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Let's check in with those Redskins fans who were rooting against their team - WP Sports Bog


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Hero worship is hard to break. In a way RG3 of 2012 brainwashed many fans. Its almost like stockholm syndrome how so many fans refused to see how bad he was the last two years.


It is not hero worship.  It is fans who cherished the memories he gave fans.  Who thought he was not given a fair shake seeing how he was hurt in 2013 and 2014.  And this season (2015) was the first time he was healthy after the 2012 season.


Forgive those of us who thought he was one Pierre Garcon dropped pass in preseason from being given a fair shot. 


This has nothing to do with the phenomenal season Kirk Cousins had this year.


Kirk is best served remembering the accolades and take them in stride.  The same fans will turn on him and use all manner of invective to describe him.  They won't remember the improbable 2015 where he set all these records.  The good thing for Kirk is that he does not have all the commercials that just made people hate you for no reason at all...

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I has become pretty disillusioned with the team during the Zorn and Grossman/Beck years.

Griffin brought me back, all the way, hopelessly in. So I loved him for that.

I didn't think cousins was the guy but I never wanted us to lose the season. The only time I want that is when we are officially eliminated to improve draft position.

Ah well, it worked out for us.

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Team first. Unless the person is a lousy human being, like Hardy or Suh, I will always root for them if they are bringing Ws to the B&G.


I was as big a proponent as any on here during preseason that we needed to give RG3 the season to show progress, that while Kirk looked good in preseason it was vs. back ups (though I did not some of his flaws from the past season were already looking diminished).


Then Jay made the decision to roll with Cousins. My very first post on it was that it would make or break Jay. If Jay was wrong, I didn't like that it meant RG3 losing a season of progress as starter, but I did like that Scott was establishing control to the HC over starting personnel. Plus, I wasn't a big fan of Gruden after last season so the silver lining to a bad season would be his exit. Regardless, I was rooting for this team to win, for the move to be right, and noted Kirk's progress in posts as the season wore on.


We watched Kirk change, we watched him progress,we watched him become a top 10 QB before our very eyes. I feel sorry for those letting their pride blind them to this because it was so awesome to see this season and something many of us fans have never seen on this team. I'm 33, I can't recall seeing a QB develop as a passer on our team into a top 10 QB.


The start of the season and early in it, we were conservative and understandably so, especially with Reed and DJax out and Kirk progressing. If it was 3rd and very long, we all knew a run or screen was coming. The final quarter of the season, 3rd and long and Cousins is making strikes downfield. Tampa was our turnaround game IMO and it happened in one half. "You like that?" is the phrase that perfectly represents our comeback season and Kirk's emergence, and the moment and journey it represents is why I believe it has continued to stick (well that and it's pretty damn catchy).


I've stated before I was dead wrong about Kirk hitting his ceiling last season. I'll always gladly admit how wrong I was. Doing so has allowed me to see and fully appreciate his evolution over the season. It's called humility and it's a character trait that has allowed Kirk, Gruden, McVay, and others to progress this season and allows people in all walks of life to truly progress. I am still a fan of RG3 and will root for him whatever team he goes to next season unless it is within the division.


HTTR and bring on the Packers!

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That's an unfortunate statement.  Some fans me inclusive appreciate him for the fond memories of 2012.  I can never get to root against folks that gave me fond memories as a Skins fan.  Can't hate on RGIII or on LaVar as it seems to be the in thing. 


You can be happy for Cousins and the team yet wish Robert good luck with his next team.

My issue with both of the players you mentioned is they both, in some way or another, put themselves above the team and ended up a detriment to the team. I have no problem letting either of them fade out of memory, less so RG3 and I certainly won't be routing against him when he leaves but essentially, they're both players I don't spend much time on.

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Meh.  When we were down 24-0 against Tampa Bay, I thought, "Well, at least it's going to get Gruden and Cousins gone faster."  Then we scored that touchdown and I thought, "Ugh, and now they're just teasing us."


And then I was wrong.  And I love it.

Yep, I never rooted against the Redskins. I never rooted against Cousins. I cheered them all loudly from the beginning even thoughI was very frustrated with the team and filled with uncertainty. They (the Redskins brain trust) turned out to be right about almost everything... or at least everything worked out. Therefore, I'm happy. I don't even feel the need to eat crow.

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 There's no questioning MY feelings for this team. Personally I was glad to see them give KC his chance for a full season; if he failed, then we knew to move on, but he had to get more than a game or 2 here and there.

