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Thoughts on Cousins and the next few weeks


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some of our fans are mad too.

Yeah I know some of the fans a more angry. Kirk REALLY needs to settle down and stop throwing fast just to get rid of the ball without understanding (reading) what the defense is doing. That's why he throws A LOT of picks. He knows what his WR's are suppose to be doing. But, he doesn't seem to know what the hell the defenses are doing to stop it.

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Against the Eagles we saw a gameplan playing to Kirk's strengths. He followed the script and looked excellent doing so.


Last night we saw Kirk not playing to Kirk's strengths. I don't know what the gameplan called for, but I'm guessing he didn't follow it that well.


No matter who you have as the long-term pick, we need KC playing well until Robert is healthy. Our defense is obviously going to put up a Maginot line defense, and you know how well that did not work out for France.


With KC playing well the season is not over at the bye. Otherwise another year of everyone's football career just got wasted. I'm tired of being just like the Jags, except with more fans.

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Had a feeling this was gonna happen.  This team has the qb version of Taylor Jacobs in Cousins, amazing when it doesn't matter, horrible when it does.  Griffin can't stay off the injured list and isn't a prototypic NFL qb, which our coaches don't know how to deal with.  We're screwed, as usual.

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Can't believe the quarterback debate even matters at this point.

Offensive line is atrocious at right tackle, and now Williams is hurt. Tough ass mofo played through a deep thigh bruise in 2012, and those hurt like hell. I've never seen him in pain even when injured, and he's hurt.

Hall being out hurts WAY more than a lot of you thought.

Our defensive line is held together by duct tape. Not all of the duct tape, though, because that's what's holding together a few guys' hamstrings at this point.

We have no secondary ready to start (I do believe in Amerson and Breeland, but not yet ready for prime time).

Orakpo, god damn I was wrong about him. Absolute waste of a roster spot and $13 million.

Our special teams aren't even worth mentioning, so that's all that I'll say.

Literally the only positives that I can get out of this is that Roberts, Garcon, Morris, and Kerrigan bust their asses and actually care. And Way can punt. That's it.

Paul has been a positive. I cannot believe he held onto that catch, wow.

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Against the Eagles we saw a gameplan playing to Kirk's strengths. He followed the script and looked excellent doing so.


Last night we saw Kirk not playing to Kirk's strengths. I don't know what the gameplan called for, but I'm guessing he didn't follow it that well.


No matter who you have as the long-term pick, we need KC playing well until Robert is healthy. Our defense is obviously going to put up a Maginot line defense, and you know how well that did not work out for France.


With KC playing well the season is not over at the bye. Otherwise another year of everyone's football career just got wasted. I'm tired of being just like the Jags, except with more fans.

I"m guess that or the Giants just took it away and forced Cousins to try other things he's not comfortable with. But Tyler Polumbus will make ANY QB nervous as hell to playing with him blocking for them. One of the recipes to beat Washington is line your best pass rusher over Polumbus. That guy.......man :mellow:

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thank goodness i didnt watch the game

but if im reading the reports correctly, he dropped a stinker. I will give him time, but some of you all deserved a game like that from Cousins for crowning dude so early without him actually accomplishing anything of note in the NFL.

Seattle coming up too. I dont know what to say about that game. THat is all.


It's funny man, I think by not going through that meat grinder of a game last night, you can be objective. If you saw what we saw, not so much. 


for me, what I can't unsee, was Kirk's demeanor on the bench. I don't know if I have ever seen a player look so, well dejected. He looked so bad man. 

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@Dan Graziano:

Giants DBs said Cousins was staring down his receivers, they saw it on film and Pierre-Paul pointed it out in-game.

He goes through his progressions, they said...

@JP Finlay:

Asked #Giants DB Zack Bowman what it was like going against #Redskins Kirk Cousins tonight: "It's like Christmas." #RedskinsTalk

*smdh*....We better destroy them the next time we play.

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Remember that extraordinary final drive RGIII had against the Giants that nobody remembers because Madog**** Williams got smoked by Nicks for the game losing TD 30 seconds later?


I do.  I've said it on this thread and got killed for it by some -- but am still 100% in on RG3 and it has nothing to do with Kirk and last night's debacle. I am not sold that Kirk is a franchise QB and said so after the Philly game, I've seen good, I've seen bad.  I do think he needs more games to show what he's got for better or worse.  My main concern about him and said so after the Philly game is his poor 2nd half performances through most of his career albeit short one -- does the dude have a clutch gene -- or is he that nervous kid who we saw throw balls in the dirt in the first quarter against Cleveland until he settled down.  As I said here, I've never seen a QB look so discernibly nervous in their first start than what I saw from Kirk, when he settled down he played great.  I just wonder about the dude's mental toughness.  And I do agree that we need to see that movie play out.


I've been consistent on this, I don't get carried away good or bad on Cousins, I think the sample needs to be larger.  I think he can potentially be a good albeit not great QB.   And I'd love to be wrong, love it if he was a stud as some in this thread purport him to be.


I am sold on RG3 as a franchise QB though worry about durability.  Heck his biggest critic Shanny said his career is on a hall of fame trajectory based on his rookie season and talked about his clutch play by calling him Cool hand Luke which even made me watch the movie to see what he was talking about.  :)

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Remember that extraordinary final drive RGIII had against the Giants that nobody remembers because Madog**** Williams got smoked by Nicks for the game losing TD 30 seconds later?

