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Has the Threat of Terrorism Changed Your Awareness?


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1 in 800,000 chance of drowning in a bathtub. 

I put those little traction stickers on the bottom of my tub.


1 in 12,000 chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime.

I don't golf during a lightning storm.


1 in 77.4 chance of dying in a car accident in your lifetime.

I drive a lot safer than I did 10 years ago.


1 in 20,000,000 chance of being killed in a terror attack in America.

I don't carry my pistol all the time but definitely more than I used to.


Just because you are more likely to die from one thing doesn't mean you can't work to protect yourself from others.  I have had my CCW license for a while now and I used to almost never carry a gun.  Only when I was taking long road trips through the middle of BFE.  Now I carry it more often (though more often now means maybe 15% of the time I leave the house.)  I'll still go to a movie but may choose my seat a little more carefully.  I used to never lock the doors in my house.  In fact, when I moved a while ago, I had to pay to have all the locks changed because I didn't know where the house keys were.  Now I lock my doors every night.  The world isn't the same place it was 2, 5, 10,20, or 50 years ago.  As times and threats change, so does the way you protect yourself from them.

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A plane might crash into your house. A gas explosion might kill your family.

Get to your cave in the mountains.


Or a meteor could land on it...


Have terrorism change my awareness? Somehow yes. I'm paying more attention to people around me in Paris, just wondering "what if?"

Going to see SW ep7? Obviously yes, with the kids. Not going the opening week, nor the week after, maybe not until 2016. As a base I don't like too much crowded environments. Does it scares me, made me change my lifestyle?


Not even a chance. They can just go **** off!

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I would recommend everyone read Bruce Schneier's book 'Beyond Fear' which talks about risk and trade offs and practical and effective security policy. Bruce is a security expert and practitioner, not a talking head.

So you were scared enough to buy a self help book, and you come in here to yell at everyone for being pussies.

I know your game fella

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1 in 800,000 chance of drowning in a bathtub. 

I put those little traction stickers on the bottom of my tub.


1 in 12,000 chance of being struck by lightning in your lifetime.

I don't golf during a lightning storm.


1 in 77.4 chance of dying in a car accident in your lifetime.

I drive a lot safer than I did 10 years ago.


1 in 20,000,000 chance of being killed in a terror attack in America.

I don't carry my pistol all the time but definitely more than I used to.


Just because you are more likely to die from one thing doesn't mean you can't work to protect yourself from others.  I have had my CCW license for a while now and I used to almost never carry a gun.  Only when I was taking long road trips through the middle of BFE.  Now I carry it more often (though more often now means maybe 15% of the time I leave the house.)  I'll still go to a movie but may choose my seat a little more carefully.  I used to never lock the doors in my house.  In fact, when I moved a while ago, I had to pay to have all the locks changed because I didn't know where the house keys were.  Now I lock my doors every night.  The world isn't the same place it was 2, 5, 10,20, or 50 years ago.  As times and threats change, so does the way you protect yourself from them.


Yes, times have changed. You are infinitely safer now than you were 2, 5, 10, 20, or 50 years ago. Violent crime and most crimes are down significantly since 1990. What has changed? 24 hours news, social media, and overwhelming negative news coverage. Something bad happens, and the news covers it until something worse changes the coverage.

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Hasn't changed me at all that I know of. I've always sat with my face toward the entrances at restaurants and stuff and assess the environment. Natural to do that, especially when your loved ones are with you.


But just think what it must've been like when Attila the Hun, or the Mongols were moving across Europe and you lived there. Imagine living then, how scared you'd be.

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It hasn't changed my daily life at all. I think I'd still have better odds of getting laid by Kate Upton than being killed in a terrorist attack.


The rampant terrorism and spread of fanatical Islam has made me very weary of Islam as a religion though. I've always tried to look at the actions of individuals separately from whatever ideology or religion they twisted to meet their desires. It's becoming harder for me to do that with Islam, when you see how many Islamists are running around all over the world and committing acts of terrorism. I know that the vast majority of Muslims are not like this, however I still feel my opinions shifting negatively in that regard. You don't see Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Hindi's, etc., going ape **** around the world the way you do with Islam.


I'm trying to "stay medium", but I'm beginning to falter.