It was like some were more burnt over the fact that Griffin had so long to improve but he didn't; Not to say he won't in the future, he's a great kid, just didn't have the NFL grooming that KC did, so they were ready to pounce on the first mistakes he made, and yes he made quite a few of them, but that's what support does for a person.


The sad part is, at some point KC will stumble, as all QBs do, The impatience of letting a QB 'work' through his problems and become a better player for it really reared its ugly head on the guy. I doubt GB fans will give up on Rodgers, even though he's struggled this season, so why do we?

Because we've been yearning for a winner the entire time, the 'win now' mentality doesn't work often for anyone, much less players wearing burgundy & gold.


But fans are just that;fans. There's no telling how many fans ES has gotten because of Griffin, and if/when he is gone, they will follow, just like the Brittney Spears and Justin Bieber fans do. Because 'their guy' didn't succeed long term, self inflicting wounds open up while they blame everyone else but themselves.


Teams that are perennial winners find a QB and stick with them, thick and thin. Its about time this organization does the same...

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I really don't understand it. Maybe it could one day make for a great case study.

I was among some of the harshest critics of this team and organization this time last year. I nearly was at my wits ended. Sure, I made arguments for different players as to why they should stay on the team, but at the end of the day, I knew I was nothing more than a dumb fan, on the outside looking in, that just wanted this team to not suck.

It's why I didn't put up a fight when the Qb change was announced, because it was painfully obvious that things needed to change, though I was not sold on the solution.

I was down on Cousins to start the year,but I generally call a spade a spade, so when he slowly began to transform around the Tampa game, I took notice, and heaped praise where it was due. I did not expect the team to do much, but above all else, i wanted them to fight, and fight they did... And slowly, my opinion on this teams immediate prospects began to change as well.

They just got better and better, and shattered my expectations. And considering how hard it has been being a fan of this team in my 20 years of rooting for them, I am ecstatic at the way 2015 turned out, and can't understand why every fan can't be as well, regardless of how you felt before the season began.

We are division Champions. We have a guy at the Qb position playing elite ball. We have a TE who is like a 99 Madden create a player when it comes to ability. We have an o-line. We have so much to be thankful for, yet many of us refuse to let go of the past. I don't go the fan card route often (I think its petty as hell) but if you can't find 100% joy and happiness this year, considering the last two seasons, and still hold onto petty agendas, I think you need to look in the mirror and truly ask yourself why you still watch this team.

Battered fan syndrome is real

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I can't say I had high expectations coming into the season. Was never rooting against them though.


I second this.  I was quite worried that this season was gonna be yet another down one.  But I figured that GM Scotty McClue would get us on the right path eventually.  I was concerned that it would take a while to nail down our QB situation, though, assuming that all the QBs currently on the roster were not the right guy.  I'm happy to have been wrong about that.  Overjoyed, in fact!


However, I don't get this guy who is featured in this Post story.  He can't enjoy the team's playoff run because he expected and wanted the team to fail this year?  Huh?  Yes, the following is a cliche, but it's also true: as a fan, you root for the laundry; players and coaches come and go, so you root for the laundry.  If you can't do that, then get lost.

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My issue with both of the players you mentioned is they both, in some way or another, put themselves above the team and ended up a detriment to the team. I have no problem letting either of them fade out of memory, less so RG3 and I certainly won't be routing against him when he leaves but essentially, they're both players I don't spend much time on.

It ended badly with LaVar but dude bled Burgundy and Gold.  He played hurt and did everything he could to get on the field.  I never felt cheated as a fan with both players.  Folks forget that even the new GM was on the fence like most fans.  We were cautiously optimistic...


It does not make someone less of a fan for being cautiously optimistic. 


Kirk surpassed everyone's expectation and I will suspect his as well as demonstrated by his uttering when he was mic'ed up. 


Why must it be you have to hate Robert in order to love Kirk? 

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I remember being told I was delusional for being optimistic to start the season and calling the East ours when KC became our starter.

I like being optimistic.

I was right and it feels good.

**** y'all fake ass downers. Now we'll keep adding to our depleted talent and own this division.

I love seeing guys with "potential" not play on Sundays when they don't produce. Roberts, Robert, all those 6th round picks that use to fill out the back of the roster, that fans would coaches assholes for not starting.

Bigger and better, from here on out.

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I have been a Redskins fan since the 70s (late 70's) seen the bad years, the great years, the horrible years, the changes at QB, the changes at HC, etc, etc. Not one time has it ever crossed my mind to find another team to root for. I don't care the circumstances, if you root for the Redskins to fail, then you are not a fan! If you put a player before the team, you are a fan of the player, not the team, therefore, not a true Redskins fan!

