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Went to see Solo last night, I had low expectations going into it. I was blown away by how much I loved it, I thought it was great. One of the important aspects of it was that it FELT like Star Wars, I didn't get that feeling from the Last Jedi. Anyone who hasn't seen it should go see it, was really great.

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27 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:



Kylo has shown he can paralyze people. Why wouldn't he just freeze Finn, Rey, Han or anyone in a 1v1 fight he had and then kill them while they can't move? He doesn't use his powers in that way and nobody else does either because it's a Star Wars movie and we need to have epic lightsaber fights. That is what I mean by it being a movie conceit. I agree that ideally, you want your plot to correctly line up with the characters and their abilities logically. That doesn't always happen. We see this in Marvel movies too. 

couldn't they just keep Force pushing the buttons on the opponent's lightsaber to turn it off during battle?



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1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


But he is still strong enough to fatally wound Vader after a few seconds of force lightning. Maybe that speaks more to Vader being weak at that point since Luke took more and was ok.


It isn't at all clear if Vader was actually fatally wounded vs. his suit was just immobilized and Luke was to weak to carry Vader in the suit out before the Death Star was destroyed.  Vader doesn't say I'm dying, he says, "Nothing can stop that now."  That could be that they aren't going to make it off the Death Star together before it blows up, he'll be executed for crimes against the galaxy if he does live, that his suit is malfunctioning because of the electricity and he can't live without the suit functioning properly, or he was actually fatally wounded by the Emperors lighting.  We don't know.


He dies because Luke takes his mask off.


In some sense, Vader's suit was clearly a weakness and frying it with electricity would negatively impact its function and his ability to live and function.

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1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


The only miss we are shown is the moment of his death. But we are also shown in both TFA and TLJ that Kylo is more skilled in the force than anyone has shown to be in any of the movies previously. So i don't think it's difficult to believe he was able to hide his intentions from Snoke or that he was even stronger than Snoke had imagined. 


I am stating that in any movie, if we have to use explanations from the creators after the fact, it is bad writing. There is no other way. However, I think the movies give reasons for all of those instances we discussed previously that are better than "the force wills it" which to me, basically ruins Star Wars


We don't really see that he's more skilled.  He has issues beating Rey who has no light saber training.


He doesn't easily beat Snoke's guards.


Even after killing Han, he's got like 10 seconds and a Chewbecca roar to either stop or deflect his bow caster shot.


And most important with respect to Snoke, he doesn't know that Snoke was the person that created the connection between him and Rey.  He's being manipulated by Snoke (through the force) and doesn't know it.  To then claim he's more powerful then Snoke, makes no sense.


He's only powerful if you ignore the things he can't do.  If we do that, it would be equally valid to say that Yoda is the most powerful Jedi ever, if we ignore the fact that he can't beat the Emperor, which we can ignore because it necessary for the movie.


How does Leia live?


(And your reasons are hodge podge of conflicting ideas that don't make much sense.  He doesn't beat Rey easily because he's bleeding out, but he's also not taking it seriously (though, he's very close to death and on a planet that is falling apart around him).)


The interview is after the fact, but his working with Disney is well before the fact.  That's likely been part of the story from the start.

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1 hour ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I agree that ideally, you want your plot to correctly line up with the characters and their abilities logically. That doesn't always happen. We see this in Marvel movies too. 


Okay, it happens rarely in Marvel comics (to essentially not at all), especially not the good ones.  Just off the top of my head, you don't see any of that in Black Panther.

(I haven't seen Infinity Wars, but from what I've read here, it seems like there is some.)


It is all over the place in these 2 movies.

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2 hours ago, PeterMP said:

It isn't at all clear if Vader was actually fatally wounded vs. his suit was just immobilized and Luke was to weak to carry Vader in the suit out before the Death Star was destroyed.

He does get the suit off the death Star. They burn it in that funeral pyre at the end.


That would’ve been a good scene though.


Luke: Youre going to die. I’m gonna take off your mask.


Vader: My suits just immobilized. Just carry me out of here.


Luke: Sorry. Too heavy.


Vader: Mother****er! You lift X-wings out of swamps and you can’t carry my ass 50 yards?


Luke: I made out with your daughter.


Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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1 hour ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

He does get the suit off the death Star. They burn it in that funeral pyre at the end.


That would’ve been a good scene though.


Luke: Youre going to die. I’m gonna take off your mask.


Vader: My suits just immobilized. Just carry me out of here.


Luke: Sorry. Too heavy.


Vader: Mother****er! You lift X-wings out of swamps and you can’t carry my ass 50 yards?


