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What was your biggest Redskins "Oh ****" feeling of dread moment?


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SO, as for the "positive" oh **** moment... I'd have to say Redskins Bucs... 1st play... Portis takes it to the house... I was like "OH ****!!! WE GONNA DOMINATE" haha... Fudge...

For a positive, how about Pettibone's first game as a coach? They beat a REALLY good Dallas team (though Emmit didn't play) 35-16 and by memory the game wasn't even that close. They had changed from Gibbs' offense and did a lot of a split two back set w/ Reggie Brooks and Brian Mitchell. I remember reading something the next day saying that maybe Gibbs had in fact been holding the offense back.

As for the negative, ignoring the SBs, for me it was really the game before the Bucs agaisnt the Lions in 1999, when Andy Heck got hurt.

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I can't believe I didn't think of this but the dreaded Eagles game last year. When Landry and Hall were talking **** before the game and then the first play, Desean gets an 80+ yard td. I knew exactly what was about to happen. That was the end of our season.

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I was 9 when Elway dropped that bomb on the Skins during the first quarter. I had a feeling that the team was doomed in the game. Elway always was a great QB. My first feeling of dread for the outcome of a game.

Remembering that Jay Shoeder wasn't going to be the answer.

Remembering that onside kick to start the second half in the second Dallas game of 91.

93? Rypien?

The Heath Shuler incident wasn't as bad since Gus was coming into his own. Take two hit on one right?

The beat down from Mike Shanahan in the 98 season.

The Turk incident wasn't so bad because I felt we had a chance next year and was such a good season.

2000? There was hope. Marty Followed. Then Spurrier. Hell, then GIBBS!!!

Sean Taylor took a big chunk out of me.

But now temporal despair has grown cold. Recently, there has been an almost comical feeling to the Redskins. Always in the headlines for the wrong reasons. The whiffing on McNabb hurt. The failure of Haynesworth stung. More failures in the last 15+ years than congress.

But now we are in position to turn it all around with the chance at one of these quarterbacks. The cycle of a Professional football team.

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1. Watching Turk botch the snap in Tampa. I was at the Lions game the week before, and was hoping that this was our year. I was a sophomore, and was hoping this was the franchise rebounding back to glory. The Tampa game was close, but then snap/hold for the game winning FG went awry, and I wanted to cry. I just couldn't believe they had screwed up something so routine at the worst possible time. Sadly, all that did was prepare me for the following 12 years....

For as long as I live, I will never forget this moment. I was in the third grade and just getting into football big time. I watched this game and I thought for sure we'd put it through the uprights. Then, the bad snap. To this day, it feels like it was a vivid dream. I sometimes forget that it actually happened; but it did. It really happened.

I cried for a good 20-30 minutes after that. It was then that I learned being a Redskins fan was all about getting kicked in the gut. Thankfully, I learned it early and I've gotten used to it.

---------- Post added December-7th-2011 at 10:18 PM ----------

Oh this one is easy for me.

I had season tickets once upon a time and I was there for Aikman to Rocket Ismail in OT back in 1999. I had a clear view of Rocket running all by his lonesome in our secondary and Aikman throwing the ball.

I literally said (or thought...I forget now) "ohhhhh ****" and closed my eyes waiting for the crowd to confirm what I already knew was about to happen.

First Redskins game I was in total. I had to call my grandma on the phone after the game to congratulate her. I could barely make it through the phone conversation because I was sobbing so much.

Man, that 1999 season was an emotional roller coaster, wasn't it? Helluva way to get into football.

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I'd have to go with the NFCCG after the 82 season all the way up until the Grant TD return. I mean, everybody knew we weren't really that good after squeaking by everybody EXCEPT Dallas that year and Dallas was supposed to own the Redskins. But i was only 8 or 9 years old so obviously i just bought into the hype.

That and the Denver SB, which didnt really turn around until Art Monk made a great play to get the offense going.

