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"We've been losing. What I want is for us to finish dead last."


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So, after we win 5 games in 2014, and 6 games in 2015, what do you guys think 2016 will hold for us? 

Why even watch if you think that's going to be the case?  I mean I can understand being pessimistic but acting as though it can't suddenly turn around is silly.  The Seahawks, Saints, Patriots, Chargers and a few other teams were laughing stocks for years and made major strides in the past 10-15 years.  I do realize we've sucked for what has felt like forever but the pendulum will eventually swing back in our favor if for nothing more than dumb luck.  Keep the faith dude, we will eventually get there.

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Why even watch if you think that's going to be the case?  I mean I can understand being pessimistic but acting as though it can't suddenly turn around is silly.  The Seahawks, Saints, Patriots, Chargers and a few other teams were laughing stocks for years and made major strides in the past 10-15 years.  I do realize we've sucked for what has felt like forever but the pendulum will eventually swing back in our favor if for nothing more than dumb luck.  Keep the faith dude, we will eventually get there.


I envy you. What's that like - not being broken inside? 

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I envy you. What's that like - not being broken inside? 

It's not about being broken inside, I simply love this team and always have.  I'm probably stupid but I'm convinced in the very near future we will be back to the team we were in the 80's and early 90's.  It's the reason I have an outrageous amount of Redskins items in my home or why I spend so much time on multiple Redskins message boards.  I know it doesn't seem that way as of late but to me there's simply nothing else like being a Redskins fan.  This team will always mean the world to me.

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I don't think the Redskins have ever fully committed to a real rebuild. We've hired new coaches and new GMs, but it's always been the same gameplan: lots of expensive FA acquisitions, not enough commitment to drafting and developing talent. By that I mean draft guys and actually play them and commit to coaching them and developing them.


Look at how the Bengals are run. It's sad but the team once known as the Bungals are one of the most well run teams in the league now because they committed to drafting and developing talent. That's how the best teams do it. Packers, Ravens, Seahawks, Eagles, etc.


The problem with the Skins is that every year we always spend a lot of money on FAs. Yes, some of those FAs have been great players. I love(d) Fletcher, Portis, Moss, Garcon, etc. as much as anyone. But you don't really give your franchise a chance to grow into a title contender building that way. You cap your ceiling at like 9-10 wins but you lose a lot of depth and long term sustainability. This is why we have these occasional 10 win seasons only to fade and collapse in the years after.


Even this year, which was supposed to be a rebuilding year, we went out and signed vets like Hatcher. I mean Hatcher is a hell of a player, but what do we really gain with him here? He's great when he's healthy, but by the time we build up the rest of our roster he'll be finished.


tl;dr the Redskins continue to be a poorly run organization from top to bottom that continues to do things backwards and as such will never be a year to year contender.

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what also pisses me off is that we find excuses for guys not to play? Chad Rinehart was in the dog house here and now he starts for the Chargers and they have no issues with him


I just hope we give Moses and Long a shot at some point. See what they got when it's for real. It's the only way to truly gauge how far they've gotten or have to go to get better.

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I don't think the Redskins have ever fully committed to a real rebuild. We've hired new coaches and new GMs, but it's always been the same gameplan: lots of expensive FA acquisitions, not enough commitment to drafting and developing talent. By that I mean draft guys and actually play them and commit to coaching them and developing them.


Look at how the Bengals are run. It's sad but the team once known as the Bungals are one of the most well run teams in the league now because they committed to drafting and developing talent. That's how the best teams do it. Packers, Ravens, Seahawks, Eagles, etc.


The problem with the Skins is that every year we always spend a lot of money on FAs. Yes, some of those FAs have been great players. I love(d) Fletcher, Portis, Moss, Garcon, etc. as much as anyone. But you don't really give your franchise a chance to grow into a title contender building that way. You cap your ceiling at like 9-10 wins but you lose a lot of depth and long term sustainability. This is why we have these occasional 10 win seasons only to fade and collapse in the years after.


Even this year, which was supposed to be a rebuilding year, we went out and signed vets like Hatcher. I mean Hatcher is a hell of a player, but what do we really gain with him here? He's great when he's healthy, but by the time we build up the rest of our roster he'll be finished.


tl;dr the Redskins continue to be a poorly run organization from top to bottom that continues to do things backwards and as such will never be a year to year contender.

It looked like we were going to get that when bruce and Mike were originally hired and then the McNabb trade happened and it was par for the course. We've needed an destruction and rebuild for years.

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I'll give you my response---as both an emotional and considered reaction, I personally lean towards temp bans to posters that advocate trying to deliberately throw games and that players and coaches give less than their possible maximum effort to win every game played (allowing for the occasional calling for it as a venting comment). 


I don't push such as a policy as it is arguably too restrictive to "reasonable" (always the debate) expression, and while it doesn't affect my stance, I wouldn't welcome the fact that some posters I really like, including one I consider a personal friend, would be eligible.


But for a place called "extremeskins", and what that means to me, and given what my values are in these matters, I think it's the ultimate suck for a fan to advocate such.


