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Middle age...ups, downs, observations, anecdotes (and wisdom for you whipper-snappers)


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Agreed. Couldn't have said it better myself!

*Nods head in shame* I work 730-6 Monday-Friday.

That didn't stop us, we partied till 2, dragged a girl back and did more than text, got two hours of sleep and showed up at 8. Told boss to get over it and got the job done. You do the math. Our generation simply had the better times than you can now. Too much technology, too much social networking hyping to hook up while we actually hooked up.

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Wow. I wish I had more time today. I could write a freaking novel on this subject. :)

I'm pretty sure I hit middle age in September of 2009. That's when I woke up with an unexplained unimaginable excruciating pain in my side. A kidney stone. Suddenly my body wasn't mine anymore. A truly humbling experience. The next month I was taking a Tae Kwon Doe class ... I was already a black belt but I hadn't practiced regularly since my mid-20s. I signed up again because my 7 year-old daughter wanted to try it and I wanted to set an example for her. The difference between being 24 and 39, with no gradual physical decline in between to lessen the shock, was startling. My first class back I was gassed halfway through the warmups, and I had to retreat to the locker room to keep from throwing up. Somehow I had become one of those old guys we teenagers would look upon with pity while we were leaping and springing with ease around the dojo ... anyway, so I was taking a class (my third class since coming back) and we were working on palm strikes and since I was a black belt I wanted to show the young punks how we hit back in The Day so I went full power. And broke my wrist. Snap. More unimaginable pain. A month in a cast.

And that's when it truly hit me: I was old. I was about to turn 40. I had three kids and a mortgage and weird physical problems. When I ran my knees hurt. I couldn't jump anymore at all. When I put my karate uniform on my gut would hang over the belt.

I eventually got over it. I started running and working out and dieting and doing all that stuff we used to laugh at our parents for doing when we were kids.

Three years later I'm halfway to my second degree belt. I've run a marathon and I'm signed up for the Tough Mudder in September. I've lost 25 pounds since The Wrist, my knees feel great and my gut doesn't hang over my belt anymore. In my youth I never had to try ... never WANTED to try, but now I actually enjoy it. I savor the runs and workouts. People ask me why I run and my answer is 'because I can.' I've learned life is short. Don't take it for granted. Go out there and use it, or you absolutely will lose it.

I remember saying in my 30s that they were better than the 20s. And I have to say the 40s so far are better than the 30s. I don't feel like a kid pretending to be an adult anymore. I know who I am and feel comfortable in my own skin. Professionally I know my business as well as anyone and run my own shop. Personally my kids are at a great stage of life (13, 10 and 6) and all lots of fun to hang out with (though my oldest is starting to move into that sullen leave-me-alone phase.) My wife is my true partner in life and we get along great (I will not elaborate further :) ) and I truly feel like the King of my Castle right now. (shut up :) ).

But watching time move on is an odd experience, and a little sad. When you are younger you just assume old people and adults pop out of the ground old and stay that way forever. That adults know what they were doing and always have a plan. Now I know that's not true. My parents are Old People now. I remember when they weren't and it's weird. My dad in particular will be 77 in August and for the past few years has really started to look it. The old people from my youth are all gone. Grandparents, great aunts and uncles. It's weird how you don't really believe it until it actually happens. They actually do get old and die. And now I know some day I will to.

And the weirdest part is, it doesn't really scare me. We all have our time on this earth, and when it's over we have to step aside and let the next generation have a turn. And that's ok. Life really is a journey, and I think age has made me truly realize that. And I think that realization has helped me enjoy the journey a lot more. Like I said, I savor it now. This is my time and I'm not going to waste it. I think that's where the saying 'youth is wasted on the young' comes from. You just can't know these things until you feel mortal. And then it's almost too late. :)

Anyway, I guess I did write a novel. Ask me again in twenty years and I'll tell you all about being a cranky old man. :D

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Just turned 30, and I'm probably the happiest I've ever been in my life. I have friends who are 30 that still party like we did @ 22.

Though I had a TON fun in my early/mid 20s, the stability I enjoy @ 30 is nice.

