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I earned my avatar. Be jealous because now I stand out from the rest of you.


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Me too! So you're not alone MLSKINS and pjfootballer

See, Blue CS, you're another facet of actual reality here---the one where someone can post over 6000 times on ES over 8 years and not draw one user note. There are so many like you, thank goodness. It's a usually "noisy" minority that are like the OP, or that become repetitive problem children, or that just drop a nuclear post at some point, that draw any serious consequence. :)

This also offers reflection for some who "think" they're just sooooo ES-embedded and "popular", but who after acquiring numerous user notes/rule violations finally get booted for good and are all "wtf zomg111!!11!!"

People are amazing. :)

The less stupid, prickish, gratuitously insulting, or seriously hateful one posts, the less likely one is to ever have any real issue.

---------- Post added January-31st-2013 at 02:24 PM ----------

Used to have this lieutenant in the army..... Lt. Nguyen...... This post brought back one of my favorite memories. Nguyen, get your damn head out of your damn fourth point of contact!!!

I always referred to it as "retrieving your major sensory cluster from your primary research center."

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Its funny; when I read the thread title I thought the OP was bragging about his avatar? Maybe he should have sent a pm to one of the mods instead of going public with his plight?

I thought we were supposed to end each post with "in the butt"...:evilg:

(Can't remember what thread that came from, but I remember laughing like crazy!):laugh:

In the butt.;)

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I frequently note that most of what I do here, in such posts on any topic, is quite deliberated and specified, though all the motives can be hard to discern (hell, even the ones I openly state often seem to be) for the average bear at times, given the nature of the average bear. :pfft: :evilg: :ols:

What about this guy though?


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People are amazing. :)

The less stupid, prickish, gratuitously insulting, or seriously hateful one posts, the less likely one is to ever have any real issue.

I always referred to it as "retrieving your major sensory cluster from your primary research center."

My Uncle used to say you're inputer is stuck in you're outputer. hahhaaa. Any way I think any time I have made a mistake or overstepped reasoning here, I have one owned up to it and two apologized for it. I don't see where the MODs seek to punish unjustly. But I guess some can't wear the dunce cap for a day and move forward.

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I've often wondered if its possible to receive "positive" user notes. Since I've recently turned over a new leaf in life, and I'm certain I'm far in the red so to speak, I would jump at the chance for a clean slate. Then again, part of my new leaf is to accept the things I can't change...

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I had a violation once. It was given to me by bubba years ago for (I think) using an apparently bad word in a thread about the Cleveland Browns in ATN or something. I think it was a word I used I expected would be blocked by the profanity filter and it wasn't. At any rate I ended up sending him a 1 word message "Himmelstoss". I didn't get another violation for that, and I'm wondering if he never read All Quiet on the Western Front. At any rate, prior to and since that point I've posted plenty of things on here which probably could have gotten some sort of infraction if anybody wanted to. The thing is I've always avoided the obvious and egregious stupidity that many of the people who feel this is some sort of Nazi concentration camp have been unable to recognize or avoid themselves. Improperly titled threads which are vague and idiotic, making duplicate threads of ones which already exist without searching first to see if what you're talking about exists. Making a thread about something really complex and having your original post contribute nothing (ex: someone makes a thread on "We just drafted a guard in the 3rd round" and the OP writes "thoughts???"). Mainly you get stupid avatars and infractions for really really stupid behavior that, if unchecked, would make this a sloppy and confusing mess of a forum.

Personally I think the mods around here do an excellent job considering the amount of posters and content of many of the posts. This isn't a suck up post either, cause I think a number of them can be d-bags in conversation, but plenty of people could easily say that about me. They're certainly not bad at this job that they dedicate their free time and effort towards. I'm sure most of the people who post here on a regular basis could agree with this.

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Just to add to this discussion, I found out the hard way that not reading the rules when joing this board is a huge mistake. :ols: I started a thread, got banned, and then made an ass outta myself. :silly: I then realized my fault and made a repentence for it (I have to pay homage to Jumbo on this ;)). Plainly put, it's really not that difficult to admit you're wrong, and follow the rules. Otherwise, ***** about what you want and support those you find express your views. Hence, HTTR! :helmet::pfft::ols:

---------- Post added January-31st-2013 at 11:22 PM ----------

As unemployment goes down I expect to see less of these threads

Don't get happy then, zoony. With Obama as Prez, it isn't going to happen anytime soon. :mad:

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Just to add to this discussion, I found out the hard way that not reading the rules when joing this board is a huge mistake. :ols: I started a thread, got banned, and then made an ass outta myself. :silly: I then realized my fault and made a repentence for it (I have to pay homage to Jumbo on this ;)). Plainly put, it's really not that difficult to admit you're wrong, and follow the rules. Otherwise, ***** about what you want and support those you find express your views. Hence, HTTR! :helmet::pfft::ols:

I had to refresh my memory via your user notes, and I gotta say you were, um, feisty :pfft: and colorful :evilg: on that deal---and it turns out I'm glad you survived yourself. :):ols:

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I had to refresh my memory via your user notes, and I gotta say you were, um, feisty :pfft: and colorful :evilg: on that deal---and it turns out I'm glad you survived yourself. :):ols:

I do appreciate the colorful commentary, Jumbo. But nonetheless, I was wrong and actually appreciated being called out for my misgivings. Truth be known, you were polite, insightful, and thought-provoking concerning your comments in what I had done to warrant a ban. The OP clearly has not taken well to heedings on why he is in the state he is in. Sometimes, listening as opposed to jumping-the-gun is the better perspective to take.

