when deciding to Bench RG3 in 2013 because he felt that with the large investment into Griffin that the franchise made, it was a respectful gesture for him to go to Snyder and tell him his plans. He said Snyder told him he wouldn't interfere and that he was the coach.


Hell, Snyder couldn't even dictate uniform choices lol...Allen vetoed that.

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Shanahan also had full personnel control. Snyder hasn't been dictating much at all in years, regardless of the media template. If he was, Griffin never would have been benched in 2013 or 2014. Shanahan even said as much, that he only went to Snyder when deciding to Bench RG3 in 2013 because he felt that with the large investment into Griffin that the franchise made, it was a respectful gesture for him to go to Snyder and tell him his plans. He said Snyder told him he wouldn't interfere and that he was the coach.


Hell, Snyder couldn't even dictate uniform choices lol...Allen vetoed that.


If McCloughan has full personnel control, then why did he need to meet with Snyder for 4-5 hours as reported by Jason Cole to make his case for Cousins?   Clearly, Snyder has stepped away significantly since hiring Shanahan.   But I want him out of these decisions completely.  


"Snyder hasn't been dictating MUCH at all in years."  (emphasis added.)   Not dictating "much" is still more than zero.  The margins between success and losing in the NFL can be tiny.   Not dictating "much" means we can't sign a much needed special teams guy or back-up linebacker in late November because RGIII has a roster spot.  Not dictating "much" means we lose out on a 6th round draft pick (speculating here, obviously) because RGIII's contract renders him untradeable.  Texans and Browns may have traded him mid-round pick to us mid-season, who knows.   6th round pick could turn into another Alfred Morris. (speculating here again, I know).   When you've got a decision like this made by the wrong people, it can have real impacts down the line.  

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If McCloughan has full personnel control, then why did he need to meet with Snyder for 4-5 hours as reported by Jason Cole to make his case for Cousins?   Clearly, Snyder has stepped away significantly since hiring Shanahan.   But I want him out of these decisions completely.

My guess would be, he didn't.

That whole "Scot M had to meet with Snyder for hours and hours" tidbit came out last year...PFT/Florio had their own sources who said that never happened (the 4-5 hours part anyway). Not sure why Cole is acting like he has some sort of insider info on this.

Not to mention, I wouldn't trust Cole and his "sources" as far as I could throw them lol...He has ****ed up badly in the past with stories leaked to him from "sources"--I've mentioned before that he completely, totally blew the "BountyGate ledger" story that he said his source sent to him. Nothing he said his source was telling him matched with reality or with the games themselves--he got names wrong, games wrong, injuries wrong lol...it was pathetic. Then he said his sources contacted him and said they read the ledger wrong, and he corrected his earlier article. Guess what...he got THAT completely wrong, too lol...his "source" leaked a correction to their earlier leak, and got that corrected leak just as wrong as the first leak lol....And it's not the only time he's screwed the pooch with his "sources". He holds no validity in my eyes...he could say it was raining outside and I'd roll my eyes.


"Snyder hasn't been dictating MUCH at all in years."  (emphasis added.)   Not dictating "much" is still more than zero.  The margins between success and losing in the NFL can be tiny.   Not dictating "much" means we can't sign a much needed special teams guy or back-up linebacker in late November because RGIII has a roster spot.  Not dictating "much" means we lose out on a 6th round draft pick (speculating here, obviously) because RGIII's contract renders him untradeable.  Texans and Browns may have traded him mid-round pick to us mid-season, who knows.   6th round pick could turn into another Alfred Morris. (speculating here again, I know).   When you've got a decision like this made by the wrong people, it can have real impacts down the line.

Every owner dictates to some degree. Every. Single. One. What they dictate is what's important.


And for some reason you have just jumped right to the conclusion that Snyder's "dictating" leading to not signing players we need (you do at least acknowledge you're just speculating lol)...


The fact is, there is a LOT of direct factual evidence that Snyder isn't interfering, meddling or dictating like some fans are still assuming he is. Much of it is either unknown or just ignored.

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I got news for some of you guys...EVERY owner has a say (or is at least involved in the process...being informed of at a minimum) in "big money moves".  When RGIII's 16 mil option was picked up...they (GMSM & Allen) notified (at a minimum) Dan.  When they decided to bench that same player...guess what...they notified Dan.


Should that meeting have been longer than 15 minutes...I don't think so but let's take baby steps here boys. 

