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Foul Ball Etiquette


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I took my 11 year old son to a Frederick Keys game the other night.  A foul ball came close to us and it ended up being a scramble between my son and two other adults.  Of course one of the adults walked away with the ball.  He kept the ball and he didn't have any kids in his group.


If it were me I would have handed the ball to my son.  I think you always give the ball up to the kid.  If it is a scramble between you and another kid, you always let the kid win.


I'm not amped up about it, it's just a ball.  Just wondering what you would do in that situation.

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home run: first to gain control keeps it

foul ball: really? let the kid have it


Yeah, this is pretty much my rule. Especially at minor league games. If you want to try and catch it, that's fine. Nice little story to tell the next day at work. But give the ball to a kid once it's caught.


Home runs balls I'm ok with adults keeping, but I'm never alright with adult fighting a kid over a ball. Unless you catch it free and clear and the little **** tries to steal it, then you knock him over the fence to teach him a lesson about respect. :)

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I once caught a ball that a MLB OFer tossed into the stands. Caught it barehanded, just before a guy with a glove behind me was about to catch it. Was told later that the guy was really pissed that I had caught it and not him. Good thing the punk ass mumbled his thoughts under his breath. Especially considering I gave it to a kid beside me.

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I once caught a ball that a MLB OFer tossed into the stands. Caught it barehanded, just before a guy with a glove behind me was about to catch it. Was told later that the guy was really pissed that I had caught it and not him. Good thing the punk ass mumbled his thoughts under his breath. Especially considering I gave it to a kid beside me.


Yeah... It would've been a real shame to have caught that, and then have the dude punk you into giving him the ball if he'd have decided to get a little louder. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.  ;)

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You always give the ball to a kid near you. If there is no kid near you, then you can keep it. When I was in college I went chasing a foul ball and didn't realize until my friends told me that it was me and a bunch of kids. I kid got it because when it came down to it, I wasn't going to dive in the lawn for the ball. But I realized later what a tool I must have looked like trying to take a ball from a group of kids.

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A minor league ball at that.

I could see if a future HOFer hit it then it might be that important to somebody, but jeez, give the kid the ball. you can always tell the story about how you caught one and gave it to a kid.



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I once caught a ball that a MLB OFer tossed into the stands. Caught it barehanded, just before a guy with a glove behind me was about to catch it. Was told later that the guy was really pissed that I had caught it and not him. Good thing the punk ass mumbled his thoughts under his breath. Especially considering I gave it to a kid beside me.

Yeah... It would've been a real shame to have caught that, and then have the dude punk you into giving him the ball if he'd have decided to get a little louder. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. ;)
Not sure what you're trying to say here. The guy was basically a little **** from what a few people relayed to me later on. He was butthurt, because I snagged a ball that was headed right for him. I'm pretty tall, and I used to have mad hops in my hoops days. I had a blast from the past moment that day. : )

But seriously, what I was saying is the guy is lucky he kept his thoughts to himself that day. When a ball is tossed into the stands, it's every man for themselves. Wish I had kept the ball and not given it away now though. The kid I gave it to wasn't very appreciative.

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I once caught a ball that a MLB OFer tossed into the stands. Caught it barehanded, just before a guy with a glove behind me was about to catch it. Was told later that the guy was really pissed that I had caught it and not him. Good thing the punk ass mumbled his thoughts under his breath. Especially considering I gave it to a kid beside me.

Yeah... It would've been a real shame to have caught that, and then have the dude punk you into giving him the ball if he'd have decided to get a little louder. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there. ;)
Not sure what you're trying to say here. The guy was basically a little ***** from what a few people relayed to me later on. He was butthurt, because I snagged a ball that was headed right for him. I'm pretty tall, and I used to have mad hops in my hoops days. I had a blast from the past moment that day. : )

But seriously, what I was saying is the guy is lucky he kept his thoughts to himself that day. When a ball is tossed into the stands, it's every man for themselves. Wish I had kept the ball and not given it away now though. The kid I gave it to wasn't very appreciative.


Nah, I was just playing around. It's  kind of one my own ES blast from the past moments ("Messin' With Bubble Screen") from years ago.

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Other foul ball etiquette:  


1)Protect the small children, elderly, and most women.




2) If you are near the field of play and the opposing team is batting, get out of the way and block other fans from interfering.  If your team is batting, try to fart in the 3rd baseman's face as he leans into the stands to make the play.  DO NOT BE STEVE BARTMAN.







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I got a ball at an O's game tossed into the stands by OF Joe Carter when he was with the Blue Jays.  We had second row seats down the right field line and a couple guys near us were razzing him the whole game as he played right field.  But good razzing - good natured, witty... he was even smiling at some of it.  He caught the third out and flipped it into the stands in their general direction as he went by.  I snared it though.  No kids around, so I took it home.


Caught a foul ball on one bounce at spring training last year.  Looked at it a bit, then gave it to a kid about 8 years old wearing a glove and a Nats cap. 


- Always give it to the kid nearby with the glove on.  He'll remember it for a lifetime.

- Don't dive over seats after a ball.  You'll look like a tool. If you get hurt, you deserve every bruise. (Unless it's a potential million dollar record setting ball of some sort. Then all bets are off.)

- Bonus points for catching a ball in your cap. And you are a studly man if you catch a ball in your beer cup.

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By the way, did any other O's fans come into this thread expecting it to involve the fan interfering with the foul ball late in the game yesterday?

I saw that lol. How can you wear a Trout jersey to a game and then proceed to interfere with him catching a ball. What a joke.
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Yeah, you always give the ball to the kid.  But, two adults vs. one kid at a minor league baseball game?  That ball means way more to that kid than the adults.  Even at a pro game, give the ball up.  If I caught a ball and no kids were around, I would still probably find one to give it to.  He could go get it autographed, it could mean the world to them. 


It would have been hard for me not to say something.  I wouldn't try to start a fight, but I would say something with the effort of trying to make the guy feel like a douche. 

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Definitely give it to the kid. 


One of my proudest moments came earlier this season.  My 9-yo son and I go to Nats games about twice a month.  We always go 2.5hrs early (when gates open) to watch batting practice.  We sit in the first row, and get balls pretty regularly.  There was a game earlier this season when he got three balls (one thrown by Zach Duke, one by an OF on the Reds, and a ball that bounced over the fence right to us.)  On the third one, there was a toddler who was real disappointed that he didn't get it.  My kid gave him the ball without a 2nd thought. 


Going to BP is a ton of fun, especially with kids.

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