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Priority Resigning (Morris, Robinson, or Knighton)?


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Robinson for me is the priority.  He is the defacto best ILB on the team, and while Knighton is very valuable, we have other DLinemen playing well right now.  Robinson is young and playing so well at this point in time.  Morris I love the most, but hes third as they have other backs who can fill that role.

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Robinson should be the easiest to retain. Knighton is going to be a huge issue because he's going to receive big time attention this offseason if he keeps playing like he is. You don't find nose tackles like him around the league very often. What's working in our favor is definitely his relationship with Baker and it seems the rest of the Dline. Looks like a very close group. Gonna have to open the wallet though 

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The point, is that no RB can do well when they're getting consistently hit as soon as they have the ball.

To spell it out for you- TK argued that RBs are interchangeable, an argument you tried to rebut with the Dallas example. An example which then immediately led you to posts that argue that RBs are dependent on their OLines. 


In other words, you're basically trying to defend your own point by explaining to us how wrong it was.

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To spell it out for you- TK argued that RBs are interchangeable, an argument you tried to rebut with the Dallas example. An example which then immediately led you to posts that argue that RBs are dependent on their OLines.

In other words, you're basically trying to defend your own point by explaining to us how wrong it was.

I believe you are equivocating on what my original point was. And my actual quote wasn't in response to TK, someone else made the "dime a dozen" comment first. My point was that there is a substantial difference between an Alfred Morris and an average running back. Alfred Morris is not a dime a dozen, nor has he been a flash in the pan. You are implying my point was prioritizing the RB position over the Oline. Never did I do that. But strawmen are fun, and rather easy, to beat up aren't they?

Btw, Morris would be my priority #3, but I do believe he deserves another deal, would be worthy of top ten RB money, and would be well worth the investment. In otherwords, he's not a dime a dozen.

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While I feel that from a position standpoint, NT>ILB, and generally DLine>LB corps, I have to put Robinson ahead of Knighton.


Knighton is older and a good year will push him towards a big contract.  That isn't to say he's not deserving, but every year we look at big guys in the draft with serious potential.  I'd much rather we throw 3 picks to NTs in the draft and have one of them emerge compared to paying Knighton a lot to re-up.  Meanwhile, Robinson looks amazing, and replacing his varied and high level skill set will be difficult.  Morris, of course, looked obsolete this week compared to Matt Jones (but more on that shortly).


That being said, the jury is still out on Robinson and Morris, in my mind.


Robinson is young and looks darn good, insta-re-sign, but that can only be if he's healthy.  For as good as he's been in the past 18 games, he was equally injured in the previous 32.  Entering 2014, it was entirely reasonable to have significant reservations, if one hadn't just flatly written him off.  Now he looks amazing, but will he look that way for 4-10 more years?  If he stays healthy all this season, I say get him locked down, but if there are injuries, there has to be a backup plan.


Morris is dependent on Matt Jones.  Jones looked great today, but will he look that good next week?  Two weeks from now?  Through the end of the season?  Can he carry a 250 carry workload?  We probably won't even know that last one until it's too late in either direction.  I think Morris transcends systems, but not enough for it to not impact him somewhat.  To that end, Matt Jones might be better suited in the long run.  Like Robinson, see what happens the rest of the year.


That being said, I'm most emotionally tied to AlMo.  I want him, wherever he ends up, to have a really nice paycheck to go with a nice career of 5-8 more years of awesome running.


Knighton fits in the middle.  Great NT play can't be underestimated but I have a tough time giving him a 4 year, 32M deal, or whatever it'll take to lock him down.  I would hate, HATE, to be back in the NT wilderness, but a lot of that had to do with us not taking it as seriously as we needed to for the purposes of filling the position.  If Knighton goes, I have no doubt that NT would be near the top of our list of priorities, and that while it might take a couple years, we'd find a more than suitable substitute.


Also, on RBs generally, while I don't think they're interchangeable, it's definitely a buyer's market with diminishing losses for guys who fit the system being run.  Of all the positions on NFL teams where you might be able to find a starting caliber player to replace another starting caliber player consistently within under four years, RB is probably the most likely position to do that (besides maybe kicker).  A good GM/HC combo will make RBs interchangeable.

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And I'm not going to spend more time on someone who doesn't even understand their own posts.

Haha, ok. Well one of us has labored to explain my point while the other has arbitrarily declared that my point is otherwise, done quite a bit of posturing, and then saved face and ran. Ending our disagreement on these terms is more than acceptable to me. Good day.

