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The immigration thread: American Melting Pot or Get off my Lawn


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13 hours ago, Larry said:


Yeah, I think it's pretty well established that people crossing international borders have always had reduced privacy rights.  Same reason they're allowed to search your luggage.  (Or to inquire about the reason for your travel, for that matter.)  


I think it's an offensive government overreach.  A dictatorial abuse of power.  (And a stupid one.  Seriously?  You think terrorists are going to leave incriminating information in their cell phones, and that Joe Border Patrol is going to find it, in a few minutes search?  It's not about fighting terrorism.  It's about establishing dominance.)  


But I don't think it's unconstitutional.  


Like all of us, terrorists do stupid things some times.

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74+ dead bodies of African migrants are currently washing up on the shores of Libya after trying to cross the Mediterranian. 


Below are the first 5 comments on Fox news. During Obama's presidency they had to disable all comments to any article bc it was just a racist comment after racist comment, no matter what the article talked about. Now Fox news selects what articles they will allow comments on. Im guessing these comments will be deleted and comments disabled for this article very soon.


Cant have clear proof that internet conservative types are racist, hate filled people can we?  



hillbilly442615 minutes ago

Sad....I was really looking forward to having to pay for them as well!

sashalepup17 minutes ago

Sorry Hillary, There are 74 less democrat voters. Better luck next time..................................But, it is a good start.

steven052325 minutes ago

When the MSM calms these people are "migrants" do they refer to migrant labor that came from Mexico to pick cherries or beans at harvest time? I have the impression that a millennium of corrupt, socialist Islamic tyrannical leaders have made their continent inhabitable so the only course of action is to enter a civilized country to steal. Problem for them is that much of Europe has had to deal with gypsies so they are getting better at turning these "migrants" away.

dusty91128 minutes ago

Welcome home!

Eetmee33 minutes ago

Floating African turds.  What wonderful news!

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here is the un-edited COMPLETE first page of comments.   whatever your thoughts on the underlying issue..... less than 10% could be viewed as possibly viewed as ANYTHING other than atrocious 





ChrisSchultz 18 minutes ago
Democrat operatives rushed there to register them to vote in the U.S.

mikus 22 minutes ago
What people won't attempt for freebies. 

MadddDoggg 23 minutes ago
If European countries would stop taking in these "migrants," they would stop trying to "migrate."  As long as countries keep taking these people in, those countries must also realize they are complicit in these deaths.

Andrewmag16 23 minutes ago
Finally a bit of good news

hillbilly4426 25 minutes ago
Sad....I was really looking forward to having to pay for them as well!

sashalepup 27 minutes ago
Sorry Hillary, There are 74 less democrat voters. Better luck next time..................................But, it is a good start.

steven0523 35 minutes ago
When the MSM calms these people are "migrants" do they refer to migrant labor that came from Mexico to pick cherries or beans at harvest time? I have the impression that a millennium of corrupt, socialist Islamic tyrannical leaders have made their continent inhabitable so the only course of action is to enter a civilized country to steal. Problem for them is that much of Europe has had to deal with gypsies so they are getting better at turning these "migrants" away.

dusty911 38 minutes ago
Welcome home!

Eetmee 42 minutes ago
Floating African turds.  What wonderful news!

mikus 42 minutes ago
Just think liberals !  These same people  surely  chanted Death to america. And celebrated 9/11.  

mikus 46 minutes ago
Were do you bury them, what's there names, un'vetted refugees dead or alive. 

Eetmee 46 minutes ago
This is excellent news.  Were they all named "Bob"?  

SarcastoJones 49 minutes ago
Phew! That was a close call...

Siwyg 49 minutes ago
Takes me back about twenty some years ago, to an equally delightful sight, when dozens of dead Haitian illegals washed up on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and the approving and cheering crowds of Americans looking on! A good memory!

mikus 54 minutes ago
Well that;s 74 less we have to care for. 

BillBobb 1 hour ago
a good start just only 45 million to go !!!!

TampaPIA 1 hour ago
74 reasons to celebrate 

JonkinsDave 1 hour ago
Well, when you pack 120 people in a rubber dinghy rated for 10 people......

loveitorleave1776 1 hour ago
Follow the money. It leads right to the Clinton Foundation.  Toppling governments for donations.

