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Fellow ES poster you'd like to have a drink with.


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As someone who can be gone for months, and still make it into threads like these, I'm incapable of empathy in this case.

Oddly, you also make the opposite list ;)

woodbridge is nice... really... honest... with the river, and the bridges and stuff... really really nice.

and peaceful

and calm

and still on proper medication

i mean really REALLY nice!


Well, actually, I do live in Lake Ridge, which is a pretty nice area, it's not the part of Woodbridge along Route 1. We should get a drink and talk about it. :ols:

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True that brother! I was sitting up on the balcony when you busted the ST tat out on the Cowturd fan, I was laughing my ass off at the hell everyone was giving that dude! We'll meet again, maybe during the team rally on Bourbon St, right before the SB! Lol

I heard that. Tell ya what, we'll meet on the balcony of JWs. Last one there buys the 1st round! :cheers:

:wavetowel Yeah, I had a lot of fun teasing that guy. The funny thing is, he was way tamer than the Saints fan that had the Saints tattoo. He was off the charts crazy, talkin' about "who needs a coach? Coach ain't nothin'! He don't play the game!" :ols: He had me rollin. He was the one that I started the crowd chanting "WE DAT!" Like 20 people in his face screamin' "WE DAT! WE DAT! WE DAT SAY WE GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS!" He couldn't even talk once that got started & left. :ols: :ols: :ols:

EDIT: Dude can you imagine what that place would look like if we end up there? I mean, I'm not saying we will be, but anything can happen....that was week 1. Let it be Redskins vs anybody AFC this year...this weekend was nothing compared to what that would look like.

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Nah, Its no big deal to me at least. I know that I was cared about a ton through some hard times not long ago on this board (despite knowing that Ive pissed a ton of people off including Mods). That showing of love to me was so meaningful that I wouldnt care if I were never mentioned in these kind of threads ever again.

And you've been there for me, and I've been meaning to ask how you're doing...sorry, I'm slack, but had to put a kitty to sleep a few weeks ago and haven't gotten around to that "project"...**** keeps poppin' up that keeps sidetracking the forward motion...help!

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Truth be told, I've posted my main list of people that I w3ould love to sit down with, for any number of reasons, but in all honesty, if anyone here said they were coming thru Mobile & wanted ESers to hang with, I would enjoy that with just about anyone, save for Jumbo. He now scares me. ;)

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And you've been there for me, and I've been meaning to ask how you're doing...sorry, I'm slack, but had to put a kitty to sleep a few weeks ago and haven't gotten around to that "project"...**** keeps poppin' up that keeps sidetracking the forward motion...help!

Always!! (see we SHOULD have that beer someday!)

(Did you read that book?)

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I would like to have a drink with McSluggo. He lives in McLean. I grew up in McLean. I would certainly like to move back there from the Woodbridge area. I could meet him and ply him with alcohol, then stab him, leave him in the woods, where he would inevitably be found later during another round of woods clearing/mcmansion building. But by then it would be too late, I would already have taken his house under some obscure "last person to see him alive" clause which supercedes all wills, trusts, and other lawful documents.

Feel better?

*sharpening knife*

Trust me, you don't want that house. 51 years of deferred maintenance.... :ols:

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I heard that. Tell ya what, we'll meet on the balcony of JWs. Last one there buys the 1st round! :cheers:

:wavetowel Yeah, I had a lot of fun teasing that guy. The funny thing is, he was way tamer than the Saints fan that had the Saints tattoo. He was off the charts crazy, talkin' about "who needs a coach? Coach ain't nothin'! He don't play the game!" :ols: He had me rollin. He was the one that I started the crowd chanting "WE DAT!" Like 20 people in his face screamin' "WE DAT! WE DAT! WE DAT SAY WE GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS!" He couldn't even talk once that got started & left. :ols: :ols: :ols:

EDIT: Dude can you imagine what that place would look like if we end up there? I mean, I'm not saying we will be, but anything can happen....that was week 1. Let it be Redskins vs anybody AFC this year...this weekend was nothing compared to what that would look like.

First off, that is one funny ass story man. Love the way he had no answer and just left. :ols: Says it all.

Second, if we get to NO's for a second time this year, save me a spot on that balcony. Ticket or no ticket, GHH is :beavisnbutthead: the Big Easy!

Lastly, I've just noticed your sig. addition. The second time I've said this today, but I'm utterly blown away by that. That's one Hell of a gesture you didn't have to make, and to say I'm touched by it is an understatement.

Speechless but VERY appreciative. Thanks bro'. :chestram: :cheers:


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Spartacus87. That guy knows his stuff when it comes to college football, among other things (anything pop culture, music, movies/tv shows, travel, etc). Pretty much everyone (though I'm sure that not everyone is familiar with me since I don't post in every single thread.), but mainly the guys in my age group. No Excuses. Sticksboi, MLSkins, stevemcqueen, Dr. Do Itch, 2k, Conn, MattFancy. Then there's guys like Ghost Of Nibbs, DCranon, RA15 (pretty much everyone that posts in the NBA thread, Figure Four Thread, etc)

You're all cool people.

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Lastly, I've just noticed your sig. addition. The second time I've said this today, but I'm utterly blown away by that. That's one Hell of a gesture you didn't have to make, and to say I'm touched by it is an understatement.

Speechless but VERY appreciative. Thanks bro'. :chestram: :cheers:


Well, ya know, you see stories on the news & it doesn't become real to you until you know someone who is going thru or has gone thru it or it happens to you. When I read your post about it, I was overwhelmed with sadness, how horrified everyone must've been. Then I read your personal account, the experience you had. My heart sank for that little girl you mentioned. It sank for you as well as I cannot even imagine the mental scarring that it did. But then to make matters worse, you have to experience the cover-ups & the finger pointing...:doh:

It is unbelievable to me that people could allow that to happen & then to be so self involved that they would rather blame those victims, disgracing the deceased, then take accountability for themselves & own up to their failures, making things worse.

I don't know you personally, GHH, but I know you here on ES & I respect you. You are an extremely quality poster & I enjoy your presence here. So, out of respect for you & the many who lost their lives, I show my support.

And I promise you...if we are in NO again, ZoEd & me will save a spot on that balcony for you! :cheers:

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Anyone who wants to sit and talk football... I'd love to share a beer, or a Coca-Cola. Whatever.

Be forewarned. I can talk football for about 3 years straight before I even begin to get bored.

---------- Post added September-13th-2012 at 08:46 PM ----------

How about a giant extremeskins convention with everyone drinking... something tells me we would need security.

Good thing I'm a NYS certified security guard then, huh? :ols:

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