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The Official ES All Things Redskins Name Change Thread (Reboot Edition---Read New OP)


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I still want to know what exactly is disgusting about Pig Man's outfit. No one really explained it.


I will


First off, the logo was designed by a Native American with the approval of Native American leaders.  In addition, the origins of the term "Redskin" is with Native Americans who used it to differentiate between themselves and people of other races.  Some Native Americans find both of them offensive, but it appears the large majority do not. 


Now, to what separates "Pig Man" from both of those things.  I think his outfit is in poor taste, and there is nothing there that is "noble" like the name or logo, or that could be legitimately construed as "honoring" Native Americans.  Through conversations I have had with Native Americans recently on Facebook I have learned the feathers and headdresses are sacred to them and part of their culture.  Fans who are not Native would do well to stop wearing both.  People like him (who I believe meant no harm) make it difficult to defend the name and logo as respectful to Natives. 

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Are people really saying that? I have not heard that one yet.


I have read it in a few places.  Here are two examples.






Symbols like the Indian head in profile are called severed head logos. They have been used at various times in the colonial period and in later U.S. history to designate a place where whole bodies, heads and later scalps of Indian people (men, women and children) could be brought in for bounty payment. Blood stained scalps gave rise to the term redskins. The bounty practice is one reason why many American Indian people are so opposed to the use of these logos. Bounty payments are about death and genocide not about athletic games and academic and music competitions. When I see one of these symbols I see a bounty marker, what do you see?






“The Washington Redskins are in a place where they could take a little leadership here, change a logo, stereotype. A lot of corporations, a lot of entities change their logos and they usually continue in business. The name is a derogatory name. It’s a racial slur. It goes back to the bounty hunting era of the Colonial Period. This particular logo is a severed head logo. It certainly isn’t a symbol that should be used by the football team that is in our nation’s capital,” Barbara Munson said.
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I have read it in a few places.  Here are two examples.


I have lost all hope in humanity, we are doomed. Has anyone pointed out to these nitwits that some of our U.S. coins feature "severed head" logos of our Presidents?  If such a thing was considered offensive in any way why would we have the "severed head" of George Washington, the most important historical figure for this country, on our most prominently used coin?

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this guy even manages to promote his book, all while using yet another completely made up story (one that we havent yet even heard) of the 'true' origin of the name. 


heres his comment from a native american website story about the rick reilly column. 


Bob Juneau  a year ago

The "Redskins" controversy has its roots on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation when Jesuit priests and Ursuline Nuns called the Blackfeet children "red-skins" at the Holy Family Mission. They  referred to the children as "vermin infested" and their braids as "long greasy tresses" and noted the little children ran away from the priests at the first recess. The Blackfeet parents disapproved of the priests lifestyles, and just a few years ago it was revealed the priests had a long history of sexual abuse of little boys and there are many lawsuits on many Indian reservations stemming from pedophile priests and pedophile nuns abuse of Indian children. Hear that, Mr. Dan Snyder! By the author of The Sacred Buffalo Vision Bob Juneau now on sale on Amazon.com







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Muser  a year ago

We ARE concerned about some Native Americans being offended with this, but we shouldn't be willing to drop the issue if insufficient numbers of them express dismay in polls.

An NFL team owns the name "Redskins", but neither the NFL nor its fans owns the name "Washington".  WE, THE PEOPLE, DO.  So when a bunch of basically-right-wing football people want to continue defiling and embarrassing OUR capital of the free world with a slur called the "Washington Redskins", every sensible person in America should be saying CHANGE IT.

This is actually a semi-important political issue, BECAUSE you have liberals knowing that retention of this name is beyond nuts, and conservatives lining up to insist it's no big deal---- demanding we keep polling American Indians to determine whether they and we are "obligated" BY POLL RESULTS to have any sense.  This is really not much different than the problem of climate-change denial in the whole right wing.

So, if you want to win big battles, don't forfeit little ones to those who are just itching to demand their rights to continue being thoughtless and boorish.  It's not about the polls, it's about OUR Washington.





another nutjob, while i'm at it. 



this person makes me want to become a conservative again. 


i wonder if the non sensible people who are against changing the name include native americans?

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I don't think it will blow up in their face, no matter how crazy they sound. They acquire more and more followers by the day. A majority of people are naive and will believe anything you feed them.

Once this money making hot topic hits its pinnacle, they will move on. Places like etsy are using the name to promote themselves. Honestly, has there ever been a discussion about etsy on this site? If not, its working.

People will click on topics that create outrage. They become experts because they heard a talking point or skimmed through an article. If you disagree with them, you are an inconsiderate asshole who knows nothing. This is true for almost everything, not just this topic. The general thought process is that we should not have to work or learn. We should all think the same and there should be no individuality. Everything should be free.

A problem for us on this site is that we are not promoting the name in mass and in a proper manner outside of our close family and friends. We find random people here and there in public, but in large it doesn't do any good. In fact, most people I meet in public agree with me. We sit on this site, promote the negatives and preach to like minded people. There have been a few positives articles here and there, but they are few and far between. We aren't reaching out to the name changers. If we were, we would probably face degradation and vitriol as opposed to people that are willing to have a proper discussion. I tried with a few people online and was called a ****** in return. They were intentionally being disrespectful. I am white by the way.

Should it be our job to promote the team in a positive light? It would be helpful if this started long ago, prior to Dan, and continued with his tenure. While we sit back as fans, avoid promoting the name in mass, there are more and more of naysayers that are happy to spout their crap loudly. Not saying this is our job. We are passionate about our team, it affects us, but where do we begin or stop? We don't go running into a store promoting the name, it would be strange, but people have no qualms about coming up to us and telling us it is discriminatory.

I think we could change very few minds that have decided this name is racist. In fact, I think it would be impossible. Very few people want to read or learn. It is easier for someone to do the thinking for you and be outraged rather than being calm, rational, and informative. How long would it take to learn all the positive talking points and include all the lies from the opposition? It would take hours. People don't want to spend the time. It's easier to shake your fist and go rabble, rabble, rabble.

This is why I stay out of political discussions. I don't know who or what to believe. Everyone seems biased. I read a lot about politics, but I am not spouting my nonsense everywhere I go. Why? Because I would not have the slightest clue as to what I am talking about. I am not an expert, unlike the QB Gurus in the Stadium :)

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Who is going to tell Chief Zee to knock it off?


And to stop pointing at me?


Z can do whatever the hell he wants as can any other fan.


For me personally, I think it should stop but I'm not going to go out and tell other people what they can or cannot do with their own money or costumes.


I will never don a sacred headdress and I will raise my children to do the same. If someone asks m,y opinion then I'll explain. But I will not have a "holier than thou" attitude about this.

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