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This is a tough call as I think all 3 are almost equally as valuable. However, as much as I love AlMo, running backs are easier to come by and Jones is a lot younger. That being said Morris might be willing to take a hometown discount because he is humble and might want to stick in DC.


Pot Roast is one of the better interior defensive lineman in the league but his age is a little of a concern. Also with having Baker being groomed under him along side Hatcher & Paea, I think Pot Roast might be more expendable than Robinson.


That being said I would say our #1 priorty resigning should be Keenan Robinson, given the fact that he continues to play as well as he's done thus far. He's the mike on defense and is starting to become a leader on the team as well. With RG3's 16 million more than likely coming back to us I think we can resign all 3. I just think as long as Keenan stays healthy and continues to play like he has, he should be the #1 priority out of those 3 players.

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All three of those guys are talented and great additions to the team but there are issues. Pot Roast is getting old, Keenan has injury concerns and Alfred could become a backup. The real question is how much are they worth? 


I'd guess 7-9 million per. year for Knighton, 6-8 for Keenan, 4-6 for Morris. We should be able to retain all three if they fit with in that price range but the big issue is Kirk. If he plays well, I'm not saying too great just Andy Dalton level who is the poster boy for an avg. QB then he will command a 100 mill. contract. If that happens then goodbye Morris because we will draft a back up to Jones since a quality back up RB is a luxury.  With that said, we should be able to keep Kirk, Knighton and Keenan with our salary cap without mortgaging our future too much since we will have 30 mill next year after we cut RG3 and Roberts.

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I think you also have to take how we draft into account.  One of the reasons the 49ers and Seahawks built the rosters they did is because they would sign veterans for the short-term and draft young guys to fill their spots and avoid having to re-up the vets for big money.


It is hard to maintain depth once a handful of players consume a ton of the team's budget so the idea is to eventually over the course of a few seasons be stocked with a ton of young talent that is ready to step up and contribute once the veterans are looking for the big pay day.

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I think you also have to take how we draft into account.  One of the reasons the 49ers and Seahawks built the rosters they did is because they would sign veterans for the short-term and draft young guys to fill their spots and avoid having to re-up the vets for big money.


It is hard to maintain depth once a handful of players consume a ton of the team's budget so the idea is to eventually over the course of a few seasons be stocked with a ton of young talent that is ready to step up and contribute once the veterans are looking for the big pay day.

Another thing those teams (as well as the Patriots and Packers) do is they put a value on a player and then try to get those players to sign for a bit less than that price. That's how you try to maximize the value you get from a salary cap. If you get a $6 mil player signed for $5 mil, then you're ahead of the game. Sign him for $7 mil and you're behind. Getting value like that is how you get the most value possible using salary space that is limited. 


What you definitely DON'T do is say "well, we have space, so let's just overpay so-and-so". That's just misallocating resources that could have been better spent elsewhere.

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Right, and I think something people have to take into account is that from the Owner, GM, coaches.....it seemed like the attitude going into this season from the get-go wasn't about winning right now. It was about changing the culture, turning the tide, building something that can be a foundation for years to come.

Then all of the sudden romoSUCKS & Dez go down long-term, Chip Kelly ships off his best 3 play-makers, and the Giants are sort of in limbo and just like that, an opportunity that wasn't necessarily there before for this team in 2015 has presented itself.


It doesn't mean we should suddenly expect the team to get ahead of itself and perform better, it just means that this season might have just turned into a "couple lucky bounces of the ball and who knows?" kind of season.


Regardless of the rest of the division and their team's woes, we are still a team in transition and rebuilding, it's just that maybe, just maaaaybe, a door has opened for something more in this kind of season.

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I don't understand how anybody in their right mind can think Morris will want a big contract. This is a guy that's been as humble as they come from day 1. And I thought I read an article that he put the old mazda away and started riding a bicycle? LOL. Morris and Jones seem to compliment one another extremely well and believe we need to keep them both.

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I really want Morris to come back and be rewarded and acknowledged for his consistency, effort, and excellence. He's a very good doubles hitter. It felt like they were leaning more towards Jones against the Rams (even after the fumble,) but Alfred is the kind of guy you want on your team. Knighton we need to see more of and it depends on his price tag. It's hard to get a nose tackle. Knighton will want to and hopefully will deserve to get paid next season. Robinson's sort of in the Morris category. Keep and reward your own when they do well. Losing him may be like losing Pierce. That said, I need more games. Robinson looked good last year in a pathetic defense. I want to see him look good in a good defense. Can he elevate his team and make the plays versus make the stats. 


I think the answer is yes. I hope it is.


Mind you, I'm greedy. I never want to cut any of our guys (at least not the ones who produce)

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