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Breaking Bad - The End is Near - Official Thread

Dan T.

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Who here didn't choke up when Jesse had that gun pointed at Walt? I like the point that was brought up on Talking Bad about how maybe Walter went to there to kill them all including Jesse since he thought Jesse was partnering with them to cook the blue stuff, but how maybe he changed his mind once he saw  the state Jesse was in.  Either way, totally awesome that he tackled Jesse before setting off the M60 and saved him. 


I love that Jesse got to choke out Meth Damon. Felt really satisfying. That creepy effer had it coming. You see how calm he was after all the shooting? He was not emotionally affected at all. 


Love that Walt finally admitted to Skylar that he liked it. That he did everything because it made him feel alive. Something I did not expect Walt to admit. I thought he'd go to the grave telling himself it was all for his family. 


That Lydia ringtone was pretty funny.


The ending was great. None of the big questions were left up to interpretation for the viewer. Everything was laid out and succinct. Felt like a worthy ending to a great show. 

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I heard Vince Gilligan say that when they filmed the prequel to this season, with Walt opening the trunk with the M60 lying in there, they didn't at that point know how or on who the gun was going to be used.  He said Uncle Jack didn't even exist at that point.  Yet, on the other hand, they play up Lydia's use of Stevia all season long so that when Walt plants the ricin, it makes sense given what we know of her habits.

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Great ending.


LOVED the scene where Walt scares Gretchen and Eliot.  That was pure bad ass.  "Eliot if we're going to go that way you're going to need a bigger knife."


I was really happy Jesse finally got out free and Walt saved him in the process.  I was glad he didn't shoot him because it would have just fallen in line with what Jesse has always done.. and that's whatever Walt wanted him to do.  He finally manned up and took control of himself.  

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Finally had a chance to view the finale tonight and it was completely satisfying. I never felt that Jessie was going to get killed and his refusing to kill "Mr White" at the end signalled (at least to me) his final emancipation from Walt. He was always under Walt's spell (he never could bring to calling him by his first name as evidence of this, among so many other different instances). I like the analysis of an earlier poster saying this final episode featured a character that wasn't totally Walt nor Heisenberg either. It seems to fit. AND FOR ONCE, Hollywood finally said goodbye to a show at the right time. This just never happens so it was great to see them finally make THAT happen.

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I was kind of hoping Walt would shoot Jesse or that he'd die too. He can't live with the blood on his hands anyway and he's the only other guy that can make the blue stuff.

I think Jesse is able to move on now, because he received the punishment he needed in the form of slavery to Todd. He's paid for his sins and can now get on with his life.
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I think Jesse is able to move on now, because he received the punishment he needed in the form of slavery to Todd. He's paid for his sins and can now get on with his life.

Don't forget Andrea's death. I knew they wouldn't kill Jesse off after that.

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Just finished the finale. Heart breaking series. I took a long hiatus between season 3 and 4 and my return to the series was well timed. I didn't have to wait for "next week" and just chugged through the final 2 seasons in about 2 weeks. 


I have two young daughters and the scenes with his baby daughter I completely empathize with him. 


Wonderfully tragic series. 

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Theres an "interpretation" of the final episode going around the Internets that the finale was actually a Walter White fantasy;



ie, he died while in the frozen car, surrounded by the cops . asked just to get home, the keys fell into his lap, and through magic he managed, undiscovered, undetected despite being the most wanted fugitive in the country, to go back to Albuquerque and visit his wife, recruit Badger and Co, get revenge on his former partners, poison Lydia in a well attended restaurant, pull his car up just perfectly to wipe out the Nazis, etc etc all without getting caught



In other words, the ending was TOO perfect for Walter White to be anything but a fantasy

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Theres an "interpretation" of the final episode going around the Internets that the finale was actually a Walter White fantasy;



ie, he died while in the frozen car, surrounded by the cops . asked just to get home, the keys fell into his lap, and through magic he managed, undiscovered, undetected despite being the most wanted fugitive in the country, to go back to Albuquerque and visit his wife, recruit Badger and Co, get revenge on his former partners, poison Lydia in a well attended restaurant, pull his car up just perfectly to wipe out the Nazis, etc etc all without getting caught



In other words, the ending was TOO perfect for Walter White to be anything but a fantasy

died from what? Cancer? Froze to death?

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