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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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I'll be damned if The Onion doesn't cut close to the bone....


Senator Struggling To Weigh Interests Of Entire Constituency Against Nothing


WASHINGTON—As legislators gathered Tuesday for a critical vote that would go a long way toward finally repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) was reportedly struggling to weigh the interests of her entire constituency against absolutely nothing. “Honestly, it’s a tough call—on one hand, you have opposition to the repeal from a majority of Republicans, virtually all Democrats, and the entire healthcare industry, while on the other, you have not one sound argument or credible opinion,” said Capito, admitting she was, even now, having difficulty balancing her desire to keep as many West Virginians insured as possible with there being no reason whatsoever to do otherwise. “This is an agonizing decision. Sure, there are sound justifications for voting no on ‘repeal and replace,’ but then there’s emptiness, literal emptiness, when you look for reasons to vote yes. All I know is, I have to get this right somehow.” At press time, Senator Capito had resigned herself to the fact that both sides had valid points and she would just have to go with her gut when the time came.




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4 hours ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

I'll be damned if The Onion doesn't cut close to the bone....


Senator Struggling To Weigh Interests Of Entire Constituency Against Nothing


I loved the horoscopes at the bottom of the page...



Gemini | May 21 to June 20

They say that knowing is half the battle, but they never talk about how the other half is tactical deployment and careful use of grenades.
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46 minutes ago, Springfield said:

I'd like the republicans to do something that won't cause me and my family to pay $3500 to a hospital after a normal, healthy, vaginal birth with an epidural and a hospital stay of less than 48 hours.  After insurance.


Maybe you wouldn't mind settling for a new law that'd allow your kid to begin working off the debt, starting at age 6, while living in a modern, comfortable training facility?


All the privileges of knowing you're a parent, without any of the inconveniences of actually raising the child?


Think it over.  

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McCain is such a maverick. Went against is own word in 6 hours.


Capito's making a bet that West Virginians who got Medicaid thru the expansion will not care about this vote. She might be right. These dummies will probably vote her back in come 2020. Partisanship is a pretty strong drug.

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2 hours ago, Springfield said:

I'd like the republicans to do something that won't cause me and my family to pay $3500 to a hospital after a normal, healthy, vaginal birth with an epidural and a hospital stay of less than 48 hours.  After insurance.

This may be crass but my thought would be if you can't afford it, don't have a kid.  Or roll the dice and have it at home on the cheap.  Hopefully it will work out.


This is what gets me about things like having a child.  People want to do it but don't want to pay for it.  Can't afford it?  Then don't do it.  But that is why I'm a pro-choice conservative.

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40 minutes ago, AsburySkinsFan said:

Was McCain's objection to the bill about punctuation or something? 

Was he just grandstanding earlier or under the influence of medication during the vote?

If neither of the last two, then it's classic McCain, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.


Yeah I don't get this either. I know he has brain cancer, but could he have literally forgot what he said to the cameras a few hours earlier? He's such a maverick that he went against his own 6 hour younger self? 


He must have been aware that bill didn't have a prayer of reaching 60, so he just fell in line like a good boy just because? 

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On the radio they said the vote was to have debate. McCain voted yes to debate the bill.


Or am I confusing that with an earlier vote?


I don't have an interest in defending McCain but on the radio they said he voted yes to debate while saying he would vote no on the actual bill.


I don't like it but seems hardly fair to make brain cancer jokes over.

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

On the radio they said the vote was to have debate. McCain voted yes to debate the bill.


Or am I confusing that with an earlier vote?


I don't have an interest in defending McCain but on the radio they said he voted yes to debate while saying he would vote no on the actual bill.


I don't like it but seems hardly fair to make brain cancer jokes over.


He voted "yes" to debate the bill.


5 minutes later he gave a speech in which he scolded everyone for not working together (basically) to create legislation that would help.


Then he voted "yes" to pass a repeal bill he previously said he would not support.

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This opinion piece pulls no punches about McCain. Unfair? Yeah probably. Inaccurate? No idea.





It was, as one Twitter pundit put it, a very good day for cancer.

It was a good day for death, a good day for shameless cruelty, for the worst tendencies of the human animal; it's a good day to have that sickening, sour feeling in your stomach turn to abject disgust at your fellow man – Republicans very much in particular – as the Senate GOP, with coward John McCain’s help, shoved through a motion that will allow them to continue to destroy lives, take away the health care of millions and leave countless thousands to die.

Oh, John McCain. The cantankerous war hero, the nobly decorated war veteran, the once-outspoken critic of all political BS, the ill-fated presidential candidate, hereby returning from his government-paid sickbed, where he is receiving hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars’ worth of insurance-funded surgery and brain cancer treatments, to a hero’s welcome in the Senate, only to cast a vote that could ultimately take away that same health care from millions of others, resulting in the death of thousands of women, children, disabled, the poor, Republicans, war vets like him – you know, everyone.

Edited by The Evil Genius
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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:

This opinion piece pulls no punches about McCain. Unfair? Yeah probably. Inaccurate? No idea.





I agree with the overall premise and noted hypocrisy of McCain in that article, but the "thousands of deaths" line is hyperbole. Taking away people's healthcare can and will cause some deaths, but I think in this context it's an exaggeration. 

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1 hour ago, ExoDus84 said:


I agree with the overall premise and noted hypocrisy of McCain in that article, but the "thousands of deaths" line is hyperbole. Taking away people's healthcare can and will cause some deaths, but I think in this context it's an exaggeration. 


I'll certainly agree that pinning down an exact number of deaths is impossible. Just as it's no doubt impossible to be certain whether one, particular, death was or was not due to this (proposed) legislation. 


But that doesn't mean it's impossible to get in the ballpark. 


For example, I bet it's possible to estimate how many fewer coloniscopies will get done under this law. And what percentage of those people who don't have them, will get cancer. (Or, will wait till it's too late, to see a doctor). 



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