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To Sit, or Not to Sit... That is the Question


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Domino situation. If Trent is out. Then you start Colt and have Kirk be the backup. Don't dress Robert with one game left though. Don't even tempt karma.

As much as I want 9 wins. I would like to see so many guys rested. Jackson, Hall, Breeland, Kerrigan, Baker, Moses, Reed.

F it. Go with backups and give them a chance for reps. F Dallas week.

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Cousins needs less than 200 yards to break jay schroeders single season passing yards mark.... Play him until he sets record.

Whimps sit.

I could give a real hoot about the records.  If he continues at this pace, he's going to smash every passing record in the next few years.  Combination of era and skill, all the records are going to fall.


If you're gonna sit then you may as well treat it like a bye week and just mass rest everyone.


If we do play a bunch of backups I hope we do some really wacky stuff. Like onside kicks, going for it on 4th down, flea flickers, etc. I mean why not? Might as well mess around and have fun.

I agree.  But if you just sit the guys that were on the injury report last week, you're essentially going with the entire second team already. :)


I'd like to keep the offense full go. Keep the momentum going.


But if Trent Williams has to sit then I don't want to start Cousins with a backup LT against that psycopath Greg Hardy. If anyone would try some dirty crap to injure someone its that scumbag.

Trent seems to get dinged every week, and just keep trugging through.  It would be really good to give him the week off.  Moses was a game-time decision, he could probably use the week off.  


Personally, if you're going to give Williams and Moses the week off, that means Cousins should just stay in DC, bang his wife and count the money he's going to make in the off-season.  


Sit them and start RG3 for one game! Roll the ****ing dice for 1 game and let's see what he learned all year.

Regardless of whether this would be good from a football sense, the option guarantees it won't happen.  Also, if they sit Moses and Williams (both a little banged up), then do you really want to risk injury even further for Griffin, when you have to pay him next year ONLY if he gets injured?


yes, i would rather watch a capable NFL quarterback over a capable college quarterback

Please God, let's not get into a RGIII debate in this thread...

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Play them. I get the injury thing, but it's part of the game. I'm sure this will be an unpopular statement, but the reality is they are not a particularly good team. Probably the worst of the NFC playoff teams. They need to work on some things that you just won't get in practice, tackling, full speed blitz pickups, the running game, etc.... These things need to be done live. Not so hung up on the stats, winning, etc... but I do know this: the second season in the NFL is the Bad Weather Season. You need to be able to establish some sort of running game and make tackles on defense. If you can't do these things with some level of effectiveness, you don't make it very far in the playoffs. If they are up or down significantly in the game, you start pulling guys. No stupid injuries because you want to break the single game scoring record stuff.

On a different note, I am getting excited for a home playoff game!!!!!

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I'd give them the third too just so they stay sharp coming out after halftime and can keep that routine down for that as well.

1) Kirk gets knocked out and misses the playoff game

2) Griffin comes in and exacts revenge on the Seahawks

3) ?

4) Profit

In a game where you can get injured at any time, it doesn't factor into my thinking. You take a week off and a team like Seattle is gunning for you, I don't see how you're less susceptible, probably taking a quarter or so to match their intensity. Whatever team we play is not going to be ****ing around. History has illustrated the stupidity of resting starters before playoff runs.

So I think you rest who needs to rest, but not at the expense of sending out your franchise qb with an undermanned line

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Still wouldn't activate Griffin but I would start Cousins, let him play a quarter or two and then go with McCoy the rest of the way.  I would still sit Williams.  Nseke (sp?) isn't terrible but Cousins wouldn't be out there long.  Reed would see a little time. I would rest anyone on defense who is hurting. 

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One thing I've heard from  players on the radio over the years is that winning has some kind of healing effect on all non-major injuries.


ALL team members now know at this time that they are a playoff team and most importantly DIVISION WINNER  so guys with "bumps and bruises"  are doing just fine right now.   Sit guys only on  a real needs basis, diagnostically speaking.






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No No NO!  I really believe in words like momentum and consistency (keep a regular schedule).  Play the last game like it is a do or die scenario.


EDIT:  I do not want anyone to become lethargic and then we come out flat.  I have seen too much of that.  Regular season Sunday please.  Keep the foot on the gas.

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On offense, Reed and Jackson definitely sit. So does Trent since he was nicked up late yesterday. Moses still coming off that ankle and looked like a liability yesterday at times, so he sits. Give Matt Jones another week to heal up. And since those guys are all sitting, don't throw Kirk out there with a bunch of backups protecting him.

Defense, we've got a few guys that should sit too. I want our top talents all well rested and chomping at the bit for Seattle in two weeks.

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If someone is dinged up, even a little, sit them, but if they're healthy, play them.  Put the pedal down from the first minute.  If we're ever leading by more than 2 TDs, then pull a few of the key starters (Cousins, Reed), but otherwise leave them in.  If suddenly things get really close, throw Kirk back in.


Try to win, but don't be reckless and endanger ourselves for the playoffs.  You never really want to look beyond the next game, but we can afford to, and if we have to face Seattle, you really want 120% effort in that game.  If that means we only go 80-90% against Dallas, so be it.

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I cant believe fans think a 8-7 team deserves to rest all their starters....



/Herm Edwards rant


If there was any question whether we'd be pumped to play in the first round, you might be right.


But if we play Seattle, you've got bulletin board material to fill every surface in the locker room.  There will be no slowing down, no bye week hangover.


What could really hurt our chances though, is if Reed gets a concussion.  Or Jackson pulls a hammy.  Or Cousins, heaven forbid, gets hurt bad.


Should we not play them at all?  Probably not, get them in for at least a bit.  But err on the side of caution.  Try to win, but it's not a win we need.

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