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Foul Ball Etiquette


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Definitely give it to the kid. 


One of my proudest moments came earlier this season.  My 9-yo son and I go to Nats games about twice a month.  We always go 2.5hrs early (when gates open) to watch batting practice.  We sit in the first row, and get balls pretty regularly.  There was a game earlier this season when he got three balls (one thrown by Zach Duke, one by an OF on the Reds, and a ball that bounced over the fence right to us.)  On the third one, there was a toddler who was real disappointed that he didn't get it.  My kid gave him the ball without a 2nd thought. 


Going to BP is a ton of fun, especially with kids.

Aw, that's great to read.  You're raising one of the good ones :)

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Does anybody remember the column SI's Peter King wrote in which he actually brags about beating a 7-year old kid to a foul ball hit in a Cactus League spring training game? 


Kissing Suzy Kolber website breaks down the douchiness of the column, along with King's follow-up the next week when he doubles down even in the face of a flood of criticism from readers. 


Here's the orginal piece, under "Aggravaing/Enjoyable Travel Note of the Week" toward the bottom of:



Here's the critique by Drew Magary of Kissing Suzy Kolber.  He's been a brutal critic of Peter King for a long time, but this is one case where he deserved it:





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Ball in the air is literally up for grabs, but it it's bouncing around, do you really want to look like an ass for a 9 dollar ball?


Give the ball to a kid if you don't have one at home who would want it. 


(And while on the subject of baseball etiquette: if you're an adult...don't bring a glove to a game...maybe if you think you need to protect your kid if you're down the line, but otherwise, don't. And if you're at say, a Nationals - Cubs game, don't wear your *Fill In Baseball Team here* hat. ) 

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It depends. If I can catch a foul ball by a player like Machado, Harper, Puig, Trout etc I am knocking over every man, woman and child to catch that ball, getting that player to sign it, having photo taken while he is signing it, putting it in a safety deposit box and then listing it on Ebay 10-15 years from now.






Of course I'm kidding. I would give it to the nearest kid. The smile on that kids face would mean more to me.

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In my younger days (20s) I would at least stand up and chase a foul ball 1 or 2 rows.  Would never knock kids over.  Been to a few minor league games this year and I don't even get out of my seat unless the ball comes right to me.  I'm getting old AND lazy.  If I did catch one, I'd probably give it to a kid.  I have no use for extra baseballs around the house.

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I'm not a baseball fan so I'll never be in position to catch a foul ball, nor would I care to.  Having said that I don't think it's realistic to expect adults that do not have kids to care, or even like, children.  A lot of people flat out don't like kids at all.  I think taking a ball away from a kid or knocking a kid over is certainly unacceptable but I don't see an issue with it going to whoever gets it first.  It would certainly be a nice thing to give it to the nearest child but it's not something I would consider obligatory.  Now to be clear I'm not saying it's cool to bump kids out of that way, run them over, or wrestle the ball away in the event both get their hands on it at the same time.  That's entirely wrong and a dangerous game because you never know, little Timmy's dad could be a angry guy.   :lol:   


This of course does not apply to situation in which the ball is potentially worth a great deal of money.  In that situation you better have your game face on because people are going to get crazy.  

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I went to an AAA game a year ago and I just happened to be standing up for a sec when the first base coach tossed a ball in the stands. It was right above my head, so I reached up and grabbed it. I thought about it for a sec and then looked around to see if there were any kids nearby. There happened to be one sitting behind me, so I put it in his glove. The look on his face was awesome; it made my day.

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Why does an adult want to keep a foul ball or one tossed from a player/coach at a minor league game?


Even if you don't like kids, what do you want the ball for anyway?


Even if you like football autographs, wouldn't that be like getting the signature of the junior accounts payable clerk from Redskins Park when you met them in Wegmans?

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Hubby was with his boss at a hockey game...dude damn near killed a kid to catch a puck, and the whole crowd around him was booing at him, and giving him hell for not giving the kid the puck.  (Hubby always blames it on the "millionaire mentality"...)

What sucks is when you're with a person who does something like that. 

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I was recently at a game and had just sat down with my 2 kids and was getting them situated.  A foul ball bounced off a railing behind us, went straight up in the air and was coming down straight into my hands as I raised them up.  The old guy in the seat behind me stood up and reached forward over my head and snagged it as it was just inches from my hands.  Sits back down and says "sorry dude" 


Thought that was a douche move.  Enjoy your ball ahole.

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