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Brandon Banks: Clash Time--Should He Stay or Should He Go? (MET)


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Drifting back and fielding a punt in the end zone SHOULD have been the absolute last straw. He should have been removed from the game, and cut by today. (we know better.. our special teams and their idiot coach exist in a vacuum devoid of any common sense.)

there is NO excuse that can be accepted.

He is a DUMB FOOTBALL PLAYER who makes thoughtless idiotic mistakes every single week.

He cannot play the game. He makes terrible decision after terrible decision.

The fact he hasn't cost this team dearly yet is an absolute miracle.

For all who still ride his tiny little Smurf Jock and swear up and down theres' some talent in his scrawny little body, I would challenge you this..

Look up every play that Banks has touched the ball in 2012.

I would bet he's very close to NEGATIVE yardage for the year, if he isn't actually in the hole..

every time he takes a kickoff in the end zone and does not down it, figure he must make it to the 20 for the play to not be a negative.

if he gets tackled at the 14, subtract 6 yards.(He lost 16 yards on yesterday's punt he fielded in the end zone.)

Count up every useless pitchout or swing pass to him that has gone backwards. even count the 9 yard pass he caught yesterday, which to my recall is about 5 yards longer than his best offensive play of the season.

Count it all up.I bet a dollar he's in the negative. (and if he's in the positive,, it may be only by about 20 yards he's had two punt returns this year that may total about 80 yards together,, and they may erase many of his negative plays to get the number cloer to zero.

But, figure that two positive plays dn't outweigh all the negatives you're going to find..)

This guy is a complete waste of a roster spot, and th fact he is still occupying it and still doing incredibly stupid things like drifting back and fielding punts in the end zone once again points squarely at his coach.

How does a professional football player make a mistake like that?

it's inconceivable.. until you realize that our special teams have made stupid mistakes like this for 8 years, and we still keep the gum chomping idiot who can't teach his punt returner to pay attention to the field.

Inexcusable, and that fielding of that punt really should be all anyone needs to see anymore to know what I've been screaming about for so long.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, just flat out plain STUPID.

These are the mistakes losers make.


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I'm not going to argue for or against Banks using a roster spot. But, would any other player do better with these ****ty punt blocking schemes that we have?

Hard to blame Banks for the lousy swing passes that rarely net us any yards, game 1 excluded.

He certainly is slow to pick a lane and go, rather waiting for just the right hole to develop, which it never does.

He has actually regressed since last year on punts, although it may be that our defense rarely pins the opposing punter back far enough to give him a chance to break one.

If we are going to use him in the offense, why not let him go deep and hope RG3 has enough time to get the ball to him?

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Banks is an X-Factor that probably isn't going to reach his potential until 2-3 years from now. My understanding is he hasn't been the same since hurting his knee, so I'm not pressed to get rid of him. I wouldn't replace him with a backup o-linemen, that's what I'm saying. Let him go through camp again next year and see if someone beats him out. He's gonna figure it out eventually. Question is will it be with us or not...

I think your viewpoint is delusional. He has gotten utterly complacent returning punts and kicks. He no longer puts his body on the line by using his straight line speed! Pay attention to this next time you see him return a kick, hes consistantly crow hopping left and right making sure the defenders dont get a clean shot on him. Obviously this is part of his goal but he refuses to turn on the speed when he finds a crease. If he does start to pick up speed he cant get to the sideline fast enough.

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What transpired yesterday didn't shock me. Banks was a wasted roster spot coming into this season and the majority of us knew that. I'm tired of seeing fans justify keeping him on the roster based off of idiotic remarks like comparing him to Sanders or Clark. This kid is a scrub hands down and the sooner he's cut, the better.

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Secret Squirrel gets tackled with just a fingernail laid upon him and as others have mentioned, he has the football IQ of a squirrel to boot.

Cut him and let Robinson replace him in the few gadget plays he gets.

Big League Chew has got to go. Dumber than a brick when it comes to special teams.

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Not quoting the whole thing, but largely agree with everything you said. Guys the size of Banks need to be very smart football players. He has speed, but he uses it sideline-to-sideline, not endzone to endzone. He doesn't have power either. A guy like him has no margin for error and needs to make the smart play every time the ball hits his hands.