However, there are many types of people who consider themselves fans with many types of personalities, values, and views. So if one feels that coexistence is preferable (spell check tried to make that "insufferable" :lol:) to censure in this case, enjoy.  :P


Now let me make it very clear that I don't need it ("why tanking") explained to me.  I get it, and totally reject it with extreme dislike.


If I ever was enjoying some sign of serious team success, and were to know that some of the reason for it came for a "deliberately tanking" strategy, that would upset me more than the "regular" losing crap. That's when I would feel the most disgrace and shame for the organization, well beyond what I feel about the constant football incompetence and various just dumbass shenanigans.


To give a simple response to a well-thought-out post, I think that it's the same thing as politics.  No, I won't bring anything political up, promise!


I remember it was an election year and I met someone at a Jiffy Lube who wasn't voting for my guy, and he viciously attacked my candidate (he was on TV, I hadn't said anything).  I eventually couldn't take it, and I spoke up, but I didn't want to attack his guy.  I asked him what he wanted, after all is said and done, from a president, and he said to make this country better.  I asked him if he genuinely thought that ANYONE would want to be president in order to make a country worse, and he finally took a breath and said, "Well, no, I guess not."  I told him that we ALL want the same thing, but we have different ways of getting there.  That's the only difference.


What I can't stand is wanting us to lose in order to prove a point; to me that's not a real fan.  "I hope Cousins blows so that you Cousins lovers can see how right I was!" (I'm an RGIII guy for the record).  THAT is the antithesis of being a fan, as that's just pure selfishness and putting your own petty thoughts above the team's.  If anything could get a knee-jerk temp ban, I wish it would be those people.


The "Suck for Luck" movement, though, was just an expression of a sense of frustration and wanting to do something new about it.  To me, winning those games was the in-season equivalent of every offseason that we've had: Try to win now, cost us in the future.  It was pointless to me, and we had a real shot at #1 overall.  I never wanted us to lose, and I never was happy when we did.  I just wasn't as upset as I was earlier in the season.  To be fair, I have the same kind of dulled reaction when we lose now, and I definitely don't want us to do anything but go 16-3 from here.


I think that dividing it into two camps of blindly wanting to win or blindly wanting to lose is like separating the rainbow into black and white.  I don't think that either extreme truly exists, but I do know for a fact that any true fan just wants another Lombardi.  Some have one way to get there, some have another, but everyone on this board, EVERYONE, should have whatever they say taken with a grain of sugar.  Honestly, if you've been here for a couple of years, and you've stayed a fan of this team for that long, then you've got to have SOME of your heart in the right place.


*That turned out way longer than I intended

Blaming Snyder is to easy anymore. He's done everything the fanbase has wanted him to and he still gets blamed.


Well, to be fair, he's done it all poorly.  I don't think that he's actively hurting the team anymore, but he is doing it passively by hiring the wrong people.

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Blaming Snyder is to easy anymore. He's done everything the fanbase has wanted him to and he still gets blamed.


If he'd done everything THIS representative of the fan base has wanted him to do, he'd have sold the team by now. 


Look, he's done some things, tried to get out of his own way somewhat, etc., but, imo, a schmuck at the top is always going to pose problems to everyone beneath him. 

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Blaming Snyder is to easy anymore. He's done everything the fanbase has wanted him to and he still gets blamed.

I'm not at all sure he's done everything the fan base wanted. I can only say he's never come close to doing what I wanted.


But running a team by doing "what the fans want me to do" is a particularly idiotic way to run a team anyway.

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I'm not at all sure he's done everything the fan base wanted. I can only say he's never come close to doing what I wanted.


But running a team by doing "what the fans want me to do" is a particularly idiotic way to run a team anyway.

I was just speaking to Snyder playing Madden with the franchise. He's stepped out of the way.

If he'd done everything THIS representative of the fan base has wanted him to do, he'd have sold the team by now. 


Look, he's done some things, tried to get out of his own way somewhat, etc., but, imo, a schmuck at the top is always going to pose problems to everyone beneath him.

Tom Benson was a huge schmuck who was trying his hardest to get the Saints out of New Orleans and some how he's considered one of the leagues better owners now....

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So Snyder's a good owner now because he doesn't pick bad players anymore? Just bad GMs and Coaches who pick bad players?

He spends money on things he can market. Let me know when we make the papers for building the league's best funded, modern, and well run scouting department. When we have the league's best training and practice facilities. Yes he's finally hired, and presumably empowered, a GM but that hasn't lasted a full year yet. Shanahan, another glam signing by Snyder, had all the power prior to this season. If he follows his coaching pattern Allen will either be demoted or fired when he makes his next splashy hire.

He's more concerned with fighting the media and selling false hope to his customer base than he is on actually doing what it takes to creating a first class organization.

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Too early to say the season is over.  Can't expect Cousins to have a 4-pick game like that again, especially if Jay is smart and tries to protect him with Morris.  We still have a last place schedule and Griffin attempting to come back before the bye-week.  


A lot of injures, and I won't knock this team for how it handled itself in the offseason (outside the Orakpo deal, which I have no choice but to understand because they hadn't drafted Murphy yet).  We were 3-13 last year, am I supposed to expect us to compete for a Super Bowl this year or something?

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