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24 hours news, social media, and overwhelming negative news coverage. Something bad happens, and the news covers it until something worse changes the coverage.

Remember when Ebola was the greatest threat facing humanity. Then a couple of terrorists shot up the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists and suddenly Ebola was out of the 24 hour news cycle.

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A plane might crash into your house. A gas explosion might kill your family.

Get to your cave in the mountains.

I know a guy who is a doomsday prepper, bible prophecy and stuff. He lives in our subdivision but has a mini-farm with animals and stuff. He claims when things get bad he'd have a sustainable food supply. I pointed to all the houses around him and said "I hope you have enough for them too, because they'll be coming for it." He didn't like that.

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No, not in my personal life.


The closest city to me is Pittsburgh, which I don't view as being high on anybody's "target" list. And I live an hour north of the city in the middle of nowhere. I work in a medium-sized town, rarely go to concerts, never attend any opening night of a movie (and even then I'm more afraid of fanatics of the movie than regular murderer-type fanatics), and generally live a fairly boring life to start with. I did attend the Skins-Saints game after the Paris attack, but I did nothing different than I normally do for my 1 game a year other than arrive an extra 20 minutes early at the gate in case it took longer to get thru security.


I've honestly put more thought into what I would do if I won the lottery than what I would do in a terrorist attack. I've already totaled 2 of my cars by rolling them (once hydroplaning, another run off the road by a semi) and walked away without more than a couple of scratches either time. I figure the odds of that are probably still better than the odds of being in a terrorist attack.


Maybe my opinion would change if I lived in a major city (DC, NY, LA) and flew all the time, but I still figure most people in those places have a better chance of being a victim of non-terrorist violence while holding a winning lotto ticket than they do of ISIS/ISIL/Whatever they're called next week or AQ personally harming them in any way.

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Some asshole terrorist, most likely an American, non refuge citizen, who is brown and probably Muslim, is going to blow up a suburban Starbucks and the entire country will lose their ****. Everything will change. People will throw their rights and freedoms away, like they do money at an Apple store on new iPhone day. The shock from people, over why any other country would want to ever attack poor Americans on the home soil, who have no idea we've been at war so long or any other reason to feel accountable for the ME, will fuel unprecedented hatred towards most "foreigners" who aren't white (except Mexicans, who I think will finally begin to be accepted more because of this) and a move to close our borders and exterminate the enemy and then everyone will be scared all the time.


Except me, because I'll be hugging automatic weapons, here in my bunker on an island full of Rasta and Palestinians.

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****...I thought I had seen it all. Ex military and have been all over the world. Been in SE and neighborhoods 10x worse.

A few people's posts here (bunch of ex-11 Bravos I guess) greatly concern me. If you don't go to movies or restaurants or malls? They won. I'm always aware, even when I'm drunk. But carrying a weapon 24x7? Ayyyy.

It's all about how you carry yourself and act. People will react to that, positively or negatively. Why am I accepted everywhere I go? When in Rome...you think? Act like a para-military American cowboy as a civilian? You are a damned idiot. You draw heat and attention immediately. You don't think trained eyes see you and your pistol? The nervous guy in the corner constantly scanning? OPSEC with your family at the restaurant? GTFOH.

Been aware since this **** really kicked in during the 80s. But NEVER ONCE let it dictate my life. I do my research before I travel to a new place....I am not afraid nor am I stupid. Just got to be smart wherever you are in the world.

God picks my time, but I'm gonna try to hit the snooze button a few times before the alarm rings. Most likely it's going to be like a mob hit when your/my bell rings...you will never see it coming...and you wasted all that time living in fear and being paranoid.

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****...I thought I had seen it all. Ex military and have been all over the world. Been in SE and neighborhoods 10x worse.

A few people's posts here (bunch of ex-11 Bravos I guess) greatly concern me. If you don't go to movies or restaurants or malls? They won. I'm always aware, even when I'm drunk. But carrying a weapon 24x7? Ayyyy.

It's all about how you carry yourself and act. People will react to that, positively or negatively. Why am I accepted everywhere I go? When in Rome...you think? Act like a para-military American cowboy as a civilian? You are a damned idiot. You draw heat and attention immediately. You don't think trained eyes see you and your pistol? The nervous guy in the corner constantly scanning? OPSEC with your family at the restaurant? GTFOH.