Of course I'm only speaking for myself, but most of my early 20s consisted of hangovers, used condoms, ramen noodles/mcdonalds, and living check to check. Fun, but hitting the strip club and bar 5 days a week got old lol.

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For me it's the little reminders.

The last one that I took notice of was at a concert a couple weeks ago, there were signs posted all over that reminded everyone that you had to have been born on or before today's date in 1991 to purchase alcohol.

REALLY?!? 1991?!? I was turning 21 the year these kids were born and now they can legally buy beer!

Oh, and let's not forget last weekend when I told my wife that one of the boys at my daughter's birthday party needed a haircut. This was exceptionally disturbing because into my mid 20's I had hair down to my belt.

There was a time I felt sorry for the old guys, now I feel sorry for the young ones.

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I'm about your dad's age, h_h, I'll be 61 in September. I went on a first date with a neat woman yesterday. I live for today and plan for the future. I have a couple of new hobbies and and new puppy (which is exhausting!). I have to think before I pick up anything so I'm properly positioned. I'm not on any continuous medication but do take Aleve and Formula 303 (herbal muscle relaxant) when necessary for those aches and pains.

(TMI for some here) It's great having gone through menopause and no more period crap, which is onerous for many many years.

So, aging is better than the alternative!

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^ agree with cap & henry. I'm only 30, but this generation of teenagers seem lost. A lot of them lack identity. They don't know who they are and what they wanna be. I remember when you used to be able to spot a "DC dude" from a mile away. Well, at least "urban dudes" anyway LOL. You could spot the slouch socks, the "urban gear" brand names (Madness, Hobo, All Daz, etc). Now, all these kids are wearing skinny jeans and tight t-shirts. They all look like kids from the 106 & Park crowd on BET. I know times and styles change, but sheesh.

And don't get me started on social skills. Back in '97, if I saw a cute chick in the mall, I had to approach her, usually while all her friends are standing there watching, drop a line that would spark her interest, sell myself in a 2 minutes or less, and then ask for her number. That took a lot of balls. Had to be brave enough to approach her first off, then had to be quick witted to react to whatever she said and make her laugh. then pull out a pen and take down her number. The folks these days can check out her facebook, ask their mutual friends about her, and then take their time to write a well thought out private message. My little cousin called me this weekend like "hey big cuz, i got this cute chick's number today!" i was like cool, where'd you meet her? He said "on twitter." :( I know I can't blame these guysy for just adapting to the changing world around them, but still.

And don't get me started on the music. I grew up when songs like Wu-Tang's "CREAM," Busta Rhyme's "woo hah" and Bone Thugs "First of the Month" first dropped Not to mention Biggie and Pac, Tribe called Quest, etc. back when the rap game was awesome. Compare that to the garbage that comes out these days. Soft ass "pillow rap" dudes like Drake, then all this "coke rap" like Gucci Mane and Young Jeezy. Yeah their beats rock, but the content is garbage. I seriously feel sorry for these teenagers I see at the barbershop with their headphones blasting waka flocka.

Of course, turning 30 recently has me a little grumpy, so I may have reached a little with my post. and I'm sure the generations before me can say the same thing about me. It's like each generation takes a step back as far as music and social skills. LOL :);)

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I grew a goatee last summer - a ton of grey to go with the grey above my ears and What sucks is that all the nice looking girls here at work, who are all in their mid-20's tell me I look great with it and one even called me "dashing" (she has made several comments about it - makes my day)... the chicks finally dig something about me and theres nothing I can do about it (being married with 3 kids and all). I know they are just being nice to an old goof....

It does suck getting old. My eyes are going - I wear readers now... glasses within a few years.

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I'm only entering my mid-30s. I'm much more sappy these days. Seeing my kid grow up so quickly, in a blink of an eye she's 2 years old and talking in complete sentences with a full mop of hair. Not too long ago, she could just lay on her back, wiggle back and forth and was bald as could be. It makes me "sad" that these phases are so fleeting. I won't ever have THAT baby girl again (tearing up as I write, damn). I love her as is, but man just the idea that those moments have passed are really tough.

