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The "what's coming next" thread


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I've met with a client (in SD) at their location about 7 times now. Twice, the most recent being Fri, I encountered a really nice family there. And both times, the grandma kept mentioning "what's coming next." As in, "you are a really nice man, and I hope you're not here for what's coming next." or I'm moving back east before what comes next."

What am I missing? What's "coming next?" Sorry if I'm hitting a nerve, but this "unnerved" me and I'm curious as to what other folks with differing backgrounds have to say.

So is the world heading for a catastrophe or... Did I encounter a lady that was not all there or what??

Edit: never post while drunk, kids

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Chinese are heavily migrating and buying into our country. Off shore technical labor is also huge. Many Indian immigrants as well.

I dont see race. I see opportunity and threats. We only see unity as a country after a tragedy like Pearl Harbor or 9/11. The rest if the time we bicker like brothers.

Iran has ICBM nuclear weapon capability and so does N. Korea. Advanced technical capabilities has made the world smaller and faster. Be nimble. Adapt. Adjust.

Zombie Apocalypse. That ****s gonna **** us all. ;)

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So is the world heading for a catastrophe or...  Did I encounter a lady that was not all there or what??


More than likely not all there, unfortunately.


But even if she is "all there" I've seen plenty of people who were all there who've complained a lot about the antichrist these past 8 years.  She's living in CA, and there's always the "threat" of the place just "falling into the sea," which is what I assume she's talking about since apparently moving east can be safe.


Relatively rational people can have "irrational" fears like that sometimes.

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ok, sorry.  Mods:  please close.



Was hoping some of my fellow ESers may shed some light on something that I was contemplating.


If you were simply asking if "is there something happening you don't know about" or if we thought what the lady said was crazy then that probably would have yielded better results.  



Edit:  I guess I'm not sure why you felt the need to point out, in detail, how "white" you are and attach color/race to the person that said something weird to you. 

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The OP is wondering if the phrase "what's coming next" is something unique to african american culture or perhaps simply just an older phrase not in use anymore.

I've never heard it myself but maybe it is a regional term, phrase, or slang, like "reckon" or "hun". From reading the OP, I'm not sure of the tone or inflection of how "what's coming next" was said, but it's probably just rhetorical question or conversation filler.

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Sounds like plain old crazy talk, or religious crazy talk. Or, maybe it is just a former f expression.

I spent 3 years around 40-50 hardcore, Southern black pentecostals (my wife's family), never heard anybody say anything like that.

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Something big is indeed coming in the near future.

Won't have anything to do with race though.


I do agree with most others that your qualifications of your OP lends to to some of the criticism of it.


You could be green for all I care, you could be a snarky jerk like me for all I care.

Good people are good people regardless of perceptions, race, prejudices, economical standing, etc..  

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We were catching up on last weeks episodes of The Daily Show last night, and they did "coverage" of the anniversary of the Million Man March in DC...it was really funny, but in all seriousness...

The slogan was "Justice or Else", and they went into all kinds of funny theories of what the "else" is.

The lady in question may or may not watch the show, but that's how I take it...there's a lot going on right now, and older folks have seen a lot more than us.  Maybe she just had no other way of saying that the cray is out there & no one knows what's coming.

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