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THE Official Star Wars EPVII The Force Awakens Thread


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special effects supervisor Chris Corbould (Skyfall,The Dark Knight RisesInception),


That guy could be pretty critical to just how much complaining there is.  Eps 1-3 got so much criticism (in part) not only because of the overuse of CGI, but also because the effects looked fake.  Like watching a cartoon instead of feeling transported to somewhere that could be real. 


Hopefully his recent work with Nolan has made a lasting impression.

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Tupac Was Reportedly Considered For A Role In Star Wars: The Phantom Menace



Tupac was a rapper, actor and music icon, but he was supposed to have been a Jedi–at least according to a new interview with Death Row Records’ former Chief Engineer Rick Clifford.


In a recent interview with a 2Pac fan site, Clifford revealed that Samuel L. Jackson took what could have been Tupac’s role in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. “Yeah, he called me ‘Old Man’,” Clifford said in the interview. “He said ‘Old Man, keep your fingers crossed, I got three movies coming up. One of them I gotta read for George Lucas’.”


“It’s sad because ‘Pac found out that I worked for Brian Austin Green, who was on ’90210,’ then he found out I was in some movies. So we always talked about his film career and stuff,” Clifford said in the interview. “He was telling me that he was supposed to read for George Lucas and them.” Adding that, “They wanted him to be a Jedi. Yes, I’m serious. Samuel L. [Jackson] got Tupac’s part.” Yep, Shakur could have played Mace Windu, a Jedi Master on the High Council.


While Lucas has not commented on Clifford’s statement, Tupac’s acting aspirations were no secret. The rapper studied acting at the Baltimore School For The Arts before becoming a music star, and had started to make moves into Hollywood with roles in Juice, Poetic Justice and Above the Rim in the early ’90s.




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The Wrap is reporting that Jesse Plemons, lovable sociopath Todd from Breaking Bad and lovable Landry from Friday Night Lights could be a lovable Jedi in Star Wars Episode VII. According to the site Plemons is the main contender for the lead role, and while nobody knows what that role is exactly Plemons certainly looks like he could come from the loins of Luke Skywalker, no?

Plemons has done a taped audition that JJ Abrams and the good people at Lucasfilm like, and now he's in the final stages. This looks like it could be the real deal.

This is likely the beginning of an onslaught of casting news about to hit for this project, which is supposed to shoot in a couple of months. It was almost exactly a year ago that Abrams came aboard the project (back when it still had a script!), so this anniversary could be when the first real info comes our way. At the very least casting is going to hit high gear in the coming weeks, and we may yet get confirmations on some rumored names like Benedict Cumberbatch for the villain. 

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You have it backwards. He directed Super 8. Produced Cloverfield and Lost (and Alias and Fringe).

Given his success and approach to the Star Trek movie he directed, I find it hard to imagine he completely ****s the bed.


Lost was a shell game,  a sham,  mass theft of peoples time on an international scale.  7 seasons and his ending could have occured after the pilot and we wouldn't have lost much...   He had shows which were meaningless to the plot... main characters which were meaningless to the plot...  Hell even after you saw the final show some folkls still didn't realize the most important cast member was perhaps the one Abrams spent the least amount of time developing.......   Abrams is a great story teller,  but he's lousy at endings..  


Cloverfield = Cash machine...  just stupid.


Star Trek...  omg;   his genius was he betrayed the entire fan base by making up his own alternate universe where he's unconstrained by anything and everything the 4-5 series and the 12-14 other movies built on..    His genius was he took one of the best science fiction shows ever,  dumbed it down for the milk toast crowd;  and it's legion of fans are just figuring it out now.


I expect the same from Star Wars...   Abrams will create a movie which has zero to do with the original story... lots of explosions,  a ffew semi naked women,   a handsome young leading man...    no plot,  poor science,   poor character development...  basically a bad movie wrapped in the dressings of something folks love.


It's like Fred Silverman's formula for TV networks hit shows went to hollywood....    picture a semi naked woman,   now insert a few explosions and fist fights...   now insert that into a beloved science fiction franchise....    Don't worry about learning anything about the franchise... we'll just wing it.....


This just in JJ Abrams buys the rights to Dr Who.   Only instead of a phone booth the doctor will be riding around in a sports car drinking vodca martinis and trying to take over the world.

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Op-ed: Disney takes a chainsaw to the Star Wars expanded universe



Star Wars is sacred to geeks. Characters in Kevin Smith movies refer to it as "the Holy Trilogy," and for almost as long as Star Wars has existed, fans have wanted to know more about the universe outside of the movies—and the canonicity of all the elements of that universe is the subject of almost ecclesiastical-scale debates. The movies are unquestionably official—they are the foundational elements of Star Wars, even Episodes I-III. However, the combined mass of video games, board games, tie-in novels, cartoons, and anything else branded with a Star Wars logo occupies a lesser tier in the hierarchy: all these things are still "official" in that they carry the logo, but they are merely part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.


The Expanded Universe—the "EU"—sprawls like a bloated dead thing with tentacles stretching in all directions. Everything is in there: Timothy Zahn's Thrawn series (which introduced the eponymous Admiral Thrawn, as well as fan favorite Mara Jade, the former Emperor's Hand-turned-smuggler who overcame her hatred of Luke Skywalker and became his wife). Clone Wars and The Old Republic. The Yuuzhan Vong and the death of Chewbacca. Kevin J. Anderson and all the unspeakably, unreadably bad literary atrocities for which he's responsible.