Luke: I made out with your daughter.



It is just the empty armor though.  Luke has also been weakened by the Emperor's lightning.

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5 hours ago, PeterMP said:

And your reasons are hodge podge of conflicting ideas that don't make much sense.  He doesn't beat Rey easily because he's bleeding out, but he's also not taking it seriously (though, he's very close to death and on a planet that is falling apart around him).)


Not really a hodge podge just everything shown to make sense but like I said most of all, he doesn’t want to kill her. If 100% healthy, motivated and wanting to kill her, he does. 

5 hours ago, PeterMP said:

We don't really see that he's more skilled.  He has issues beating Rey who has no light saber training.


Maybe I didn’t word that correctly I meant that he was shown to have more force skills than anyone else has shown to have. He stops and holds a blaster shot mid air for like 5 minutes while not even focusing on it. Can read peoples minds. Has strong telekinesis. Can paralyze anyone. Has force sensitivity to sense people and events 


No other force user has shown to have all of those abilities in the movies. It’s not a stretch to think he can trick Snoke whom we know nothing about 


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5 hours ago, PeterMP said:

He's being manipulated by Snoke (through the force) and doesn't know it.  To then claim he's more powerful then Snoke, makes no sense.


One of the problems with these movies is that the force is never really explained so we have to make stuff up like this. We don’t know that just because Kylo didn’t detect Snoke here that Kylo couldn’t keep his feelings from Snoke at any other point. 


Snoke set it up and didn’t realize how much it would impact Kylo bonding with Rey. He thought Kylo was angry at Rey for beating him and would bring her to snoke to die. He didn’t expect Kylo to develop a bond with her so he wasn’t looking for him to turn. This was the guy that pulled Kylo from Luke Skywalker and got him to kill his own father. Why would he worry about some random girl? So Snoke has his guard down and didn’t see Kylo’s turn. It’s all right there and makes far more sense than “the force wills it.” Its not hard to follow or believe 


i get that’s what the director or whoever said. But to me, that’s just a cop out to explain it for people complaining about things they missed in the movie. 

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9 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


Not really a hodge podge just everything shown to make sense but like I said most of all, he doesn’t want to kill her. If 100% healthy, motivated and wanting to kill her, he does. 


Maybe I didn’t word that correctly I meant that he was shown to have more force skills than anyone else has shown to have. He stops and holds a blaster shot mid air for like 5 minutes while not even focusing on it. Can read peoples minds. Has strong telekinesis. Can paralyze anyone. Has force sensitivity to sense people and events 


No other force user has shown to have all of those abilities in the movies. It’s not a stretch to think he can trick Snoke whom we know nothing about 


It is a hodge podge that together doesn't make much sense, and it isn't like he even didn't not kill her.  Vader didn't kill Luke in their first meeting (because he was trying to recruit him), but the battle wasn't really even close.  Kylo Ren really gets beaten by her.  How do you get into a fight when you are badly injured and the planet it is falling apart around, and not take it seriously enough that you get beaten?


Okay, but that doesn't mean he's the most skilled.  There are plenty of force powers that other people have used, including Snoke, that we haven't seen Kylo Ren use.  He doesn't even seem to understand the connection Snoke has made between him and Rey.  He can't make it himself to her, much less connect two other people without them knowing it.


(He's also not shown the ability to use force lighting or deflect it (Yoda and the Emperor), project himself over long distances (Luke in these movies), Vader doesn't stop blaster blots, he simple absorbs them or whatever he does to Han's shots or deflects them back at the person that shot them.).


We know enough about Snoke that he was able to turn him to the dark side under Luke's nose, and we know that he's able to do things that Kylo Ren doesn't even understand or realize that can be done.


And you are still ignoring all the things that Kylo Ren doesn't do.

9 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

i get that’s what the director or whoever said. But to me, that’s just a cop out to explain it for people complaining about things they missed in the movie. 


But it isn't a cop out to explain it for people complaining about things they have missed.  It is the foundation of their story, and rather than accept it, you have to make things up that don't make any sense (that Kylo Ren is the most skilled user of the force that we've ever seen because we've seen him do things with the force that nobody else has done, while there are things that we've seen done that Kylo Ren hasn't shown the ability to do.)


I mean heck, with Luke as a vision projecting himself from the other side of the galaxy, he can't even force Luke to use his light saber much less touch him.  He gets beaten by somebody that has essentially no training with the force and has his handsful with a bunch of guys that can't use the force.


He's the worse Jedi we've ever seen use a light saber.  He's worse than Obi-Wan and Anikan as apprentices.)


