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Mike Shanahan Press Conference: "I haven't made a decision on the starting QB **UPDATE** per John Keim: Cousins will start


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Why does that matter to you? You believe in Shanahan's reasoning? Has it brought us success so far over his tenure as coach? You go what you wanted this week, be thankful.


It matters because it speaks directly to the trust between coach and QB and part of why we're even in this mess to begin with.  If Shanahan is telling RG3 things that he thinks are lies, that's a relevant, significant detail to the proceedings.


But how is that what I wanted?  How do you know what I want or don't want?  

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I'm going to get creamed, but I think Shanahan is doing the RIGHT thing by benching RG3.


But he's contradicting himself.


Why does he have this "Come to Jesus" now about RGIII's health yet they throw him into an ice bowl against a top 5 defense and call 13 QB running plays against the NY Giants.

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Mike Shanahan:


"When your taking hits, it doesn't matter whose at fault."


"He claims Dan and Bruce gave the approval for the benching."


"Said if there was a shred of doubt from Dan or Bruce, he would've kept him in."


Bruce is probably somewhere like "Dude, I just handle the color of the pants, leave me out of this."  LOL

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Why are you letting this continue Dan? He's making you and your organisation a complete National laughing stock. 






Andy was right on MMQB when he was telling Sheehan that Snyder needed to fire Shanny on Monday because if he didn't this circus was going to continue and get worse.  He couldn't have been more right.  

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But he's contradicting himself.


Why does he have this "Come to Jesus" now about RGIII's health yet they throw him into an ice bowl against a top 5 defense and call 13 QB running plays against the NY Giants.


I want to know this too. How come 2 weeks ago he had more runs that Morris and then last week he plays on a ****ting field in the snow? Now all of a sudden he's worried about him getting hurt?

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The best thing that could happen is that Cousins gets the starts and does a good job, then Shanahan trades us Houston's next 3 first round picks for him.  Just based on track record and all.



I'd rather we trade him to Jacksonville for a ham sandwich than let Shanny have him.

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