Been aware since this **** really kicked in during the 80s. But NEVER ONCE let it dictate my life. I do my research before I travel to a new place....I am not afraid nor am I stupid. Just got to be smart wherever you are in the world.

God picks my time, but I'm gonna try to hit the snooze button a few times before the alarm rings. Most likely it's going to be like a mob hit when your/my bell rings...you will never see it coming...and you wasted all that time living in fear and being paranoid.



This is extremely naive.  Drunk already on this Thanksgiving Day?  Why the rage?  Also, there is no Ex Military.  If you were ever in and served, like all who have know, it is Former Military. We are ever vigilant and never leave our post, sir.

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This is extremely naive. Drunk already on this Thanksgiving Day? Why the rage? Also, there is no Ex Military. If you were ever in and served, like all who have know, it is Former Military. We are ever vigilant and never leave our post, sir.

Not drunk now...where did you get that? No rage here either. I am ex-military or former military, whatever you want to call it. How about Veteran?

Naive? Middle East, Europe, North Africa, Central America, South America, Australia, Japan, China...how am I naive?

Don't call me Sir, I work for a living. ;)

My point is be smart but don't live in fear

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Not drunk now...where did you get that? No rage here either. I am ex-military or former military, whatever you want to call it. How about Veteran?

Naive? Middle East, Europe, North Africa, Central America, South America, Australia, Japan, China...how am I naive?

Don't call me Sir, I work for a living. ;)

My point is be smart but don't live in fear



I do not believe this for a second.  Suggesting you were deployed to all these places.  In well over 20 in I was deployed only 3 times.  Balkans, East Africa, and Afghanistan.  Looks like you took a lot of vacations, sir.  O and all of us work for a living.

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Hey you invited all of ES over for dinner today. I know you fear nothing. ;)

Just you for dinner bro! ;)

(I do fear Zooney a bit!) :)

I do not believe this for a second. Suggesting you were deployed to all these places. In well over 20 in I was deployed only 3 times. Balkans, East Africa, and Afghanistan. Looks like you took a lot of vacations, sir. O and all of us work for a living.

Who said deployed?

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Hasn't changed my personal life at all. Yes, I know I live in Kentucky and we didn't have jets falling out of the sky or a sniper on the loose, nor do we have the levels of crime or crazy population to deal with....come to think of it why do you all live there again? LOL


Do I notice Muslims around me more? Yes, but that's because they are more common now than before. Am I afraid of them? Nope, my son's barber is a Muslim.

Do I conceal carry? No, but depending on my situation as a Realtor I may bring a handgun in my truck, but mostly for crazy rural crap that happens 20 miles from no where.

I'm not letting terrorists affect the way I live my life though. I'm still going to movies and sporting events because that's they way I choose to live my life so screw them.

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The "it's all how you carry yourself" mantra is full of fluff.


Yes, there is a difference between looking like a victim and looking like you're suppose to be somewhere, but if you're going to get jacked, you're going to get jacked.


And there is exmilitary, it's called being a veteran. I'm ex Navy and I'm certainly EX Navy.


As far as the carry part. If you're sitting at a movie, an applebees or a Starbucks and some asshole strapped with C4 runs in and explodes, you're not shooting him. If a couple guys come in with automatic weapons, the last thing anyone needs is some jackwagon vigilante popping off too.

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No.   Why should it.  WE've had terrorism fears since 9/11.


If we get an actual Paris style attack in the U.S.; then things would change.


I would expect a police state after such an attack; especially is a demagogue like Trump were President.  


It's sad to say that but until such a thing happens in the U.S.; things won't change much.

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Don't call me Sir, I work for a living. ;)

My point is be smart but don't live in fear

Spoken like me. Don't call me ma'am. I ain't old, and work for a living. GO NAVY! (Only officers get called sir or ma'am, for those of you who are completely unaware of military life.)

And it is 'ex'. "Former" is for heads of state, governors, and Presidents. Get your **** together before you speak/type.

My dad's former state. I'm ex-military. Get it?

And I won't fear. I'm pro-active. All smart people are.

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