Eetmee 37 minutes ago
@loveitorleave1776 and the jew George Soros.

miguel11 1 hour ago
europe really needs them!  need to get a two way ticket from now on!

loveitorleave1776 1 hour ago
So what was Obama and Hillary's plan for Libya after they killed Khadafy?  Because this is not working out.

loveitorleave1776 1 hour ago
Hillary and Obama own the refugee crisis.  Toppling governments for profit has set the Middle East and Europe ablaze.

Lizzie2015 1 hour ago
So much agree!!

vuxof 1 hour ago
═❥❥★★★ w­­­w­­­w­­­.­­­c­­­a­­­s­­­­­­h­­­­­­-­­­r­­­e­­­v­­­i­­­e­­­w­­­.­­­c­­­o­­­mᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵᴵ open site

 I didn't know that anybody can earn $8805 in a few weeks on the 

CNNLibBlaaa 45 minutes ago
@vuxof You earned $8805 in a few weeks by turning tricks.

RMer 1 hour ago
I feel like a sandwich. Anybody want a sandwich?

Siwyg 1 hour ago
@RMer Yeah! Ham and cheese, in honor of muslimes!

carolie 1 hour ago
You people are flotsam. You are not helping to solve anything in the world -- just a bunch of bile.

Siwyg 1 hour ago
@carolie The flotsam washed up on the beach dead! Good Riddance!

lightbob 45 minutes ago
@Siwyg @carolie Reminds me of the Travis song driftwood. 

Eetmee 36 minutes ago
@lightbob @Siwyg @carolie   or the Dylan song, Drifting too far from Shore. 

Usmellbad 1 hour ago
At least they got a bath before they died.

Eetmee 46 minutes ago
@Usmellbad and a new name;  bob

Siwyg 44 minutes ago
@Usmellbad First, and Last!

MerrellReagan 1 hour ago
Sharks won't eat them because they resemble Whale Turds. 

Tyrion33 1 hour ago
Lets not forget most of these were fighting age men. The wemen and children get thrown off first by the fighting age men.

They knew the danger yet made the choice to cross the ocean to attack a european nation.

I will not feel sorry for evil people who want to hurt Europeans and Americans.

Katkringle 1 hour ago
Cry me a river.

Marines511 1 hour ago
we need to place all our inner city DRUG ADDICTS and LIBTARDS on these boats.. ans set them out to SEA

Scottrad51 1 hour ago
I hope that 120 man rubber boat was full to capacity!

Marines511 1 hour ago
Fish food

RobertDeCraon 1 hour ago
74 less welfare applications.  

Siwyg 1 hour ago
Fortunately, no one of any value to humanity died. 

Usmellbad 1 hour ago
More dead muslims always makes for a little sunshine on a dreary day.

loveourflag 1 hour ago
All lives are precious to God and these people will be missed by someone.

We never know for certain what any day may bring.

That's why it's imperative to trust in Jesus Christ.

For if we lose our lives, we gain our eternity with Him.

For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son. 

That whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

Siwyg 1 hour ago
@loveourflag Actually, their deaths were a blessing in disguise.

loveourflag 1 hour ago
@Siwyg @loveourflag 

Why do you think so? 

RobertDeCraon 1 hour ago
@loveourflag @Siwyg Because they where muslims.   Not Christians.   Christians stay and fight for their country.   They fled.   Better do some research on the Crusades.  

loveourflag 1 hour ago
@RobertDeCraon @loveourflag @Siwyg 

We don't know who they were.

Only God knows.

There are Muslims who have converted from Islam to Christianity.

Your viewpoint could be slanted.

RobertDeCraon 1 hour ago
@loveourflag @RobertDeCraon @Siwyg

Not really.  I know, I served over seas for 10 years.  I know.   

Siwyg 1 hour ago
@loveourflag @Siwyg Because they were subhuman garbage, who at best intended to be parasites on White Europeans, and at worst rapists and terrorists. Hopefully, many more of these filthy animals will drown, before they can pollute Europe, with their  slimy  presence. 



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1 hour ago, tshile said:

Welcome to the internet.

Screw that, you guys on the Right wanted an end to PC, call them out on their BS don't do the "meh it's the internet whatcha gonna do?" line. These are people who more often than not tend to agree politically with you these are your brother and sister Republicans, you tell us that we need to hold our own accountable, but then you guys fall silent.


And you wonder why your party has been taken over by racists. You want PC gone so you can yell and insult everyone else but your own.

