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Per @chrisrussel... Gano released cundiff added

Missin Meast

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Sheehan just pointed out Cundiff was 1-9 from 50+ in the last two years. Now, I appreciate the logic that 50+ shouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker, but if that's the track record, anything outside of the 30-35 is punt or go for it territory. You've almost gotta get inside the 30 to even want to try.

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As I said. A few were not his fault. You didn't add anything I didn't already concede.

"most" and "a few" clearly are not the same thing. Those were three of the five blocks last season and I haven't found the videos for the other two. Having said all that, I'm not a Gano fan. I just happen to be very down on Billy Cundiff.

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I don't like the move but it happens. We have a really young team and we're probably not going to be a real contender, so I would have liked to have given Gano one more year to lock down the position. I think it's arguable who would be a better kicker this year, but in two years Gano should be far better than Cundiff. But Cundiff probably won't be here anyways and we'll be onto someone else.

Gano will land on his feet and Cundiff should have a short leash. I would have preferred Rackers but whatever.

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The one counter point that sticks out is that Redskins coaches seem to like the guy. Spurrier, Gibbs, Zorn, and Shanahan have all shown their support by allowing him to coach their special teams units. I am not qualified to say that those men were all wrong.

What I can say however is that the results of the kicking game have been bad. They've been bad for a long time despite different kickers, general managers, and head coaches.

I know,, and for the life of me i cannot figure out why.

I consider myself a fairly intelligent football fan. I am not any coach-level expert, and i'm not as good with Xs&Os as a guy like kDawg, or analyzing it as deeply as kleese, but I think I'm pretty astute.

On top of that, I am usually an apologist.. i want to and can usually find another factor for why a play was a problem other than "he sucks".

Folks who have talked football with me here over the years will probably agree that other than Smith, I'm usually not the type to be hollering for any heads.

but for the life of me, i do not understand Danny Smith. I can't figure out how he keeps his job.

I hope this year he shows me... as I have said numerous times in my two year crusade against danny... I can't WAIT to have a thread devoted to telling me that he's proven me wrong and it's time for me to shut the hell up about it once and for all .


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"most" and "a few" clearly are not the same thing. Those were three of the five blocks last season and I haven't found the videos for the other two. Having said all that, I'm not a Gano fan. I just happen to be very down on Billy Cundiff.

Well, if it makes you feel better, I don't love Cundiff, either. In fact, I don't even like him. But, I think he's an upgrade. A slight one.

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The one thing I will say about the Cundiff miss in the playoffs is, they whole team was confused about the down and whether or not they were going to kick it. The whole thing was rushed. They could have taken the delay of game penalty and I think he hits it from 37 to tie the game.

They also still had a time out. The coaches should have called a time out. I believe they kicked it with like 1 second left on the play clock

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Cundiff was a good kicker for the Ravens, but when you miss a short kick at the end of the Championship game that would have sent it into OT, you get cut. That is just the way it goes. The receiver that dropped the game winner is also gone.

Anyway, the team blew it on Cundiff's Championship miss. Cundiff, the coach or any one of the veterans on the field should have called a time out. They had to rush the whole process and should have called a timeout to get things on a normal pace. I can't remember if it was the next play after the dropped TD. If it was, I sort of blame the refs. That TD drop should have gone to the booth; it was just too close of a play at the end of one of the biggest games of the year. But that drop may have been on 2nd down.

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Bleacher report just ranked all the place kickers a few months ago, Gano is ranked near the bottom. We didnt just get rid of one of the better kickers in the NFL so no reason to be so dramatic.

Accuracy4Gano made 75.6 percent of his kicks in 2011, missing five within 39 yards.

Kickoff Power5His kicks catch a ton of air, but his distance is merely average.

Field-Goal Power7Hit on 12-of-17 kicks longer than 40 yards, with two misses longer than 50 yards. He did knock down the second-longest kick of the year—a 59-yarder.

Hang Time8The ball doesn't go far, but his max caught a stunning 4.67 seconds of air.

Carlson Rating5Gano's 2011 misses in the 30- to 39-yard range (5-of-9) keep his score from being much higher in this area.

Overall29 - Gano's failure to rack up touchbacks could cause him to lose his job on kickoffs, but he's still solid as a field-goal kicker.


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Pro or con, it seems like a pretty over-the-top overreaction. I was surprised by it and then said, OK, we've got a new kicker -- I hope he makes more should-make kicks than his precedessor. Not a real big deal; Gano wasn't Jan Stenerud.

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Seriously; if the beat writers are right, it seemed like the competition at least somewhat favored Rackers.

Why would we give up Rackers (who I wasn't wild about, but I could've deallt with) and keep Gano, and then cut Gano and bring in Cundiff, who is a worse career kicker than Rackers and has less upside than Gano?

