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Hail To Bashaud Breeland!


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Lots of praise being thrown around in here, and he certainly made some great plays.  I'm pretty sure he blew the coverage when Witten had his wide open TD.  Certainly not a perfect game from him, but very strong.  Best since Champ?  I sure hope so. :)


I think Breeland is a case of a guy who likes playing physical and using his hands.  All the way back to TC, there was talk about how he was gonna get a bunch of penalties for grabbing, etc.  And he's had some of those.  But once he figures out what he can get away with, and gets more comfortable starting every week, I think he can be a very nice fit for the good guys.

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The rook devoured Dez Bryant.  And Amerson was no slouch either.  Somehow, I feel a lot better about our secondary.  ANd Haslett, wow.  He called a great game (and everyone should know that I hate Haslett). 


I gave us no chance tonight.  None.  Thought we'd be blown out by 20+ points.  Colt didn't make me forget Griffin, but he did what he had to do and that's all I ask. He was ice cold on that last drive. Now, if they want to give Griffin extra time till the bye, I'm fine with that. 


Orakpo who? Murphy had a pretty good game for his first start, didn't he?  Kerrigan was a beast.  And Merriweather was headhunting without all the illegal hitting. 


Awesome team win.

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Agreed. And for all of the **** that he gets on this board (and occasionally deserved), Merriweather played balls out as well!

Eh. I'm not giving him "balls out". He's always good at blitzing, that's the only real strong area of his game (and not much of a strength for a S). But the fumble was him completely whiffing on the tackle and his hand catching the ball as he went flying out of the play. And he looked bad in coverage a couple of times. I'll give him credit for a decent game, but no more.


One guy who does get too much crap here and deserves some credit tonight is Perry Riley. Solid game overall and two huge plays on the last series.

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Man he had a great game!  Could he and Amerson lock down the position for us moving forward?  It would be great to see happen.  Such a steal in the draft; I was worried about who would block Dez Bryant.



The play of both of these guys answered my biggest worry about this team going against Dallass's weapons. I worry about our O-line, but I generally don't worry about our offense's ability (on paper) to score points. They just need to get it in gear, and they did tonight. But the secondary with Deangelo gone was my biggest worry. I'm no longer worried.


THIS is a game that can turn a season around. And as much as I have disliked Haslett, his game plan was brilliant tonight.

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My father asked me "Why are are we blitzing so much?" I told him, " Because our CB's are getting it done and Haslett has faith in them, that's why we can send the house, the senate, the downtown area and the rest of Congress in these blitz packages.!!"


Breeland and Amerson were amazing today.. Our defense was insane today. Best MNF game since the home game vs NY in 2012 and @Dallas in 2005.

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Look, I will probably continue on with my crusade about this for a short while, but it's only because it's a positive thing anyway.

Not many corners when they came out of college had to cover 2 NFL WRs in practice, every day, for the most part of their college career.

While I thought maybe his 4.6 might have been slow, he admitted he could have trained more for that.

He had to cover Sammy watkins and Martavis bryant every day in college, so I never thought for a second he would be completely lost in the NFL, like many corners can be.

He's got great ball skills, and isn't afraid like many young corners can be. He brings attitude also. I really hope this guy pans out. He's a potential jersey guy if he continues on like this.

Deandre Hopkins too. That's three.
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But the fumble was him completely whiffing on the tackle and his hand catching the ball as he went flying out of the play.



That's kind of picking nits for a guy that forced a fumble on Dallass's 5 yard line. Besides, we swarmed Romo on that play and there were plenty of guys there to make the tackle. 9 times out of 10, ESPECIALLY on the 5 yard line, I'll take the forced fumble (if only Kerrigan could have come up with the ball, but Kerrigan was a beast tonight so I won't pick nits with him either)!

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Best MNF game since the home game vs NY in 2012 and @Dallas in 2005.



I loved Jay's celebration at the end on the sideline after the game ended on the incompletion. It reminded me of Joe Gibbs II victory in Dallass on MNF when Scott Brunell hit Santana twice. Beautiful moment then and tonight!

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THIS is a game that can turn a season around. And as much as I have disliked Haslett, his game plan was brilliant tonight.


We must give credit where it is due, and I agree on both counts.  Breeland and Amerson were fantastic tonight.  The gameplan worked very well.  Still too many penalties and turnovers, but we beat a 7-1 team in their house on Monday Night Football in a game NOBODY expected us to win.

These are the kind of wins that turn seasons around, but we must take it one game at a time.  Beat Minnesota and go into the bye week at 4-5.

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