Edited by AsburySkinsFan
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8 minutes ago, skinny21 said:

@twaCurious what you think about the idea that cracking down on immigration will lead to (illegal) immigrant's unwillingness to aid law enforcement - reporting crimes, bearing witness, testifying, or giving themselves up if they commit crimes.


I think it a distraction and a excuse to avoid enforcement. .

From the officers I've spoken with the problems exist w/o the crackdown.

Removing criminals reduces crimes against illegals and citizens.....IF you actually remove them.

That we have allowed things to get to this point is a disgrace

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3 minutes ago, twa said:

Removing criminals reduces crimes against illegals and citizens.....IF you actually remove them.


What does removing the law abiding illegals* accomplish?  


* Yes, I'm well aware that that's a contradiction in terms.  I've pointed out this fact on multiple occasions.  But you know what I mean.  

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5 minutes ago, twa said:


I think it a distraction and a excuse to avoid enforcement. .

From the officers I've spoken with the problems exist w/o the crackdown.

Removing criminals reduces crimes against illegals and citizens.....IF you actually remove them.

That we have allowed things to get to this point is a disgrace

Removing citizens reduces crimes against citizens too. Is this REALLY what passes for logic on the Right? 


A woman was in court getting a restraining order against her abusive husband, she was arrested because of her immigration status. You guys on the Right talk about laws, but you have a demented view of justice. So much so that I wonder if you even u derstand what the latter is.

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32 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Removing citizens reduces crimes against citizens too. Is this REALLY what passes for logic on the Right? 


A woman was in court getting a restraining order against her abusive husband, she was arrested because of her immigration status. You guys on the Right talk about laws, but you have a demented view of justice. So much so that I wonder if you even u derstand what the latter is.


We typically remove citizens and jail them, there is a cheaper option for illegals.


I don't consider trans women, but whatever


your angel


The ICE spokeswoman said the woman had a “lengthy criminal history with at least eight convictions on charges including false imprisonment, assault, domestic violence and illegal re-entry,” and had been deported six times.




I don't think you know what Justice is.


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2 hours ago, Larry said:


What does removing the law abiding illegals* accomplish?  


* Yes, I'm well aware that that's a contradiction in terms.  I've pointed out this fact on multiple occasions.  But you know what I mean.  


It removes a sub culture that enables crime and abuse of said illegals, it also forces real immigration reform.


Obviously not a high priority for either party.....and useless w/o enforcement.



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As Fanboy notes, besides the human costs, mass deportation is horribly bad for the economy.  


But in addition to the incredible human costs and practical and legal issues surrounding the deportation plan, forcibly removing millions of workers would also be economically devastating, potentially leading private-sector output to decline by hundreds of billions of dollars.

The American Action Forum, a nonpartisan, center-right-leaning think tank, released a study this week breaking down the economic consequences of deporting every unauthorized worker in the US.

The authors of the paper, Ben Gitis and Jacqueline Varas, said that based on an earlier American Action Forum study, the direct costs of dramatically expanding immigration-enforcement agencies and courts to deport roughly 11 million people would already cost the US government an estimated $400 billion to $600 billion.


They found, using estimates of output per worker in each of those industries, that the cost in lost output would be in the hundreds of billions of dollars (emphasis ours):

"Overall, removing all undocumented immigrants would cause private sector output to decline by between $381.5 billion and $623.2 billion. This translates to a 2.9 percent to 4.7 percent reduction in total annual output from the private sector."

Gitis and Varas went on to say that this estimate is based solely on what would be lost from removing unauthorized workers from these industries, and it doesn't include other economic effects like investment and consumption by the group.

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I'll add that the last sentence in the above is also critical.  The posted study DOES NOT include the impact of removing the consumption of 11 million people.  That's 11 million less people buying food and clothes, paying rent and taxes, and consuming the other kajillion things that other people need to sell to earn a living. 

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1 minute ago, skinny21 said:

I wonder how much of that is offset by the gov't aid the group receives.  I'd assume it's still a big kick in the nuts for both the business community and country.  


I also wonder what this will mean in terms of schools - population/funding/etc.


Illegal immigrants pay A LOT more in taxes than they receive in benefits. 

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4 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Illegal immigrants pay A LOT more in taxes than they receive in benefits. 


I don't think that is true as to associated costs

Might be true for the Feds




In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers. Amnesty would provide unlawful households with access to over 80 means-tested welfare programs, Obamacare, Social Security, and Medicare. The fiscal deficit for each household would soar.




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