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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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This is from WalterFootball.com, who rails on the Redskins constantly. Finally, someone with posting some sense!

1. As noted in my NFL Power Rankings, I will say "Redskins" as much as possible because of how stupid Phil Simms, Tony Dungy, Bob Costas, etc. are being. The whole controversy is idiotic, and it sucks that the media is focusing on these dopes rather than a real man like Mike Ditka, who had this to say about the Redskins team name.

Ditka is the man, unlike the soulless Phil Simms, hypocritical Tony Dungy (anti-Michael Sam, yet welcomes a deranged dog-killer?) and ultimate douche Bob Costas, and he's totally right. PC idiots are the absolute worst, and they're ruining this country. No sane person on this planet is offended by the Redskins team name. There are two Native American high schools that have "Redskins" as their nickname/mascot, but don't tell this to the PC idiots, who will either ignore it or respond with some stupid cliche like, "You don't want to be on the wrong side of history." What history? There has never been a single person who used "Redskin" as a derogatory term for a Native American. It's never occurred. Why? Because "Redskins" is not offensive. Otherwise, freaking Native American high schools wouldn't use it as a nickname. Derp dee derp dee derp.

Ugh. I'm so tired of these morons and this entire controversy. But I'm sticking with my Redskins plan, so Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins Redskins.

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You do realize that once the change happens,....






Of course the controversy will never die. Going forward, the volume of dislike for us will dial down drastically once the Native theme is retired.


Nobody is going to take our Redskins memories from our past.


Museum displays have always reflected present day ideals of history. Sports HoF's aren't any different.  It'll always be a delicate balance of what history to display and/or honor. Somehow I think we'll survive.

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>5, wow what an onslaught of hurt. 


Small group protesting Redskins name outside NRG Stadium. They actually converted a nearby cop. pic.twitter.com/hwY8p2LPyw


@taniaganguli @dcsportsbog Nobody rooting for the team ever mocked the mascot or thought poorly of the NA's plight, in fact just the opposit

@taniaganguli @dcsportsbog All the Native Americans supporting the name are busy watching the pre-game or getting into the stadium.

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Of course the controversy will never die. Going forward, the volume of dislike for us will dial down drastically once the Native theme is retired.


Nobody is going to take our Redskins memories from our past.


Museum displays have always reflected present day ideals of history. Sports HoF's aren't any different.  It'll always be a delicate balance of what history to display and/or honor. Somehow I think we'll survive.


Take our memories? No. That's something from the movie Total Recall lol...


But protest and make it the next phase of the cause to eliminate the name "Redskins" from institutions? You bet your ass. Only the most naive among us would think otherwise. I already gave an example of how will schoold treat having students wear a T-shirt with "Redskins" on it?...If it's really deemed "the equivalent of the n-word" then it will be treated like the "N-word". The removal of the "most offensive name you can call an native American" would almost be mandatory.


I wish someone would ask the leaders of the Name-Changers side that question, though. "If Daniel Snyder did change the name, would you be OK with the name 'Redskins' still being used in connection with the franchise...for example, in the Hall Of Fame or worn on fan jerseys and clothing?"...I'd bet a year's paycheck that the answer would not be "Yes, that won't be a problem".

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Take our memories? No. That's something from the movie Total Recall lol...


But protest and make it the next phase of the cause to eliminate the name "Redskins" from institutions? You bet your ass. Only the most naive among us would think otherwise. I already gave an example of how will schoold treat having students wear a T-shirt with "Redskins" on it?...If it's really deemed "the equivalent of the n-word" then it will be treated like the "N-word". The removal of the "most offensive name you can call an native American" would almost be mandatory.


I wish someone would ask the leaders of the Name-Changers side that question, though. "If Daniel Snyder did change the name, would you be OK with the name 'Redskins' still being used in connection with the franchise...for example, in the Hall Of Fame or worn on fan jerseys and clothing?"...I'd bet a year's paycheck that the answer would not be "Yes, that won't be a problem".

The plight to remove Twains literary masterpiece from our schools is exhibit A-Z on this issue

Funny to read some opinions from those who think this wouldn't happen. Either incredibly naive as you said, or maybe something more sinister. Or blatant stupidity. Any way you look at it, not a good opinion to have.

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My GM is part Cherokee & knew nothing about this issue till I told her about an hour ago, and she thinks it's an honorable name,said she always has.



according to the 2 or 3 actual Native Americans who are in opposition to the name on Facebook, your GM can make no claim to being an actual Native unless she is a certified card carrying member of a Native tribe.  Her bloodline means nothing.  She is a "white Native." (edit: or whichever other race is predominant in your bloodline) A person with some Native American blood, who has become part of the "white man's culture."  A person who has essentially assimilated into Harjo's "disease" culture, and their opinion as a "Native" means nothing.


because as they reason...no certified card carrying practicing member of a Native tribe could POSSIBLY be in support of the name......except for the fact there are several writing posts and videos on the exact same site that are certified card carrying members and they choose to ignore them, or they claim they have ALL been bribed by Dan Snyder.  They call them "injuns."    