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I got news for some of you guys...EVERY owner has a say (or is at least involved in the process...being informed of at a minimum) in "big money moves". When RGIII's 16 mil option was picked up...they (GMSM & Allen) notified (at a minimum) Dan. When they decided to bench that same player...guess what...they notified Dan.

Should that meeting have been longer than 15 minutes...I don't think so but let's take baby steps here boys.


A well functioning organization communicates internally

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I got news for some of you guys...EVERY owner has a say (or is at least involved in the process...being informed of at a minimum) in "big money moves". When RGIII's 16 mil option was picked up...they (GMSM & Allen) notified (at a minimum) Dan. When they decided to bench that same player...guess what...they notified Dan.

Should that meeting have been longer than 15 minutes...I don't think so but let's take baby steps here boys.

For all we know it was a 15 minute conversation and they spent the other hours talking about life or game of thrones or whatever else is related to building the team.

But that's not as good of a story as McC in a screaming match fight to the death with Snyder over whether Griffin gets benched

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I trust McCloughan 100%. Just looking at how important our 2015 draft picks were last season is huge.

Just listened to Jason Cole interview with Al Gadli in which Cole says McCloughan met with Snyder last year during training camp in 4 to 5 hour meeting where McCloughan made the case that Cousins should be the starter. Why is it even necessary for McCloughan to have that meeting? What am I missing? The conventional wisdom is that Snyder is not meddling anymore and letting McCloughan do his thing, but if so then why does McCloughan need to convince Snyder at all? The fact that our own has any say (or even speaks with the GM about roster decisions) really bothers me. Not to mention the awful decision to pick up RGIII's option, which made him untradeable and cost us a roster spot all season.

Why would that surprise you? Let's take the 4 to 5 hour thing with a pinch of salt mind you.

However consider what this franchise had invested in Griffin in terms of draft picks and financially. Now the decision is made to go in a different direction. If it was YOUR team would you be happy with a quick 'Oh by the way' text as an FYI? In any organization I've worked with a major decision like that is going to get talked about at the highest level and the owner is entitled to want a full briefing.

This would only be news if the result of that meeting was the GM and HC being overruled.

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Why would that surprise you? Let's take the 4 to 5 hour thing with a pinch of salt mind you.

Or let's take a few hours to sit down, because we're parking Mr 16mil on the bench. Here's all of his tape so I can go over it with you to show you the justification.
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Whoa, whoa, whoa, you mean to tell me that an owner needs to know if a decision is going to be made that could impact his company financially (at least in the short-term) and will definitely dominate news headlines for a while? ZOMG!


I swear, the hand-wringing over any sort of Snyder involvement at this point is ridiculous. We are heading in the right direction, so however he is involved it clearly hasn't impacted things negatively. He's not involved in day-to-day operations, but as owner he's still need-to-know and benching RG3 was obviously need-to-know.


It's a good thing that meeting was held. Much more productive for the owner-GM relationship.


So many good parts in there from Scot, and that meeting is what gets the focus? Really? And some wonder why ComPost is reporting on the Browns.

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Meeting Snyder to tell him what you're doing is fine. He's the owner, so he must be informed. That's just normal in business.

Thinking that having full control of the roster means that the owner will be pleased with learning important news from his team from Twitter or any other media is asking to get fired.

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Just a reminder of what else was said last year about the lengthy meeting between Scot and Snyder:



"As one source explained it to PFT, everyone in Washington is on the same page regarding the roles and responsibilities. G.M. Scot McCloughan is in charge of the roster, which soon will be at 53, and coach Jay Gruden decides who will play.


Reports of a two-hour meeting between Snyder and McCloughan may have pushed the needle in the direction of a disagreement between McCloughan/Gruden and Snyder, but a source with knowledge of the situation told PFT that the meeting was focused on sorting out exactly what happened with Griffin being cleared to play after suffering a concussion and then not being cleared to play."




And just to be clear, this has little-to-nothing to do with Griffin, and has everything to do with the dynamic between Scot M and Dan Snyder, which I've perceived from the beginning as respectful and complimentary in both directions. I haven't seen any evidence so far that says otherwise. And, no, Jason Cole's questionable "sourced" info 9 months after the fact that turns a 2-hour meeting into a 4-5 hour meeting going over all the various ways in which Griffin sucks does not count as "evidence" lol...

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