This year the wife and I started working out again in earnest. I play and coach soccer and the past decade or so since college has just been a litany of aches and pains from the sport. I would just grin and bear it, like my badge of honor—I could still play, but it was never pain free. Anyway, working out has been like a fountain of youth. My wife keeps dropping weight I didn't even notice she had, I'm playing pain free and schooling high school players again. It's crazy how so "little" can make such a big difference.

I worked too hard in college and out of school and I experienced burn out and spent my mid to late 20s in a debauched state (not too different than most), but that was half a decade I really had nothing to show for so i'm determined to make up for it.

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The thing that bothers me the most. I keep getting older, but the college girls stay the same age.

I've noticed some knee pain (I'm not overweight). When I do yardwork, I can only go about 4 hours max and when I'm done, I sleep that night as if someone hit me with a brick. Started wearing glasses in my mid 30s for distance. Hair loss (but the good news is, no gray- men in our family age well). I have no kids, but people my age have kids in college. I can't stay up past 12 AM most nights (when I do, I usually have to nap the next day). I'm the one driving in the right hand lane now (although I'm doing 70 in a 60 MPH zone, everyone else is zooming by). I don't fight a nap anymore.

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a couple of years ago at 44....my wife and i were going to jamaica on a company trip....and i needed a new brown leather belt.

notoriously thrifty....but seeking quality.....i went to the nearby queenstown outlets.....to at least 4 stores.....before settling on one at LLbean for $30.

having broken my ankle coaching football 4 months earlier....i had put on 10+ pounds....and was working feverishly to get back into shape....being also relatively vain....and about to hit the beaches.

while checking out....i noticed the young, extremely attractive cashier stealing several glances at me and smiling....

i'm feeling good.....real good....all the work was paying off.

as she took my credit card....she looked up demurely and asked....."do you qualify for our senior citizen 10% discount?"....

stunned/crestfallen/stonefaced.....it took me a few seconds to respond......"yes i do"......

figured might as well at least save the $3.

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a couple of years ago at 44....my wife and i were going to jamaica on a company trip....and i needed a new brown leather belt.

notoriously thrifty....but seeking quality.....i went to the nearby queenstown outlets.....to at least 4 stores.....before settling on one at LLbean for $30.

having broken my ankle coaching football 4 months earlier....i had put on 10+ pounds....and was working feverishly to get back into shape....being also relatively vain....and about to hit the beaches.

while checking out....i noticed the young, extremely attractive cashier stealing several glances at me and smiling....

i'm feeling good.....real good....all the work was paying off.

as she took my credit card....she looked up demurely and asked....."do you qualify for our senior citizen 10% discount?"....

stunned/crestfallen/stonefaced.....it took me a few seconds to respond......"yes i do"......

figured might as well at least save the $3.

I hit the coffee shop right after I go grocery shopping, they started to give me a senior coffee last month.

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OK, I just got back from the grocery store. When I wheeled the cart out of the store, I gave it a couple of good pushes with one foot on it like a skateboard or scooter and then hopped on and rode it with the slight downhill grade across the parking lot to my car. That's right, I'm 45 going on 12 (except when I'm 45 going on 16 when I see a good looking woman). I'll probably still be doing that when I'm 60. :pfft:

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That didn't stop us, we partied till 2, dragged a girl back and did more than text, got two hours of sleep and showed up at 8. Told boss to get over it and got the job done. You do the math. Our generation simply had the better times than you can now. Too much technology, too much social networking hyping to hook up while we actually hooked up.

Shoot I still do that, just not every night of the week. The college I went to, didn't have Friday classes so we went crazy then too, even if we had to work all day. It's different when you graduate school and only a core group of folks stay around.

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Shoot I still do that, just not every night of the week. The college I went to, didn't have Friday classes so we went crazy then too, even if we had to work all day. It's different when you graduate school and only a core group of folks stay around.


Your twenty two okay, I've been to Charlotte, I think you should know what to do.

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This thread makes me feel less old. Just turned 30 and I was starting to worry. I definitely realize that I'm not as young as I used to be, starting to get a gray hair or two, but at least I'm not "middle aged".


Good thread H_H.

---------- Post added May-22nd-2012 at 11:25 PM ----------

Also, I think the hair on top is starting to thin.

Did any of you baldies grow your hair out one last time as sort of a "last hurrah"?

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