It's like coming to a fork in the road, and instead of going left or right, you make a u-turn, do a couple donuts just for fun, put it in reverse and drive in whatever direction you happen to end up in.

It's not just about Gano getting cut. I think we all knew and acknowledged that possibility when Rackers was bought in. It's about the fact that Rackers apparently won the statistical advantage, but they decide to go with Gano any how, only to turn around and cut Gano for a dude who is probably worse than both.

That's the point here. I know there's some fans that are just THRILLED not to have Gano, but when you look at Cundiff's numbers over the 12 years of his career, they don't look any better than what Graham could've offered if he had kept up with his (over-exaggerated) "consistency issues", and he's far worse than Rackers in that regard.

But we signed Cundiff anyway, and cut two kickers (not just Gano, but Rackers as well) who are both better than him.

I don't get it. I think that's why everyone else has a problem with it too.

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I know people just love Peter King, but...


6. The best kicking leg in the league: whacked. You can look it up. Over the past two years, Billy Cundiff is a 90 percent field goal kicker inside the 50 (53 of 59), and no other kicker averaged more yards per kickoff (69.5) or had more touchbacks than his 84. But the Ravens, bugged more by his 1-of-7 from 50-plus in the last two seasons than his crucial miss in the AFC title game last January, cut him Sunday. They prefer to save $1.5 million on the cap and go with a four-year kickoff man from the University of Texas, Justin Tucker. Risky move for a Super Bowl contender.
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As for the lack of touchbacks, part of the problem is that we didn't score a lot, and part of the problem was that Danny Smith seemed obsessed with having him directionally kick or trying to have him kick it inside the ten and having our kick coverage unit cover. Gano could boot it out of the back of the end zone any time he wanted, but it seemed like that was never part of Smith's plan.

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Pro or con, it seems like a pretty over-the-top overreaction. I was surprised by it and then said, OK, we've got a new kicker -- I hope he makes more should-make kicks than his precedessor. Not a real big deal; Gano wasn't Jan Stenerud.

Yep this is where I'm at. I wanted them to keep Gano because of his potential. But the bottom line is he had every chance to lock up his position and he never seemed to do that with his opportunities here. It seems like the coaching staff had as much confidence that he would make each kick as us fans. I know I prayed everytime he kicked because I never knew what I was going to get no matter what quarter it was. But I always hoped and thought he would get it together. So I understand people that want him to stay but I also understand why he is gone.

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As for the lack of touchbacks, part of the problem is that we didn't score a lot, and part of the problem was that Danny Smith seemed obsessed with having him directionally kick or trying to have him kick it inside the ten and having our kick coverage unit cover. Gano could boot it out of the back of the end zone any time he wanted, but it seemed like that was never part of Smith's plan.

Why is that on Smith? If it was an issue *at all* then Shanahan simply had to walk over and say "Danny, touchbacks please." I'm pretty sure Danny Smith wouldn't have told him to shut up and learn his place. ;)

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This. How this man still has a job is beyond me. He can teach how to cover a kickoff and punt, but his return game is HORRENDOUS (Banks makes him look good, look at all the KO/P with everybody else). We should have **** canned this guy 3 years ago and signed Bobby April.

He's a character and I guess makes practice entertaining with his personality... but, we want to win... and special teams has cost us more times than it's helped us...

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I'm really shocked by the reaction to Gano's dispatch. Was it unexpected? Yes, and perhaps that's why some people are overreacting. But, let's be honest here: this guy was not a good kicker. His FG percentage was near the bottom of the league, and the number of FGs within 40 yards that he's missed over the years has killed us in a number of games. I'd much rather have a kicker who is at least 10 points better statistically within 49 yrds. Gano seems like a nice enough guy, but he didn't appear to be all that intelligent, and I will not miss him pointing two fingers toward the heavens like a moron everytime he made a FG or extra point. I'm glad he's gone, and I'm glad we've upgraded the position. I will miss the "Oh-No-Gano" nickname.

You guys are really that upset that Gano is no longer with us??


"The 25-year-old Gano missed an NFL-high 10 field goal attempts last season, but five were blocked. He's made 74 percent of his attempts since joining the Redskins during the 2009 season, the second-worst percentage in the NFL over that span."

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Why is that on Smith? If it was an issue *at all* then Shanahan simply had to walk over and say "Danny, touchbacks please." I'm pretty sure Danny Smith wouldn't have told him to shut up and learn his place. ;)

180 yards in penalties.

What would you prefer to do in a game vs new england?

Play to the one strength of your special teams and kick it deep, where Gano has a 50% touchback average, backed up by the number one coverage unit in the league?

Or try to get cute and angle one to the sidelines where you have a better than even chance of giving Tom Brady the ball at the 40?

Guess what we decided to do last year?


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