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"It’s been painful in a way to not watch them the way I used to even last year, but I just can’t,” he said. “I’ve been watching the results come in and seeing the wins rack up and been baffled by it, and I kind of realized that I’d be hearing from you again when they clinched. It’s good for the town; I just can’t get behind it. I don’t feel any emotion about it. If they win it all, that’s fine. I just won’t feel the same happiness I would have felt last year or two years ago.”

Read this quote. This makes me want to punch this guy. Twice.

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I love my burgundy and gold Redskins.  Players come and go (old, 54-have seen much) but to me it will ALWAYS be about MY team. RGIII had a magical run but, it just was not sustainable.  It was absolutely wonderful and will hold those memories.  I will always keep his signed jersey. However, the saltiest of fans must recognize how Kirk has...exploded.  It is beautiful.  You can appreciate Robert, but love Kirk; they are not mutually exclusive as they wear the B & G....they are us, regardless of anything.  I am going to have a hard time sleeping this week....can we start the insomniac thread now?  Hurry up Sunday evening.  HTTR 

Read this quote. This makes me want to punch this guy. Twice.

Horrible fan.  Hell, not really a fan at all; in no way, shape, and or form.  I'm ****ing ELATED! HTTR

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I've been somewhat cynical about the Skins since the Giants came in here and worked us on the one-year anniversary of Sean Taylor's death in 2008. Well, that and the league in general as well.  I don't like seeing teams win by virtue of some of the ticky-tack things they are calling in the league, such as roughing the QB, what is a catch, etc? And yeah, the performance of the team has not been the greatest. We did have the RG3 excitement in 2012, but then back down the past two seasons.


Still, unlike other sports, football is something where you only get to enjoy your team play once a week for a four-month stretch, and get bonus time in the playoffs if you're lucky. So I embrace and cherish the times in the fall where I can sit back, either at the stadium or at home, to spend three hours and watch the Skins.


There's a dude at work who said before the season that he had other good games that he could watch besides the Skins. And just about every week, particularly after losses, he'd come down and complain. "Gruden has to go," particularly after the Dallas game.  And I'd listen patiently, knowing that this was a process, but the team wasn't exacly perfect.


So after the Buffalo game he comes down and all he can focus on is Crowder's fumble on the punt, how Gruden should've gotten in his face, etc.  And I just lost it. "Dude, they scored 35 points.  Who the hell cares if a player made a mistake. And I'm surprised you were even watching, given that you told me you weren't going to have time for this team before the season."  He countered with the "he has a right to say that" and "he's been a fan of the team longer than I've been born." 


Screw that.

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I've been saying it all season, the RGIII fanboys need to find a new team. **** off you are not a Redskins fan. We know who you are


Exactly, there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with a coach, player, or organization but to act like a child and pout is a sad statement about those people.


I dont think they should get to enjoy this, you're team is like your wife, kids, family, etc, they dont always do the right thing but you always support them.

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It is not hero worship. It is fans who cherished the memories he gave fans. Who thought he was not given a fair shake seeing how he was hurt in 2013 and 2014. And this season (2015) was the first time he was healthy after the 2012 season.

Forgive those of us who thought he was one Pierre Garcon dropped pass in preseason from being given a fair shot.


But, you realize that's not realistic.

Coaches (unless they don't have such power) are putting the beat players on the field, if for no other reason than to save their own ass.

Coaches see these players. They spend countless hours with these players - 99% of which we never see. They know when a player can play and when they can't. No qb who is anywhere near legit is a dropped pass away from being pulled. By that point, he's either gotten it, or he hasn't.

BTW, I was (and still am) a huge Griffin guy. I don't even regret that we made the trade to get him. You simply don't win up here without a qb, and we haven't had one since forever, so I believe you have to try to get one if you have the chance. We tried, it didn't work. But, in the end, we got a guy, even if it's not the guy we traded for.

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I has become pretty disillusioned with the team during the Zorn and Grossman/Beck years.

Griffin brought me back, all the way, hopelessly in. So I loved him for that.

I didn't think cousins was the guy but I never wanted us to lose the season. The only time I want that is when we are officially eliminated to improve draft position.

Ah well, it worked out for us.

I became disillusioned. Year 4 of Mike did it for me. Not that I wasn't jaded before that. But that was just about it. I started thinking of the team in different terms. Stopped thinking we were good, started to realize we sucked as bad as everyone said we did.

But, I always felt like if we got one thing, we'd be competitive again, and that was a legit GM. And a legit GM would bring us the second thing we needed to be respectable- a qb.

In less than a year, we got both. And we're NFC East Champs.