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It was a game in the late 80s or 90...Riggs had his way with the Eagles all day setting a franchise record. We were nursing a lead and Riggs ran for a clinching first down but fumbled the ball. The defender illegally lateraled the ball forward to a teammate ultimately setting Philly up in position to score the game winning TD.

It was 1989. We lost 42-37. Al Harris got the fumble and pitched it to Wes Hopkins who ran it back almost 80 yards. Riggs ran for over 200 that day.

Yeah, that one was pretty bad.

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Im not gonna lie...when I heard about Sean, I freaked. When I heard he'd died...I sat down and cried. I was 33.

I was 18 when Joe hung em up the first time. I damn near cried then too. I was stunned.

But honestly, I think my oh **** moment was..."Jim Zorn?! Jim f**cking Zorn?!!"

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The 1989 Skins were the second best team in the league by the end of that season but missed the playoffs because they lost in weeks 1 and 2 at home to the Giants and Eagles both in tremendously heartbreaking fashion. Riggs had key fumbles in both games. Raul Allegre of the Giants nailed a 52-yarder at the gun in the game vs. the Giants (on MNF).

The entire 1993 offseason qualifies for me. First, we were still stinging from the crushing playoff loss in San Fran when Ryp/Mitchell fumbled the handoff on the play where the Skins were going to take the lead late...possibly the biggest hole ever opened up by an offensive line. Then, Gibbs shockingly retires and Pettibone takes over. Then, in the first year of open free agency, Gary Clark, our heart and sole, signs with the freaken Cardinals of all teams. And finally, Reggie White, assumed by most to be heading to DC, signs with the Packers because "Gold told him to do so."

I guess the actual ole **** moment came when Rypien got hurt in the second game of the 1993 season. Twenty years later, we have never recovered from that play. If you would have told me walking into RFK stadium that day that the next 20 seasons would be what they have been you would not have had one believer in the entire stadium including all players and coaches on the Cardinals.

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It was 1989. We lost 42-37. Al Harris got the fumble and pitched it to Wes Hopkins who ran it back almost 80 yards. Riggs ran for over 200 that day.

Yeah, that one was pretty bad.

Sorry...just noticed this. Al Harris...in 89?! I know hes old, but youre saying hes been playing for at least 23 seasons?!

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Marcus Allen.

Yeah, that was far and away "worst" day of my life as a 'skins fan as far as "regular football stuff" goes (Sean's death being a basic human tragedy as well and I put that in it's own special place) and I've told the story here before. Lots of relevant details (all football related) that made it so bad beyond the obvious. Hate even thinking about that day.

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11/26/07 .

This is number one, but I have a couple more to add, from that same year actually:

The first Giants game, when we wore the Circle R helmets. 3rd and Goal, no huddle to the same play, 4th and Goal with Ladell Betts. That was the first game I went to.

Then the playoff game at Seattle, when after Seattle botches the kickoff return after we take the 14-13 lead, and we get the ball back inside the 20 and miss the FG. You could practically feel the momentum swing over to Seattle after that.

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I was there as well, and I was probably sitting right next to you. I was pretty much sitting in the top row of the stadium, perfectly in the middle of the end zone that Rocket was running away from.Saw him streak down the field, as did everyone else. You could just hear a collective groan from the stadium. We were up 35-14 in the 4th of that game and blew it.

This was the first thing that came to mind (other than Sean Taylor). I wasn't there, but it was the first time my ex-wife (then gf) found out just how serious the Redskins were to me. I nearly ripped the steering wheel off in my car & told the people that worked for me at the time that if anyone mentioned the game to me, they would be seeking other employment.

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I'd have to go with the NFCCG after the 82 season all the way up until the Grant TD return. I mean, everybody knew we weren't really that good after squeaking by everybody EXCEPT Dallas that year and Dallas was supposed to own the Redskins. But i was only 8 or 9 years old so obviously i just bought into the hype.

That and the Denver SB, which didnt really turn around until Art Monk made a great play to get the offense going.

That must have been Clark or Sanders - wasn't Monk hurt twice, and missed both the '82 and '87 Super Bowls?

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