A sci-fi universe with as long a tail as Star Wars can be death for new stories, though. Finding space among the EU to make a mark without being hamstrung by established ideas is difficult, and even keeping the EU somewhat organized is challenging. Its growth has been cancerous—like a tumor, it has no plan and no organization—it simply expands, blindly, as the collective fan engine shovels in new material.

And like a tumor, Disney is going to rip it out.


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IMO taking a chainsaw to the SW universe (outside of the movies at least) is a good thing. I for one agree with the author that the universe is a sprawling cancer growing uncontrollably, and there is no way any casual viewer should be expected to adopt a movie reality because someone slapped a SW logo on a book that marries Han Solo to Jaba's sister after his divorce from Leah because she ran off with Chewbacca's brother.

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Lost was a shell game,  a sham,  mass theft of peoples time on an international scale.  7 seasons and his ending could have occured after the pilot and we wouldn't have lost much...   He had shows which were meaningless to the plot... main characters which were meaningless to the plot...  Hell even after you saw the final show some folkls still didn't realize the most important cast member was perhaps the one Abrams spent the least amount of time developing.......   Abrams is a great story teller,  but he's lousy at endings..  


Cloverfield = Cash machine...  just stupid.


Star Trek...  omg;   his genius was he betrayed the entire fan base by making up his own alternate universe where he's unconstrained by anything and everything the 4-5 series and the 12-14 other movies built on..    His genius was he took one of the best science fiction shows ever,  dumbed it down for the milk toast crowd;  and it's legion of fans are just figuring it out now.






Lost's reach exceeded its grasp.  There are worse sins.  But for a while there it was some of the best tv ever.  If you think the journey is a theft of time because the destination isn't what you wanted, well, there's a proverb about that, I think.


You also left out Fringe, which showed that he had clearly learned something from the experience of Lost.  Deep mythology, few if any unresolved tangents, and the ending was perfect.  Just a great, great series.



I expect the same from Star Wars...   Abrams will create a movie which has zero to do with the original story... lots of explosions,  a ffew semi naked women,   a handsome young leading man...    no plot,  poor science,   poor character development...  basically a bad movie wrapped in the dressings of something folks love.



If it wasn't for the reference to having zero to do with the original story, I would have thought you were talking about the prequels.

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Oh come on already! Star Wars was a western set in space and it was precisely the special effects and presentation that made it so utterly memorable. It's script and plot was not, and I repeat not some masterful literary work. What it did was take us into another world and allowed our eyes to see what we had only dreamed before. It was about presentation, oh and it too had semi naked women, lots of explosions, a handsome young leading man and all the things that JMS seems to think made Abram's Star Trek offerings so awful.

As for what Abrams did for Star Trek well that's simple, he took all the best of Star Wars and brought them into the Star Trek story which made it all far less cerebral and a whole lot more entertaining to watch. People act like he was supposed to call up William Shattner and shove him into a girdle plopping him down into the captain's chair for a geriatric tour de galaxy. Also, in case people forgot it was not Abrams who brough us "Star Trek Save the Whales" and it was not Abrams who brought us Episode I and Jarjar Binks.

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well, looks like I'm still the only person that loved jar-jar binks and felt that he would be a series mainstay....

I certainly thought he was entertaining. Thought he got old.

But yeah, I don't get the hate.

Heck, I hated Luke.

My friend and I, the scene we wanted, in Star Wars 2, featured a corridor on the new Death Star. There's stirmtroopers and droids running back and forth. Alarms. Distant explosions. A figure in Rebel uniform comes around the corner and freezes, looking around.

Dearth vader steps from darkness and strands in the corridor, breathing.

He activates his sword, and stands.

The Rebel pulls a blaster, and blows a smoking hole in his chest.

Vader's Last Words sound surprised. "I thought I was gonna fight the The Wimp'.

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The reason Jar Jar gets hate is because of his over the top slap-stick persona and he brought absolutely nothing to the story. He was just flat out annoying. AND he was the product of the over usage of CGI.


He was stupid comic relief who talked like an idiot and was a complete blithering idiot.

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They rewrote the script to better emphasize Luke, Leia and Han for Episode VII and give them a proper sendoff.   Apparently Kirshner and Abrams are redoing it.   The original script focused on the younger generation.   Apparently, JJ Abrams wants to send the 3 stars of the original trilogy out with a bang before focusing on the new crop of heroes.

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They rewrote the script to better emphasize Luke, Leia and Han for Episode VII and give them a proper sendoff.   Apparently Kirshner 

and Abrams are redoing it.   The original script focused on the younger generation.   Apparently, JJ Abrams wants to send the 3 stars of the original trilogy out with a bang before focusing on the new crop of heroes.

How'd they manage to get Kershner working on it?
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Han and Leia living in a trailer with the wookie chained to an old tire out front. Milleneum Falcon in blocks in the front yard. Han on a lawn chair drinking a bud light reminiscing with Lando about the time he had him frozen

Luke on the couch working thru the emotional scar tissue with a therapist... Father killing, sister kissing hallucinator

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