It sucks that we've been so bad for so long, be suckered year after year. And I don't blame anyone for being jaded. The team and Dan have brought that on themselves.

But times are a changin. Time to shake off the dust and get back on board.

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Cult of personality is a dangerous thing.

Mix it with the weirdness of sports fandom and man....smh lol

And I know ppl think I dislike RG3. That's simply not true. In fact, I was going out of my way to cape for him in 2013. 2014 finally did it for me. 2012 (until this season) was the highest I've ever been as a fan and he was a big part of it. However, NO ONE is bigger than the team.

This trend is really disturbing and is very prevalent in my generation. Lots of my friends pick their teams based on players.

I spent a few minutes on Browns message board and a few fans there a pulling the " he never got a fair shot!!!l" thing for ****ing Manziel lol. Saw a few "I hope he goes to Dallas and kicks our asses" posts too.

Fandom in itself is just weird.

And to be fair, we are talking a small minority thankfully

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I was and still am a RG3 fan.

I remember when the preseason conversation began with the Gruden / RG3 relationship and all the controversy that surrounded the club because of the Gruden/RG3 relationship.I defended RG3, hoping that RG3 could make the transition from the read option to a pocket passer and in turn receive Gruden's blessing and smooth the waters of their player /coach relationship.


Now we move forward,Gruden made the decision to go with Cousins. I was not really on board with the decision .

All I could think of about for Cousins, is the INT / TD ratio the Skins were going to have to suffer through.

Now, we all know what has transpired over this season, a remarkable transformation at the QB position and for the whole team .

As a Fan, now I see the obvious and smart decision Gruden made for the sake of the franchise to start Cousins.

I feel for RG3 and his fall from the pedestal most of us set him upon, as the face of the franchise. But this is a performance based sport and  us Redskin fans want and need results now, not two years from now when RG3 maybe has figured out how to read the field and make a quick and correct decision to throw the ball down field.


We as fans have fond memories of the 2012 season. But to turn your back on the Washington Redskins for the sake or for the love of one player is ridiculous. I hope RG3 will find his groove someplace, somehow and use his god given talents to recapture his success on the gridiron. Hail. 

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Meh.  When we were down 24-0 against Tampa Bay, I thought, "Well, at least it's going to get Gruden and Cousins gone faster."  Then we scored that touchdown and I thought, "Ugh, and now they're just teasing us."


And then I was wrong.  And I love it.

This. At the start of the season, I absolutely believed that RG3 needed more time to try and get back on his 2012 track and that Cousins was an exciting, explosive guy who tended to explode in his own face, and would never get past his turnovers. After the QB situation last year and the "sketchy" benching of Griff, I had my pitchfork in the hay cart for when the rebellion would start. Halfway through the season, I was looking for silver linings in signing a free agent QB for next year to ride him out.


Then Cousins and Gruden turned that ship around so amazingly... I doubted Cousins, and even now I still get scared that things are going too well and that somehow we're going to crash and burn. But I don't know how anyone can't support the team right now. This is a playoff run, IT'S ALL IN BABY


Do I love Kirk right now? Hell, yes! Am I 100% certain Kirk is going to be this good in the future? ....Not really. But that doesn't matter. Right here, right now, we're having another magical run that Griffin did. That's what made me love Griffin, that's what makes me love Cousins. Being so disappointed the last two years has me jaded, but that's not going to stop me from loving what I'm seeing and starting to feel hopeful again.

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Interesting topic - let me add a bit of philosophy/psychology ...


The Buddha said all unhappiness is the result of attachment.  The mind forms attachments because it desires some outcomes and despises other outcomes.  If one forms a mental attachment to an outcome where RG3 is a hero that will lead the Redskins to glory then when RG3 does not fulfill that mental desire the experience is unhappiness.


The Buddha points out that one can feel the joy of winning without being mentally attached to the need to win each and every game.  That comes with awareness of self as one who witnesses ones mental state and can consciously let go of the wins and losses like one can enjoy listening to a song and not be sad when that song is ended no matter how lovely and moving that song may be.  In short to mentally accept the outcome regardless of whether it is a win or a loss is to not form an attachment to the result being that which you prefer.


I root for the Redskins team and I feel the joy of wins and the disappointment of losses.  I understand and accept that wins and losses are part of the game.  I accept that there will be winning seasons and loosing seasons and that is the nature of the game.  I accept the feeling I get when we loose just as much as I accept the feeling I get when we win as that is the nature of feelings.


Some people become so attached to the feeling of winning that the feeling of loosing is something they cannot bear and with that attachment comes unhappiness.  This is how the mind works.

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