I will leave a simple anology when it comes to Jumbo. That is. much like EF Hutton, (with a small minor change) when Jumbo types, I read and comprehend. :ols:

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I do appreciate the colorful commentary, Jumbo. But nonetheless, I was wrong and actually appreciated being called out for my misgivings. Truth be known, you were polite, insightful, and thought-provoking concerning your comments in what I had done to warrant a ban. The OP clearly has not taken well to heedings on why he is in the state he is in. Sometimes, listening as opposed to jumping-the-gun is the better perspective to take.

I will leave a simple anology when it comes to Jumbo. That is. much like EF Hutton, (with a small minor change) when Jumbo types, I read and comprehend. :ols:

Dag, maybe you should have an icon with your head up Jumbo's butt. I keed, I keed. Glad you were able to take a step back to check out the whole picture, you show some good qualities. To the OP, ... I just, why did you, what is wrong with, eh, nevermind.

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Dag, maybe you should have an icon with your head up Jumbo's butt. I keed, I keed. Glad you were able to take a step back to check out the whole picture, you show some good qualities. To the OP, ... I just, why did you, what is wrong with, eh, nevermind.

:ols: Naw, just figured out from obvious, deductive reasoning that Jumbo made sense into why I had screwed up. Don't need the OP's avatar to figure that out. :silly: Nonetheless, the OP should feel enamored with his own personal avatar.:evilg:

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Dag, maybe you should have an icon with your head up Jumbo's butt. I keed, I keed. Glad you were able to take a step back to check out the whole picture, you show some good qualities. To the OP, ... I just, why did you, what is wrong with, eh, nevermind.

Here's another thing I love--and I post on it often--how some dumbass dupe acct. draws some sort of attention that prompts a check, or just flat-out give themselves way to the Master. :pfft:

Like in this case, my spidey-sense tingles as soon as I see the "need" for a guy like this here with only ten posts to drop into the thread and make a "camouflaged" passive-aggressive shot that tells me he has a hard-on over some mod action. :cool:

So sure enough, this guy was one who had copious user notes in his previous incarnation as DumbAsARock (or excuse me, DaRock). So now this acct and his original one are permanently banned and the extra special part is his one year ban under that original acct. was up in a month. :)

We'll usually see guys like this yet again sometime, at least for some Grand Finale of a "tell the mods off in righteous fury" flame-out. The old "get a life" dealio comes to mind. :pfft:

For fun, here are some of his user notes from posts replying to various moderator comments (since so many have asked for such):

Where is the thread I started asking if anyone is going to the NFL draft this year to let it be known to the NFL uppers that the salary cap issues aren't justified. Geezus, I see so many dumb threads that are started so often and stay, but yet you delete my thread minutes after it's posted? Way to go Mods...

Do you just delete anything you don't like or do you give discussions a chance?

Maybe I'll just stick to Redskins.com and ESPN for my news and screw the discussion.

~ from a decade member.

edit: oh, I'm sure you didn't want me to bring back a thread about "Attending the NFL Draft", from years ago, so that's why it was a new thread...

u ain't gonna do s***. second, adding to why this site is not like it used to be. so keep your long-winded opinion speeches to yourself since u think people can't voice themselves.
ohhh no. i've been banned. good riddance to this ****ty site where people have wayy to much time on their hands and are on a power trip. love how you ban people before letting them respond. cowards.

Jumbo, you are such a douche. You think just because you type big words, which no one is impressed with, you are awesome. Well, reality check for you, you aren't. So go ahead and play imaginary “king of the castle” here on what should be run by people more professional than you.

BTW, like with our OP, the "good riddance to this ****ty site" was from over a year ago, yet the poor dude can't stay away from the site or the flame. :ols:

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It's like moths to a flame, they simply cannot help themselves. :ols: BTW, Jumbo, I did not take offense to Sonny's post. Simply gave it a shrug and laughed if off. :cool: If that was his feelings on my post, then so be it. We've hada few discussions and I feel confident you understood what I was attempting to convey. :) HTTR

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BTW, like with our OP, the "good riddance to this ****ty site" was from over a year ago, yet the poor dude can't stay away from the site or the flame. :ols:

Being a cashier at a local grocery store to pay for college put me in direct contact with a couple people like this. One guy asked me one night if he could take a whole stack of our cash register plastic bags home with him to use "with his cats" whatever that entailed. I responded that we were only allowed to give plastic bags to customers to hold items from their order. He said okay then, sell the bags to me. I explained that cash register plastic bags aren't an item we're allowed to sell. He insisted on asking my manager about it and I gladly called her over. She told him the exact same thing that I had just told him- we couldn't sell him bags. He started making a big scene about how he could always take his business to another grocery store, and that we're not the only place in town. My manager said, well I'm sorry that you feel that way, but if other grocery stores will sell you the plastic bags from their cash registers then by all means, you should shop there.

I saw the guy in there the next week and about 50 times after that. It was like when a little kid says he's gonna run away from home- and this time he means it!

Turns out he was just a lonely old guy with a lot of cats. One day when it was slow I had a conversation with him for a good 10 minutes about the weather, sports, and something else. Afterward he thanked me for talking with him and I felt bad. The OP just needs a hug, damn it!

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Just saw this thread. Why the hell isn't it stickied yet?!?!


---------- Post added February-1st-2013 at 01:13 AM ----------

We don't get nearly enough of these threads anymore.

Because you nazis have banned all the good ones :ols:

Positive: board no longer dumbed down by said poster

Negative: decreased likelihood for outstanding threads :ols:

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I'm not a mod, I don't have a coach avatar, but for some reason I seem to get at least 3 or 4 emails a month from some very "perfect" people who can't understand why they have an NNT or other Mod action, and demanding that I do something about it immediately. I used to answer these posts Now that I do not have the time I just use the mighty delete button.

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