I'm telling you, my conversations with some of these people on Facebook have been eye opening to say the least.

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You do realize that once the change happens, that means that the word IS offensive, and context will matter even less than it already does.



I don't think people realize this.  Changing the name will be portrayed as an "apology" by the team, and an acknowledgement that the name never should have been allowed to be Redskins to begin with, and generations of Washington Redskins fans have all been supporting a team named after a derogatory racist slur for decades.  


Only a few brave crusaders were able to right this horrible wrong done to Native Americans, and society is exponentially better off due to their bravery in the face of a relentless racist majority who refused to change until they were forced or converted.

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regarding those signs in the pics. the racism accusation? right. keep bringing out the nuts -(the walter football guy, i agree with. more and more, i see those offended as nuts. and ive actually tried to understand their point. but, i keep coming back to this conclusion. they are nuts)- because the nuts hurt their cause. 


its why people dont respect PETA. they may have some totally legit points, but the nuts ruin it for them. 


so, keep it up, nuts. 

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Not even an apples and oranges comparison.  More like apples and water balloons or something.


Your bias is showing, and you gave no reason to back that up. Good luck on keeping the name man, I'm just trying to help you pick the right arguments to use. I think you got into a corner on this one, so I wouldn't use it with people you're trying to persuade.

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Looks like the AP decided to jump on the bandwagon.






honestly so what.  If none of them say Redskins and only use Washington I really don't care and neither should you.  I find it quite comical actually.  Like a kid who holds his breath to get his way.

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Your bias is showing, and you gave no reason to back that up. Good luck on keeping the name man, I'm just trying to help you pick the right arguments to use. I think you got into a corner on this one, so I wouldn't use it with people you're trying to persuade.


I think I was the one out of the two of us that provided one specific instance of someone in this very thread who started following the Redskins because they were passionate about Native Americans and another quote from someone who agreed with the idea that NA imagery for sports teams can cause curiosity and make people want to learn about them.  You just didn't happen to like my reasons, which isn't my problem.  


I never said it was the "end all, be all" reason to keep the name.  I just merely pointed out it's the one arena where Native Americans are visible in the culture today.  Aside from sports names and logos, they are practically nowhere to be found unless you happen to live near a reservation.  I'll agree with you that that's a sad fact, but that's a different conversation for a different time.  


Anyway, if you'd like to show me the corner I'm in, I'd be glad to take a closer look.

Atleast the AP didn't have a press conference or some sort of formal press release about not using the name.



Makes me rage with the force of a thousand suns. Either phony cowards, or ignorant sheep. 



probably a combination of both


Racist!  Racist!  If you use the name you're a racist!  Get in line!

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Also, did you know that HItler called the Jews Redskins?  I must have missed that one in History class.  


Sounds like something UnWise Mike would say. That ass was comparing the Skins logo to the confederate flag again on social media.


BTW for you tweeters out there, I have that bama blocked yet he always ends up on my timeline from other people's RTs. Is there anyway I can get out of that without having to unfollow some of my friends?

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I think I was the one out of the two of us that provided one specific instance of someone in this very thread who started following the Redskins because they were passionate about Native Americans and another quote from someone who agreed with the idea that NA imagery for sports teams can cause curiosity and make people want to learn about them.  You just didn't happen to like my reasons, which isn't my problem.  


I never said it was the "end all, be all" reason to keep the name.  I just merely pointed out it's the one arena where Native Americans are visible in the culture today.  Aside from sports names and logos, they are practically nowhere to be found unless you happen to live near a reservation.  I'll agree with you that that's a sad fact, but that's a different conversation for a different time.  


Anyway, if you'd like to show me the corner I'm in, I'd be glad to take a closer look.






Racist!  Racist!  If you use the name you're a racist!  Get in line!


Nah I think I'm done because you're just going in circles now. Again, good luck with keeping the name (I'm not saying that sarcastically). 


Also if you want to get better at debate, check out the ESPN segments with Chris Cooley, especially the one on First Take. He's definitely done his homework and is pretty persuasive on the issue. 

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Well, after yesterday's game, I'm thinking the team should change the name until they earn it.  Call them what they are, "the Losers", and when they have back to back winning seasons + an NFC Championship, then change the name back to the Redskins.  This team doesn't deserve the name.

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