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The Officiating


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I think the refs make a nice scapegoat.  (And I think there's a legitimate gripe.  This case, and some others.) 


BUT, I also observe that I've been saying since preseason that we've been committing WAY too many flat-out stupid penalties. 


These folks ought to know, by now.  DON'T LIP OFF TO THE REFS. 


DON'T THROW PUNCHES AT OTHER PLAYERS.  (I don't care what the other guy did, first.) 


Don't kick the stupid football.  (Especially after you just caught a big break, and the other team dropped what should have been a drive-ending INT.  We're effing lucky we still have the ball, and you're backing us up, after the play is over?)


The expert analysts of ES noticed this in the preseason.  And it still ain't fixed. 

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I agree with all of that too, Larry. Have to admit though that given the number of phantom penalties called these games part of me wonders if they'd find another way.


Bad teams usually get the bad calls. And the Skins are in the top 3 worst football teams in the NFL. Again it all goes back to coaching, discipline, and execution. Attributes this team cannot find.

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If mike tomlin gets suspended for a game or fined for his sideline fiasco than this referee crew should also get at least a fine or suspended for one game


He'll get fined. 


He won't get suspended. He's a Steeler. He belongs to the Rooney's. 


If Shanahan were to do that, we would lose a draft pick and cap space. 


Crazy thing about my post... I'm not joking... 

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As far as the players,, ie; if Sleepy makes that catch, if Garcon holds that ball..  absolutely,, we have to execute properly and help our own cause.

To me, the problem with the down fiasco is not necessarily "It hurt our chance to win that game"..  it's yet another ina VERY long list of absolute head scratching incompetence by the officials in the largest most popular sport in America.


It is completely unfathomable that the NFL not only doesn't seem to notice, it has NEVER seemed to even consider the possibility that they have to make some sort of changes to how these guys do their job.

They concern themselves with keeping QBs safe (because they have a lot of money invested)..  but isn't their primary investment in the entire league?

Not only does this affect overall win loss records..   it seriously affects the enjoyment of the fans who pay for everything.


Me, I'm a fan for DECADES, and i am truly to the point now where i expect the refs to screw it up and affect the outcome by their incompetence.  And i hate to say it,, it affects my interest level.

they don't care, so long as my TV is tuned in, i could be asleep. And I likely will never get to the point where i turn off the NFL.

But the fact that it is even in my HEAD is a problem. And it's not due to my team bing bad or good..   the officiating is affecting the competitive balance of the game.

And that kills everything. 
big play? Flag.

Big Hit? flag. 

first down? maybe. 

Completion? Who the hell knows anymore.


the minutia to which they have inserted rules makes it too difficult for the officials on the field to accurately keep track of everything else.

it's clear, it's apparent, it's not NEW, and it's high time the NFL take a look at it with the expectation to FIX it.


When Al Michaels is having a conniption over the screw up, it's time to notice.



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He'll get fined. 


He won't get suspended. He's a Steeler. He belongs to the Rooney's. 


If Shanahan were to do that, we would lose a draft pick and cap space. 


Crazy thing about my post... I'm not joking... 


Not only that but he's on the competition committee.


Not someone from the Steelers. Mike Tomlin himself.


That's the same committee that docked us $36 million for not breaking any rules.


LMAO. If Davis holds onto the ball and Garcon doesn't get stripped like a **** this is a non-issue. Because those things happened we are going to whine like a bunch of ****es??? Excuses are for losers.


Again, it's not about making excuses. Most of us here concede that we lose that game anyway. That's not the point.


Just like the cap hammer was an issue even after we won the division last year, this is an issue now. If the game's integrity is compromised, wins and losses, good teams and bad teams ... none of that matters anymore.

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I apologize if this has already been mentioned, but am I unaware of a rule change?


On one of the RGIII runs for a first down, he ran out of bounds. No question. I then saw the ref motion for the clock to continue to run.


I thought when a player went out of bounds, it stopped the clock???

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"Asked by a pool reporter after the game why he let the play go, and did not stop the clock when he saw the chains moving incorrectly, Triplette said that it would have given Washington an unfair extra timeout when they were in the hurry-up with no timeouts left."


But shouldn't they do a measure? Triplett assumed 3rd down and the other guy assumed first down. That's piss poor officiating.


None of this would've happened if lil Shan would call pass plays longer than 5 yards. LOL : )

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Let's talk about something Jeff Triplett said in his explanation of that fiasco.  He said he didn't authorize a measurement because it would give an unfair advantage to the Redskins, who were out of timeouts with under 2 minutes remaining.  But if a measurement is needed, a measurement is needed.


That decision screwed his own crew over and led to the fiasco.  If it is so close that your own crew disagrees on whether it's a first down, Jeff, maybe a measurement is the way to go.

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Also, another "the fix is against us" point. 


How often do guys mouth off to the refs and get away with it? 


Santana and Deangelo were called for unsportsmanlike penalties last night for doing just that. 


Trent never should have gone to the media. Officials are now saying, "We can't let this ***hole win. He got one of our buddies suspended."


Hence Giants 1 penalty for 1 yard. 

