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Priority Resigning (Morris, Robinson, or Knighton)?


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The real issue here may end up being that a lot of mediocre QBs get superstar money. If we manage to re-sign Capt Kirk to a modest contract, we likely will ge to keep all 3. If we sell the farm to keep him because the alternative is starting Colt McCoy, it might be tough just to hang on to one. Robinson would probably top my list, partly because Perry Riley is so awful in coverage I don't want to see another middling talent lined up next to him.

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For me personally, an interior D-lineman who forces a double-team and still disrupts the pocket is almost priceless.  Basically what we thought we were going to get when we signed Haynesworth.


Right now Knighton's bullying job in the middle is changing the game.  How many previous years have we seen Orakpo and Kerrigan get a decent rush off the edge, but all the QB had to do was take 2 steps forward in the pocket and they were completely out of danger and/or had an extra 2 seconds to throw the ball?  That "safe zone" is gone now with Knighton successfully taking on two guys in the middle of the line. 


This league is not built for running backs to be paid a ton. You look at our O-line and I think you can throw a ton of running backs behind it and they will produce.  

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I agree with you, just clarifying what he meant. I get his point but I don't concur with his list. Morris would be my #3 priority on either


You had it right. My list changes depending on if we want to win next year or if we have a more long-term plan. So I set arbitrary numbers at next year or year three.


If we want to win next year, Pot Roast is the most important.


If we think 3 years from now will be our best shot, then a 33-34 year old Po Roast will NOT be at the top of my list.


I wasn't saying who will we sign in 3 years. I meant who is most important to sign at the end of this year, who will have the most impact three years down the road...I stand by my picks.




Also, I have no doubt in my mind we can resign all three for what RG3s salary would be next year.


Pot Roast for around 6-7mil/year(3 years), Robinson for 6-7mil/year(4 years) and Morris for 4 mil/year (4 years).


Just a shade over the 16 million that would have been due Robert.

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I don't understand how anybody in their right mind can think Morris will want a big contract. This is a guy that's been as humble as they come from day 1.

Assuming he finishes out the year in typical AlMo fashion, maybe a bit better because of the way we've been playing, then next Year, AlMo is going to hit the free agent market with a resume that says:


* 27 years old

* Four years in the NFL

* 5,000 yards (Probably #2 in the NFL in that period). 

* 50-55 TD

* 2-3 Pro Bowls

* And has never missed a game. 


He's going to get offers.  Sizable ones. 


Yeah, he seems like a really nice, humble, team-oriented guy.  And probably has a really great reputation, around town. 


But does that mean he'll turn down some other team that offers him $1M/year more money? 

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As to signing these guys? 


I have to say that this decision might say more about the players behind them, than about the players. 


At least in the cases of Knighton and Morris, (Don't know that much about Robinson), a big part of the decision comes down to weighing "Is it worth umpty-ump million a year more than (the guy who's behind him)?" 

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It's unrealistic to think Morris will accept a lowball offer with his credentials and this next contract period being his real last big payday. Thats why you typically see RBs holdout and get what they can. The 2nd contract is usually the one that sets them for life fianacially. He'll approach it a classact but I doubt he'll accept such a low offer.

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But does that mean he'll turn down some other team that offers him $1M/year more money? 

Not sure.  Obviously can't rule it out.  But based on what he's shown over the 3.5 years he's been here, money will not be a priority to him.  He doesn't seem to be the type to hold out for the highest offer.

It's unrealistic to think Morris will accept a lowball offer with his credentials and this next contract period being his real last big payday. Thats why you typically see RBs holdout and get what they can. The 2nd contract is usually the one that sets them for life fianacially. He'll approach it a classact but I doubt he'll accept such a low offer.

That, I can agree with. If we offer him vet minimums, then he should feel insulted and go elsewhere for more.  But if we offer him a fair contract, and another team offers him $1m-$2m more per year, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see him stay. 

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For me personally, an interior D-lineman who forces a double-team and still disrupts the pocket is almost priceless.  

Absolutely...because his ripple effect makes our other DL/LB/DBs that much better

Feed Morris 30 carries on Thursday and let him thump the Giants. Offer him a 3yr/14 mil extension during the long week and keep the good mojo flowing.

That is a great plan!!

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One of the mistakes the redskins have made IMO for a very long time is thinking that they could find better players. It's never an exact plan, there is never a name or any certainty on how it will happen. Just the vague idea that their own players, that have played well for them, could be replaced.

I'd like to see the team approach this latest rebuild differently. I'd like to see them fill holes while making as few new ones as possible.

I'd like to see the organization be a little less cut throat and a little more loyal. Not the Dan Snyder bestie kind of loyalty that poisons the locker room kind of loyalty. The kind that let's players know that if you work here and at hard, the team will value them more than the possibility of someone else.

So I'd like to see them keep Robinson and Morris. I'm fine with having two good running backs, I think teams need at least that many. This isn't to say i want him to be the highest paid RB in football, it would have to be reasonable. It is like to see the team seriously try.

If Knighton stays mostly healthy and proves to be a good fit all season long, than him too. Spend the money on the players that fit here that we know can play here. Draft their eventual replacements.

