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Has the Threat of Terrorism Changed Your Awareness?


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To quote the line "I am....in a world....of ****" today is as fitting as it ever has been. The cloud of fear that permeates globally is unprecedented in modern times.

That being said? I have to admit that it is having a profound affect on how I go about my daily life. Case in point? My wife asked to go to the movies over the weekend and I declined because of the current environment we live in. We went to several restaurants last week and I found myself looking for the nearest exits.

Yes I know this is paranoia at it's highest level, but I can't stop thinking about what happened to our brethren in Paris. I can't imagine living in the environment that they are subjected to. God bless them.

Has your daily routine changed?

Please keep criticism and sarcasm out of this thread.

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i'm headed home from asia here in a few minutes, and things seem to be unchanged in terms of security and such. i'm not worried at all, but i'll be sure to shoot my folks a quick text when i land because i know they worry.

that being said, i have thought a bit about what i would do if something happened during my flights. not dwelling on things and not booking passage on a cruise ship to get home.

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I have been generally uneasy about crowded public spaces due to the amount of crazy people with access to guns who are deciding to shoot everyone up.


The threat of terrorism hasn't made me more uneasy. Doesn't make a difference to my uneasiness if the person doing the shooting is a crazy religious dickbag or a crazed psychopath. 


It hasn't really changed my lifestyle however.

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Nope. Not a bit. Why do you guys not feel safe? Have you been warned there is an increased threat? Has anyone indicated that NYC has been affected by a specific and credible threat?


Traveling to Europe? I can understand that. But going to restaraunts or NYC?


Pretty sure I saw last week or so that there were threats made against NYC.

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I am right with you King.  I know too much.  For example, we will not be seeing Star Wars in the theater, or any film for that matter.  We have been to several restaurants, but not the mall or any sporting event except swim practice for the kids.  I am not scared or fearful (I conceal carry) but my OPSEC radar is on full tilt.

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Nothing has changed for me or how I live my life.  Not at all.  Prior to 9/11 I was always wary of my surroundings because I have raging ADD and because I am from wary urban South American family that has seen or experienced crime so many times our elders eagerly trade "that time I was robbed" stories at the dinner table.  Terrorism isn't a bigger threat to me than a driver that isn't paying attention or a common criminal.  The odds of encountering it are exceedingly rare.  Mass murderers in the US are less rare and I don't spend much time considering their existence either. 

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Pretty sure I saw last week or so that there were threats made against NYC.


I am right with you King.  I know too much.  For example, we will not be seeing Star Wars in the theater, or any film for that matter.  We have been to several restaurants, but not the mall or any sporting event except swim practice for the kids.  I am not scared or fearful (I conceal carry) but my OPSEC radar is on full tilt.

Oh come on. OPSEC radar? WTF is that. You "know too much" and won't see Star Wars in the theater? Seriously? There is no specific or credible threat to every theater in the country. Not posible.

I'm not white and I live in a rural area and I've noticed people seem to eye me up more than previously when I'm out in public. 

Thank you for confirming you are who we thought you were. Carry on.

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I am right with you King. I know too much. For example, we will not be seeing Star Wars in the theater, or any film for that matter. We have been to several restaurants, but not the mall or any sporting event except swim practice for the kids. I am not scared or fearful (I conceal carry) but my OPSEC radar is on full tilt.

if you're not scared or fearful, why do you carry?

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If you read that. I am not scared or fearful (should have said) BECAUSE I carry and am trained.  I choose not to put my family in a bad situation.  Thus OPSEC.  The weapon is a last case scenario.  I don't care about me, I care about them.

For example:  We will see Star Wars in the theater, but not opening week.  I will also call the theater we choose to inquire about security etc...


Some might find this obsessive or compulsive but I see it as protecting my family.

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he is not scared or fearful because he carries.

yeah, but if he's not scared or fearful because he's packing, why not take in the latest flick? or go to a restaurant? or go to a mall?

there's a greater chance of getting hit by a car than being in an act of terrorism, regardless if you're carrying or not. being aware is one thing, but not living life is too drastic a response.

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Out of curiosity, have you ever had cause to put your hand on your weapon in public (ready to draw)?

yeah, but if he's not scared or fearful because he's packing, why not take in the latest flick? or go to a restaurant? or go to a mall?

there's a greater chance of getting hit by a car than being in an act of terrorism, regardless if you're carrying or not. being aware is one thing, but not living life is too drastic a response.

I can respect that because while I do not carry, there are certain behaviors that can put you in harms way more than others. Like going to movies at offpeak, probably makes them less of a target—for example. 

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No Never in the US Stateside. I hope I never have to live with that because I go automatic when that kind of thing clicks in.

It is much more of an item I take on trips out of town or out of state. We go to restaurants just not the mall or movies this past week.

sounds like you have military experience... if so, 1) thank you for your service and 2) i "get" (as in conceptually and not in truly understanding) the hypervigilence that comes with exiting a war zone and coming back into normal life. i don't discount your experience at all, but as a guy that has only shot at targets and birds, i don't feel the need to sit with my back in corners in restaurants or know where the exits are where ever i am.

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My grandfather grew up in a place like Destino described. He was always vigilant and even did drills with my mom/aunts and uncles growing up. That mentality has been passed down. Our respective in-laws kinda laugh at our "paranoia" but it's come in handy. Various family members have been through earth quakes and more minor disasters and the preparedness has served us well. 


Small things like counting seats between exit doors on a plane, knowing the exit points in the area, sizing up people in a public even that could be problematic, or as simple as having a rallying point for the family outside your home in case there's a fire. Simple things that don't really alter your life but prepared when all hell breaks lose. It's probably won't, but just in case. We have "Go" bags as well and the family knows where we rendezvous in the real emergency.  

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I live near Pax River Navy base and the town it's in is on the ISIS hit list.  so i have been aware of my surroundngs.. I pay attention in places that are apt to be likely targets,, but not so much that i won't go. I just notice.

the movies,, i won't go to a big movie on opening night..  mostly because i don't care about having to see any movie the minute it comes out, I don't care for the crowds, but I also don't want to be in the packed theater when the next loon opens fire. i don't really see this as altering anything, since i am not likely to ever feel the need to see a movie on opening night anyway.


I am not in DC much anymore, but after 9/11 I worked all over town.. literally criss-crossing the city all day as an electrician on call. I definitely noticed, and it definitely altered how i approached things like parking, routes i may take. 

I always knew where i was in relation to potential targets. ALWAYS. My brain immediately would relate me to the White House, Capitol, museums.. other government buildings and National airport.

I recall there was fear because apparently russia could not account for a suitcase nuke or two, and I can recall the day i was hanging outdoor lights on an apartment building in SW, and looking right across the river at the airport and realizing that if one went off, the dinner cruise boat docked right over there would crush me against the building.

That's a sobering thought.


when the DC Sniper was active, i absolutely paid attention to where I was in regards to potential lines of sight. when i filled up my gas tank, i did consciously try to find the best and most covered position. Which is really hard because you figure out pretty quick that with a sniper there is no cover.



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