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The immigration thread: American Melting Pot or Get off my Lawn


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Just now, No Excuses said:


Staying in Mexico might in fact be a better option at this point. I would avoid any country where there are millions of people like you who hide behind their religion and vote for sexual predators, child abusers and pedophiles. 

that's right shame eachother for voting. you are all going to hell


Us non voters got the elevator to heaven suckers

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Well not that I had ever cared to experience what it was like living in Germany in 1936, but I guess I now know.


Yeah, we're the baddies.


Tender age centers, ****mothering god in heaven.  And yet here we are with a bunch of wankers going "what can we do!?"


Uh, maybe go back to late 2015 policies and then build off of them?  Maybe throw in a little comprehensive immigration reform, ala 07/13.  This whole disaster is self-inflicted, from top to bottom.



Seriously, how long until we find out some kids died in these camps?  Have any already?  Not intentionally (well, maybe or maybe not, but at least it won't be part of a coordinated campaign), but of hunger or abuse or sickness with lack of treatment?  That's the next likely thing to happen from here.  Undoubtedly there will be a coverup attempt.  How many will "disappear" before the public is allowed to learn of their fate?

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3 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Well not that I had ever cared to experience what it was like living in Germany in 1936, but I guess I now know.


Yeah, we're the baddies.


Tender age centers, ****mothering god in heaven.  And yet here we are with a bunch of wankers going "what can we do!?"


Uh, maybe go back to late 2015 policies and then build off of them?  Maybe throw in a little comprehensive immigration reform, ala 07/13.  This whole disaster is self-inflicted, from top to bottom.

What did you experience?

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2 hours ago, visionary said:


Wife was born in Albania and she still has a lot of family in Albania.  I highly question the need for asylum from Albania especially when the argument is that they are Christians in a muslim majority country or the family blood feuds.  Albania is well-known for religious coexistence and when I have visited there I had no clue it was majority muslim (literally saw no one in muslim garb on the occasions I have visited).  As a country still recovering from a long-term Ottoman ruled followed by Communism it has it's problems but definitely not asylum worthy unless you were a Kosovo Albanian in the 1990s.  I worry this asylum plea is being used too frequently which is undermining those that actually deserve asylum.

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Yeah, I'm not sure about them.  I was confused too about some of the details.  It's a rather long article, and I haven't read all of it though.

I did see this.


Vitor, a veterinarian, and Neta, an accountant, left Albania with their sons in 2001 for various reasons, including political ones, Neta Pukri said in an interview last month. She said her husband's democratic views clashed with Albania's socialist government at the time that the family traveled on a tourist visa to Michigan, where they had relatives. The Pukris' sons have also expressed fear over family disputes known as blood feuds, which have led to killings in parts of Albania. 

"It's a scary thing,'' DiRaimondo said. "There are thousands of people in blood feuds and it's a real problem." 


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16 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:


yeah I understand...I understand the initial thought of separating too possibly as a deterrent (which isn't going to work)

 In the end deterrents cant stop the flow.


Where are these families going if they get through undetected? do they have homes and jobs lined up through connections or are they just left on the side of a road?

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55 minutes ago, twa said:

Cause if you start by giving the middle finger to our laws I'm a bit concerned.

Really? Cause I’ve spent some time in the Russia & Trump cabinet threads and you’ve had no problem with this administration, it’s campaign, and the entire GOP Congress **** all over the law.

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12 minutes ago, visionary said:

Stupid Holocaust survivors.  What do they know?

oh the survivors…..they can probably relate to 100% of these detained folks


seriously think about it


Its not about politics...its about downplaying what the holocaust was. This is nothing like what they went through and stop trying to compare it for ****ing political gain

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Just now, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Really? Cause I’ve spent some time in the Russia & Trump cabinet threads and you’ve had no problem with this administration, it’s campaign, and the entire GOP Congress **** all over the law.


Bring some charges....I certainly have been waiting on your empty promises.


Or is the moron too smart for ya'll?



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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

The GOP is a raging dumpster fire and no amount of whataboutism from our resident fence pigeon crowd will change that.


At the point that decades of failed immigration policy from all of our politicians has led to this, you hersh and others get whiny and attack anyone who suggests your beloved party has done wrong. 


It’s completely laughable how much you’ve lost your grip on things. 

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1 minute ago, tshile said:


At the point that decades of failed immigration policy from all of our politicians has led to this, you hersh and others get whiny and attack anyone who suggests your beloved party has done wrong. 


It’s completely laughable how much you’ve lost your grip on things. 


Yeah, that's what we do. We get all whiny. You are so right and there is wisdom behind what you say. Except what you say gets refuted by facts to which you have no response other than to shift the conversation to something like what you just posted.  



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45 minutes ago, BigDibbs31 said:

I worry this asylum plea is being used too frequently which is undermining those that actually deserve asylum.


Of course it is. That’s why he system is completely overloaded and we need more judges to rule on these cases now to help with the backlog. 

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53 minutes ago, Hersh said:


His response was pretty terrible and not at all a surprise. It shows a tremendous amount of ignorance. 


I personally believe 90% of the people coming here do it for a better life and want to contribute to our society. People here do anything they can to improve their children's lives and they can't grasp brown people from other countries doing the same. 


His responses are generally pretty terrible and this one in particular is a good example of why organized religion is on the decline. Everyone can see it but him. 


I would love to see the numbers on that to be honest. If possible. I believe you, but I want to see it proven. 

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1 minute ago, Hersh said:


Yeah, that's what we do. We get all whiny. You are so right and there is wisdom behind what you say. Except what you say gets refuted by facts to which you have no response other than to shift the conversation to something like what you just posted.  




No what I just posted only comes after you and the other mcwhinster go off attacking people who actually agree with you



all because someone suggested a point that differs from your outrage 

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9 minutes ago, tshile said:


At the point that decades of failed immigration policy from all of our politicians has led to this, you hersh and others get whiny and attack anyone who suggests your beloved party has done wrong. 


It’s completely laughable how much you’ve lost your grip on things. 


What is completely laughable is your ability to stick to nonsense even when refuted by facts.


I can't help you acknowledge that bipartisan immigration reform has been on the table with support from both a Republican and Democratic President in the last 20 years. And it's been shut down each time thanks in large part to the far-right faction in this country.


"lost my grip on things" :rofl89:


You know, it's okay to admit that you are wrong sometimes.

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1 minute ago, No Excuses said:

You know, it's okay to admit that you are wrong sometimes.


Ill try to be more like you and hersh and just call people trump defenders when they say something bad about my party


thats what smart people do right?

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