So often during this year he'll be standing at the 20 and just let the ball land behind him at the 15, and then someone will down it at the 10. That's bad decision making.

Yesterday, he did the opposite, in the worst way, he took balls right near the endzone, or IN the endzone, and failed to reach the 20.

If you're our kickoff specialist you NEED to know the right choice. Banks seemingly doesn't.

His one hope was somehow finding his way in the passing game, using his speed. In comes Aldrick Robinson, catching deep passes LIKE A BOSS! Sorry Banks, this year is your last here, unless during these last 5 games he suddenly breaks 3 or 4 TDs on returns.

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Killed me to hear Shanahan call Banks a smart football player with great ability today. He is neither of those things. Especially smart.

---------- Post added November-23rd-2012 at 03:57 PM ----------

He is a Percy Harvin type of player. He MUST stay, period. We are slowly incorporating him into our Developing offense. When he's on the field, no one can catch him.

If anyone can turn him into a star, it's RGThreesus

Assuming you're talking about Banks, this is a huge ****ing insult to Percy Harvin. He is nothing like Percy Harvin.

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He's not going anywhere and I enjoy seeing this board go to pieces over the fact that he is on this team.

Banks for Special Teams Ace!

Keeps proving ES wrong about what this team needs.

Name one thing he does well on the field?

And running east to west from sideline to sideline doesn't count.

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He's not going anywhere and I enjoy seeing this board go to pieces over the fact that he is on this team.

Banks for Special Teams Ace!

Keeps proving ES wrong about what this team needs.

Ace? What exactly is he acing?

You're dangerously close to obvious trolling here.

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I have to agree with most of you on Banks. He is the single greatest weapon on the Redskins every year.....IN PRESEASON. Then when the games begin, he disappears. He runs straight ahead on every kickoff. He never changes directions like other returners. He runs right up into the pile everytime. He basically is a great punt returner when coaches are trying out 2nd and 3rd team guys in preseason. Otherwise, he is average in every respect and has virtually no impact.:logo:

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I've been saying cut him since the pre season. This one trick pony isn't even doing a trick anymore. Hesitates then decides to go, then stops, then realizes he's past the goal line. All for a tiny lil gain. Hey if it goes over your head inside the 10, let it go Banks. Your not superman. And honestly a stong breeze will knock him down. Speed isn't everything. It's a good thing, but not everything.

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I have to agree with most of you on Banks. He is the single greatest weapon on the Redskins every year.....IN PRESEASON. Then when the games begin, he disappears. He runs straight ahead on every kickoff. He never changes directions like other returners. He runs right up into the pile everytime. He basically is a great punt returner when coaches are trying out 2nd and 3rd team guys in preseason. Otherwise, he is average in every respect and has virtually no impact.:logo:

I'm pretty sure he's coached to stay near the sidelines because he fumbles so much. I'm sure if we've noticed this... the rest of the coaches have noticed this across the league.

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Aldrick Robinson needs a chance.

Banks has not only been anemic with his returning ability... but now his decision making (or lack thereof) is hurting the team.

Now that Robinson is an offensive factor, I don't want him returning punts or KOs. I'd love to use him in the role Banks has on offense from time to time though. It's December though...Banks isn't going anywhere this year...I'm resigned to that.

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I've been saying cut him since the pre season. This one trick pony isn't even doing a trick anymore. Hesitates then decides to go, then stops, then realizes he's past the goal line. All for a tiny lil gain. Hey if it goes over your head inside the 10, let it go Banks. Your not superman. And honestly a stong breeze will knock him down. Speed isn't everything. It's a good thing, but not everything.

I was practically screaming at the Television yesterday for him to take a knee in the back of the end zone. He has been unable to even get past the 20 yard line lately. The kid may be fast, but he is not getting it done right now and hasn't really gotten it done in a while. Sad to say, the kickoff rules being changed really screwed him. Now I fear that he is trying to force the issue to prove his worth...which keeps setting up the team with bad field position.

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The good news is that Banks finally caught a pass beyond the line of scrimmage yesterday. I'm still waiting for the one deep post they send him on, because it's been set up the entire season. 99% of the time Banks has been lined up out wide, the defense has called out that a screen is coming. Just once I want to send Banks deep and see if he's as wide open as Niles Paul was on the TD yesterday.

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