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Y'know, none of this **** would have been an issue under Rozelle. Not that he gave a damn, but he wouldn't have let this kind of ridiculous crap tarnish the (extremely profitable) image of the game. The fact that this conversation is even being held is an indictment of Goodell


The refs shouldn't be deciding whether or not to follow the rules based on it giving one team or the other an advantage, they are supposed to be unbiased, but it doesn't seem that's the case.


Honestly, when have you ever seen this before, the asinine "it's 1st down, psych, it's not"? Remember the whistle blowing to stop defenders against the Panthers, but the zebras give up the TD anyway? That isn't a simple mistake. You can argue what it is, but we all know what it ain't.


Agree w/ Bang, fulltime refs, held accountable, but that only happens if someone in the league gives a **** about it.

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Interesting nugget on the Moss unsportsmanlike conduct penalty:



“I mean, honestly, you know, he called a holding and I just thought it was a B.S. call and I told him it was a B.S. call, and he gave me unsportsmanlike conduct,” Moss said. “I guess I got an unsportsmanlike conduct for saying ‘B.S. call.’”


Yet Tom Brady can do this with no penalties:



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Also, another "the fix is against us" point. 


How often do guys mouth off to the refs and get away with it? 


Santana and Deangelo were called for unsportsmanlike penalties last night for doing just that. 


Trent never should have gone to the media. Officials are now saying, "We can't let this ***hole win. He got one of our buddies suspended."


Hence Giants 1 penalty for 1 yard. 


I think you made a good point.


Is it possible the NFL officials have a fraternity? We're they sticking up for Roy Eillison? Who knows.

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Also, another "the fix is against us" point.

How often do guys mouth off to the refs and get away with it?

Santana and Deangelo were called for unsportsmanlike penalties last night for doing just that.

Trent never should have gone to the media. Officials are now saying, "We can't let this ***hole win. He got one of our buddies suspended."

Hence Giants 1 penalty for 1 yard.

I'm certainly not going to try to claim any kind of conspiracy or whatever.

But I do believe that, the more penalties a team gets, the more hair trigger the refs become.

D Hall says something about the ref's mother, then things that are close to pass interference get called more often.

It's another way those stupid penalties cost us.

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Let's talk about something Jeff Triplett said in his explanation of that fiasco.  He said he didn't authorize a measurement because it would give an unfair advantage to the Redskins, who were out of timeouts with under 2 minutes remaining.  But if a measurement is needed, a measurement is needed.


That decision screwed his own crew over and led to the fiasco.  If it is so close that your own crew disagrees on whether it's a first down, Jeff, maybe a measurement is the way to go.


Also Shanny requested a measurement, which is his right at any time, but was told he did not need one because it was a first down. 

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A complete embarrassment tonight for the officials and I hope they get fined heavily. I don't really care about the loss; I'll take the higher draft choices and slightly easier schedule next year, and hopefully a new coaching staff as well. This season is starting to feel Zorn-esque.

zorn wouldve had a better record
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The refs were doing this in every game I watched yesterday. Its really like they are in on something with Vegas or the NFL wants certain teams to win.

The Eagles game they were allowing DB's to interfere on every pass play, on a few they even tackled receivers before the ball was there, yet when Foles throws an INT that would have put the Cards in scoring range late in the game they call PI on a defender who wasnt even covering the player the ball was thrown to and his interference wasn't even close to earlier when the Cardinals receiver was clearly tackled by a DB that wasnt even attempting to cover the ball that wasnt there yet, this had happened more than once.

Then in the 49ers game the Rams defenders were getting called for BS from the 1st play of the game. It was ridiculous. The Rams likely would have beat the 49ers and obviously the NFL seems to want the 49ers and Eagles and maybe even the Giants to keep the suspense going with the NFCE, and everybody knows that the 49ers have 10x more fans than the Cardinals or Rams.

I used to always say that the NBA was rigged whenever a player like Jordan seemed to get away with BS, now its pretty clear to me that the NFL is the same way and likely on an even bigger level.

How can a player like Orakpo have a defender hanging off his neck from the side or behind on just about every play in every game and never get a call yet later in the same games offensive holding is called for almost nothing in comparison whenever a play doesnt go right for the opponent and this happens all the time. The same thing happened at the end of the Cards/Eagles game. Foles screws up, cards would have gotten the ball back, incoming manufactured defensive penalty to allow them to run the clock out.

They've made it so rules arent really rules, especially on PI and Offensive Holding calls, or block in the back on kick returns and they decide the games when they want to call what they refused to call the 100 other times in the games when they should have.

I saw this as well, and I talked about it before our game. Refs yesterday were funny in a few games.
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The problem is the rules are completely subjective.  Whenever the Ref wants to call a penalty he does, whenever he doesn't he won't. For example, we hear all the time about how "offensive holding" happens on every single play.  


Well how can the officials not be interfering with the outcome of the game, if they only call it when they feel it affects the play?  Say a team is running off tackle, and the holding happens on the other side of the line.  Maybe if the guy wasn't be held, the QB muffs the hand off, or gets blind sided and gets sacked.  "Only when it affects the play" is about as subjective a call as you can get.

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