You are claiming it is a cop out, but you don't have any evidence for it.


And I'll ask again, how did Leia live?


(Because the force willed it (or are you going to claim that Leia is the most skilled Jedi ever because she did something we've never seen a Jedi do in the movies before?) Survive the vacuum and freezing temperatures of deep space and pull herself back into a ship from which she'd be blown away from.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank the stars. Not a fan of the planned sequels. Rogue One was great because it died so closely to ANH. 


Solo, Kenobi, Boba and all the others are just not needed. I liked Solo but it felt inconsequential. And I really didn't need to see that he is one degree of separation from Maul. In a galaxy of billions and billions of people, the fact that the same 15 characters are always running into each other over a 40+ year period is just dumb

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2 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Thank the stars. Not a fan of the planned sequels. Rogue One was great because it died so closely to ANH. 


Solo, Kenobi, Boba and all the others are just not needed. I liked Solo but it felt inconsequential. And I really didn't need to see that he is one degree of separation from Maul. In a galaxy of billions and billions of people, the fact that the same 15 characters are always running into each other over a 40+ year period is just dumb

I didn't mind Solo. In fact, it was kind of fun, but it was a logically flawed movie.


I'd rather they be more inventive with the Star Wars stories. I don't need a Greedo movie or Journey of the Jawa, but it might be fun to do what Rogue One did and tell about all sorts of adventures that had nothing or practically nothing to do with the original cast. You have endless possibilities of war movies, thrillers, spy movies, etc. Keep them in the Star Wars universe, but have them run separate but parallel to the characters we love.


I do think everyone would pay to see a movie starring the Trash Compactor though. The fact that they never brought him back was one of the great mistakes of the original trilogy.

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solo and rogue one are the best star wars since empire strikes back.


Shame the execs wont see it for what it is, a failure of everything star wars in between those movies


I do agree that Darth Maul didn't need to be included.....its like they just wanted that marvel post credit gasp, which was more like huh?

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49 minutes ago, Burgold said:

I didn't mind Solo. In fact, it was kind of fun, but it was a logically flawed movie.


I'd rather they be more inventive with the Star Wars stories. I don't need a Greedo movie or Journey of the Jawa, but it might be fun to do what Rogue One did and tell about all sorts of adventures that had nothing or practically nothing to do with the original cast. You have endless possibilities of war movies, thrillers, spy movies, etc. Keep them in the Star Wars universe, but have them run separate but parallel to the characters we love.


I do think everyone would pay to see a movie starring the Trash Compactor though. The fact that they never brought him back was one of the great mistakes of the original trilogy.


You hit the nail on the head...Rogue One worked because it took one line in one movie and blew it up into an adventure movie. That's perfect because they don't have to shoehorn 100 things into it in order for it to tie in perfectly. They have enough freedom to make that 2-hour movie whatever they want, but it is relevant enough that it means something in the overall mythology of Star Wars. 


Before the prequels came out, another example would have been the Clone Wars. That quite literally could have been ANYTHING because it was a reference from one character in one moment of A New Hope. I'm sure there at dozens of those throughout the primary 8 movies that they could blow out into a fun movie. 

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9 minutes ago, MisterPinstripe said:

I REALLY want to get a Kenobi movie and you dont have the same potential issues as Solo. Ewan McGreggor is a great Obi Wan Kenobi and more so than Alec Guinness at this point. I really hope this movie gets made at some point.


Probably because Alec Guinness really didn't want the role..or so I've read.

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11 minutes ago, MisterPinstripe said:

I REALLY want to get a Kenobi movie and you dont have the same potential issues as Solo. Ewan McGreggor is a great Obi Wan Kenobi and more so than Alec Guinness at this point. I really hope this movie gets made at some point.


Was he the guy who was going to play Obi Wan in the stand alone? If so, then I agree that would work out well. 

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19 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

Probably because Alec Guinness really didn't want the role..or so I've read.

I think it wasn’t so much that he didn’t want it as he regretted how he got pigeon-holed by it. He was a classically trained British actor and didn’t want to just be known as Obi Wan.


Ewan McGregor also regretted taking the role but that was because the prequels sucked and George Lucas is a ****ty director.


2 minutes ago, Gibbit said:

hes better because hes the younger version

He’s also the not dead version so I guess if we’re casting the standalone between those two, he gets the nod.

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6 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:



He’s also the not dead version so I guess if we’re casting the standalone between those two, he gets the nod.

oh if your casting and both are alive Ewan definatly gets the nod because hes not 90 years old...one guy made obi wan the other made a great obi wan

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