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Do You Have a Disaster Preparedness Kit? (If so, what is something unique in it?)


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Wife and I put one together this weekend.  We figure it is one of those things that hopefully we'll never need, but is probably a good idea anyways.  We didn't just throw some **** together, we actually sat down (with beer, of course) and tried to plan a kit that would actually be useful.


We figure that the 2 main disasters we are likely to face are 1) a bomb going of in DC or at the Pentagon or 2) a flood because we live basically on top of Cameron Run in Alexandria, which has a history of flooding.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameron_Run.




Anyways, it's not completely put together yet, and I want to see if 1) other people have for-real actually done this and 2) if anyone has come up with anything that is original, but makes total sense.  


Of course everyone thinks of some basics:  food, water, blankets, first aid kit, knife/multitool.  None of the commercially available ones online mentioned cash, but that's probably going to be the MOST important thing, and I don't generally carry it.  People also probably forget sunscreen, and a phone charger, but not every disaster is going to wipe out the cellular network and a phone is really freaking useful.  FInally, we packed long books that we currently are never going to have time to read, because I don't want to get bored waiting around for FEMA.

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A radio that you can charge by cranking it. Lights and lots of batteries. Solar lights if possible. Steal scrub pads easily ignite for fire. Rain coat.

Now that I live in the Caribbean, I pay more attention. We had a TS yesterday, but it was pleasant.

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I would say the opposite would be true for cash.  If you had a real catastrophe, you wouldn't/couldn't have enough cash to actually buy anything if anyone even wanted cash.  Most people would be in the same predicament as you, so cash would have little use.  Everyplace that sold anything would quickly run out of supplies.  A phone in most catastrophes is also of little use as most cellular networks can't carry the load.  I would also assume power supply was at a minimum.


If I were stocking up my emergency shelter I would have things to barter with vise having cash.  Alcohol would be a huge bartering tool in a disaster.  Food would be big as well.  Also a healthy supply of those propane camping tanks would be a must.  You could cook food/boil water.   A propane camping grill as well.  A portable generator might be helpful depending on the length of time.

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I have a go bag with essential docs,money,weapons,vehicles stocked with essentials


most disasters it is planned to remain here or in other prepared locations in case of forced evac/meltdown.


I can go alt in about a hour if simply going into the  wild is best.


combination disasters are where it gets fun, being on the road can be rather hazardous.....especially since there are many chokepoints from my location......staying can get real hazardous in my petrochemical corner of heaven



you do need cash for fleeing emergencies Chip

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Guns, ammo, water, beer, canned food and sunblock (cause my pasty Irish ass does not tan), batteries, blankets, water proof boots/rain gear, matches/lighters, Advil and any other medications along with a first aid kit.  Knives and any other useful tools (i.e. axe, hatchet, shovel, screwdrivers, etc.).



All that **** is in my house/garage. So it would be easy to gather really fast.  If I run out of beer, I'll compromise on the way if its some doomsday type ****.  

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Smith and Wesson M&P .40 with 2 15 round mags


Car with gas.


And off you go.


If I had to fill the car up with stuff I would fill it up with as much food and water and medicine as I could. If I had to "trade" with people I would also put in as much booze as possible.


If a disaster happened where the everyday person was leaving their homes and heading off to the woods for safety, I highly doubt that you would have any need for important documents or cash. Cash would be useless what would you buy? No one would be working anywhere. While you would want to have a lot of supplies unless you have a safe shelter you would want to limit the number of "valuables" that people could see imo


Avoid other people at all costs. Last thing you want to be near in a emergency is desperate people or people having panic attacks.


I don't think you bought a bug out bag for a flood. No one thinks your crazy for getting a bug out bag for a bomb going off.

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Smith and Wesson M&P .40 with 2 15 round mags


Car with gas.


And off you go.


If I had to fill the car up with stuff I would fill it up with as much food and water and medicine as I could. If I had to "trade" with people I would also put in as much booze as possible.


If a disaster happened where the everyday person was leaving their homes and heading off to the woods for safety, I highly doubt that you would have any need for important documents or cash. Cash would be useless what would you buy? No one would be working anywhere. While you would want to have a lot of supplies unless you have a safe shelter you would want to limit the number of "valuables" that people could see imo


Avoid other people at all costs. Last thing you want to be near in a emergency is desperate people or people having panic attacks.


I don't think you bought a bug out bag for a flood. No one thinks your crazy for getting a bug out bag for a bomb going off.

Now I know why you only wanted to bring two clips.  After reading it at first I was like, wtf?  Then I kept reading.  You don't need bullets to pistol whip the desperate people having panic attacks trying to steel yo **** :D

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Regarding cash, what people seem to tend to do, and i found this a lot in the online research i did, is plan for a doomsday event, but not really for a mid-level disaster. So everyone just assumes they'll go from fine straight to Thunderdome and cash will have no value, and there will be no electricity, etc. Planning for the worst is good, but its important to plan for not-the-worst too. The flood scenario has actually happened in recent memory (Katrina), ive never heard of a scenario actually happening where cash was rendered worthless.

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Regarding cash, what people seem to tend to do, and i found this a lot in the online research i did, is plan for a doomsday event, but not really for a mid-level disaster. So everyone just assumes they'll go from fine straight to Thunderdome and cash will have no value, and there will be no electricity, etc. Planning for the worst is good, but its important to plan for not-the-worst too. The flood scenario has actually happened in recent memory (Katrina), ive never heard of a scenario actually happening where cash was rendered worthless.


Yep it has happened quite a bit down here, 


Cash was useful for the people that left NO. Not the people stuck on houses pr paddling boats down the street


there remained local areas above water....that were not going to accept credit cards 

of course it quickly can get to ya can't buy it(whatever) no matter what the price...unless they like ya


leaving is usually safer, but certainly not always

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Powder bleach or liquid?

Bullion cubes and a bag of rice


pool shock works well(calcium hydro...?) light and lasts forever


a bag of beans will give ya protein and gas to keep the bugs away

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It really depends on what level disaster you are preparing for. There is a big difference between preparing for a bad storm, a Katrina like event, a government crumble, and a zombie apocalypse. We lived in Guam which was known to have storms and be without power for weeks. Our kit was planned by acting like we were camping for a few weeks. Luckily we never had to use it. Then just add in a pistol with a good bit of ammo and you should be set. If you are trying to prep for government crumble type of thing, your preparedness needs to be a lot more mental. Do you know how to trap animals and clean them for food? Do you know methods of collecting fresh water once you run out of purifying materials?

Again, depends on what level you are trying to prepare.

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I've been meaning to put together a family set of go-bags. If there is a fire or some emergency in which running is preferable the only way you'll make it out the door with what you need is to have some at least stuff ready. I'm sure I'll get around to it.

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