It was Cruz, but yeah lol...I for one never will forget it. That drive had Cowboys fans who had been hating on Griffin saying "Ok, I was wrong. Wow."

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I said after the Eagles game that I didn't think that Cousins was that great.  I said he looked like he could be a good QB.  I still think he looks like he could be a good QB.  He played pretty well in the first half.  He moves around the pocket well.  He's got a stronger arm than I thought.


If he was staring down receivers in the 1st half where were the INTs.


He has to learn that sometimes it is okay to throw the ball 10 yards out of bounds.  There are times when nobody is open and your time is up, and the solution in those situations is not to try and squeeze the ball in somewhere even with the hope/thought that only the receiver will make a play on it.


As much as people loved it, the pass to Garcon along the sidelines of the Eagles game was a bad decision.  It shouldn't have been thrown.

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He had a very bad game but we all know it would be way, way, way, way worse if RG3 had done what he did last night.


RG3 is graded on a much harsher curve for various reasons, most of which are complete BS.


Cousins has to play well regardless of the outcome because getting value back for him OR Rob in a trade is essential for the future of this team.

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Here's the deal w/ Kirk. Like a lot of QB's, including Eli, when he starts getting knocked around, he's going to start getting happy feet and throwing off target. How many games has Eli had just like Kirk had last night? A lot.  The difference w/ RG3 is instead of throwing the ball up for grabs, he'll try and scramble around and make something happen. The bottom line is the coaches have to realize that they now have to max protect, regardless of who's in there. This line is awful and the number one priority is max protect and keep in 7 guys to block. That would be my gameplan going forward the rest of the year. Keep the QB upright and perhaps move the pocket a little more.  

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He had a very bad game but we all know it would be way, way, way, way worse if RG3 had done what he did last night.


RG3 is graded on a much harsher curve for various reasons, most of which are complete BS.


Cousins has to play well regardless of the outcome because getting value back for him OR Rob in a trade is essential for the future of this team.


RG3 should be graded more harshly because he was the 2nd pick in the draft, and we gave up a lot to get him, and he's played a lot more.


It really isn't RG3's fault, but RG3 needs to be playing a very high level for things to work out for us.


Cousins is a 4th round pick, and if he ends up being a border line starting QB, then that's actually pretty good thing.

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I"m guess that or the Giants just took it away and forced Cousins to try other things he's not comfortable with. But Tyler Polumbus will make ANY QB nervous as hell to playing with him blocking for them. One of the recipes to beat Washington is line your best pass rusher over Polumbus. That guy.......man :mellow:


With the RG3 critiques, one of the strangest ones to me that is said by some is that Polumbus isn't that bad, its RG3 who makes him look bad and sacks are on RG3.

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Well, glad to see all the desperate attempts by the biased Cousin backers to degrade and crap on Griffin in the name of pumping up Cousins is being mirrored by the other side now degrading and crapping on Cousins in the name of pumping up Griffin.

Gotta love this fanbase.


couple things going on ... desperate hope searching for something, anything that promises not to suck at the current level of suckitude ... and a fair if harsh observation of clear holes in RG3's game.  I'm sure there have been gratuitous RG3 degradation, I don't think I did any but if I did it was unintended. 


Re: RG3 and KC1 ... Its either an absolute thing  ... in which case RG3 isn't winning enough games... *and neither is Cousins ... *OR* its relative ... RG3 isn't as good as he's expected to be given his draft position and physical talent ... not as good as his peers and some of his supposed lessers (i.e., Luck, Wilson, Foles, etc.) have become ... and Cousins is much less good relative to RG3.


But in any case ... to address your post ... RG3 hasn't been that good recently and is now injured so we don't know what we are going to get when he comes back but odds are it won't be an improvement to whatever he was going to do pre-injury.  To address the OP ... thoughts on Cousins ... geez I don't know that I can handle that at the moment ... I guess that's my thought on Cousins.


as far as the fan base goes ... aside from hope ... at some point our players need to excel *in the present* or they bring it on themselves ... e.g., if Cousins for some really really bad reason is like he was yesterday and remains our QB for a year or two due to unimaginably front office stupidity ... LOL as if THAT would ever happen /end sarcasm ... are we supposed to not be outspoken about performance lower than  expected/needed and losing seasons?  ... because he's our starting QB? ... because he's a nice guy?  ... because he does good things in the community?  ... because he was a relative deal in the 3rd round?  For Redskins fans ... pretty sure the objective is to win games and championships.  I get the support the team thing too ... through rough times ... but no need to put a ribbon on failure and near-misses ... expect hope.

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The issue is that Kirk plays worse and worse as teams get more tape on him.


In all his starts, his first half looks MUCH better than his 2nd half. Why? Because he's really easy to counter. He's a timing QB. Jam his WRs, mess up his timing, force him to make reads on the fly instead of running his set plays, and he's throwing picks all over the field.


People assume that because Kirk has more pro experience means he doesn't have big holes in his game - that's one of them. It's definitely correctable, but it's there.


RGIII generally plays well against the Giants, in contrast, because the Giants aren't really built to deal with dual threat QBs - but they are built to deal with QBs like Cousins.

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With the RG3 critiques, one of the strangest ones to me that is said by some is that Polumbus isn't that bad, its RG3 who makes him look bad and sacks are on RG3.

And you are definitely correct on that one bro. I wonder what they're saying now? It's strange because NONE of them are posting ANYTHING today. I've seen RG3 bashed beyond belief and blamed for EVERYTHING by certain posters! I'm very curious to see what they have to say today.

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