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That, I can agree with. If we offer him vet minimums, then he should feel insulted and go elsewhere for more.  But if we offer him a fair contract, and another team offers him $1m-$2m more per year, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see him stay. 

plus, like I postulated earlier this year, he can extend his NFL life by a few years by not having to carry all of the work load...i.e. 3-4 year $21-28 million (7 million a year) contract elsewhere can be close to a 5-6 $22 - 27 million (4.5 million a year) contract here... 

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Knighton is NT, hardest spot to fill, so top priority.


I'm actually going to say Morris is priority 2 over KRob. Morris doesn't have the injury history, plus our offense is focused on the OL and ground and pound which means he is a key part. Sure Matt Jones looks good after 1 game, but we have yet to see if there is an injury history or fumblitis, etc. A lot can happen in just 1 season. Plus, now in the NFL the feature back is starting to wane because of the physical toll it takes. Many feature backs are out in under 5 years and we all know the drop off at 30 or 3k carries. Having 2 fresh RBs game after game wearing down opponents is exactly how you form an elite unit that wins you games. 


I also doubt he demands top dollar. Sure his agent will press for more, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Almo stay on a reasonable contract that doesn't hold the team back elsewhere.  

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I would have said Knighton, and it's not even close. The NT have some ripple effect all over the defense, as well as the FS. Those are two anchor pieces you must not mistake if you want a good 3-4.


Still, prioritizing those 3 is quite hard to do. It's just been two games, and I'm not ready to send Morris somewhere else. I would put him in the Cooley mold, just better. Morris is the type of guy that is extremly undervalued in the NFL. He got stats, physical, durability, almost everything you need from a RB. He's not that great at receiving or blocking, but he's no fake either.


As someone pointed out, NFL is a buisness, and the buisness show no mercy with players that are expendables. Is that easy to find a replacment for Morris? Probably, RB are dime a dozen each draft. Still, showing him respect and signing him to a good contract that is both team and player friendly is a must have to me. That's the kind of move that can also have some ripple effects throughout NFL players in the league. Let's not kid ourselves, players knows eachothers from college, some share the same agent, they are buddies when they're not on the field, and having an organization that is "player friendly", that treats them with respect and such is always a good thing as it can really helps in the future signing of FA. (Just like Chris Baker and Pot Roast!). And I do have the feeling that Scott and Bruce are the type of guys to do that kind of move. Also, players treated fairly are more keen to give 200% on the field on any given sunday.


So, as long as guys produce on the field I don't see any reason not to resign any of them. Right now, I would say it's Knighton / Morris and Robinson, but heck, season is long and so many things can still happen!

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I don't understand how anybody in their right mind can think Morris will want a big contract. This is a guy that's been as humble as they come from day 1. And I thought I read an article that he put the old mazda away and started riding a bicycle? LOL. Morris and Jones seem to compliment one another extremely well and believe we need to keep them both.


Why wouldn't he want a big contract?  The window for guaranteed $ at the RB position is VERY small.  This might be his last chance at a significant pay day.  I don't fault any guy in the league for trying to get as much money as they can.  It's a business at the end of the day, but these guys have to look out for themselves.  Humility goes out the window.  Alf should try to get every penny possible. 


That being said, Pot Roast, Robinson,...........then Morris as far as priorities. 


No disrespect to Alf, but I wouldn't overpay for his services.  He's had declining #'s since his rookie year, and while he's a good RB, he's not elite.  If Jones proves to be the real deal, that's our starter in 2016 and the team can look for a backup in one of the late rounds in the draft, OR from a guy like Silas Redd. 

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Some more thoughts on Morris...

It isn't uncommon to have a RB who produces at a high level the first three years of his rookie deal hold out in the fourth year. Matt Forte did it, didn't get what he wanted, came back, and infortunately tore his ACL. I typically don't like this move but am more understanding at the RB position. Morris didn't do that. Of course the drafting of Matt Jones gave the team leverage if he did, but I like to believe Morris didn't even have it in his mind to do that anyway.

I don't know why people expect him to take a contract drastically below market value just because he's a standup guy or a good teammate or likes where he is. A team friendly deal maybe, but that's maybe shaving $1-2 million total off the top of his best offer not half what the guy's worth. I could see a team-friendly deal in his future, just not one drastically below his market value.

I think he can have a career similar to Frank Gore. Though they aren't exact blueprints of one another they share the common theme of durability and production. Morris has never led the league in rushing, but he has produced 3 strait 1k yard seasons in two different offenses, and started every single game since he entered the league. He's shown he knows how to protect himself and take care of his body while still being a physical and punishing runner. All of that echoes Gore's career to a "T." I honestly think Morris could play at a high level into his 30s unless he has some devestating injury.

As someone else pointed out. As long as we have two productive runners splitting carries it should extend the careers of both.

If the cap is indeed extended to $160 mil we are at $141 mil BEFORE taking RG3's $16mil off the books. Without that figuring into the equation it leaves us at $125mil, a good $35mil under the cap. This is BEFORE factoring in cuts, restructures, and any cap roll over from 2015. In otherwords, the team will be in fantastic shape to retain all three and Cousins. Even if they are running up against the cap, cutting Garcon or Goldson saves $8 mil a pop. Hatcher, Hall, and Riley would save $4mil each. Lavao, Roberts, and Steiger would save $3 mil each. All of these guys can be reworked/extended as well to create more room. So basically, the days of being in cap-hell are over! Time to start rewarding our own!

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