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What was your biggest Redskins "Oh ****" feeling of dread moment?


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Obviously a lot of people will say when they saw Theismann go down to Lawrence Taylor's onslaught or when they heard his leg snap (could people actually hear it snap on live TV? My dad said he was in a crowded bar and still heard it), but I wanted this to be more broad.

In this case, I'm saying it was the biggest feeling of worry or stress caused during your life as a 'Skins fan - it doesn't mean that the outcome was bad! For example, my dad says that the first/TD pass by Elway in our second SB win almost dropped his stomach because he thought it was all over in the first series. Obviously this wasn't the case.

My thing is that I am only 24. I've been a DC sports fan my whole life, but the only good years I have under my belt are the tail end of the Glory Years when Rypien was at the helm, and... I dunno, the last four years with the Caps? The Nats are looking good in the future too.


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I was on a flight home from NY. When I landed and got my bags, I went out to the pick-up where my mom was waiting for me. I got in the car, and she told me that Sean Taylor had been shot. I froze. Then I started to hear the WTOP news report on it. The feeling of dread that filled me at that moment was unlike anything I've felt as a Redskins fan.

The following morning was a low point in my short life up to this point. I don't know why it affected me as much as it did, but it did. I will never forget it.

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11/26/07 .

Jeez, way to win the thread on the 1st response.

Ok, other than Sean Taylor, as somebody who was barely alive when the glory years ended, I have 2 game-related moments like what you're describing.

1. Watching Turk botch the snap in Tampa. I was at the Lions game the week before, and was hoping that this was our year. I was a sophomore, and was hoping this was the franchise rebounding back to glory. The Tampa game was close, but then snap/hold for the game winning FG went awry, and I wanted to cry. I just couldn't believe they had screwed up something so routine at the worst possible time. Sadly, all that did was prepare me for the following 12 years....

2. Carlos Rogers dropping the pick-6 in Seattle. He holds onto the ball, he's gone, we win. We'd survived Tampa, we would have beat the NFC representative in the Super Bowl that year. That year was a horrid SB with a weak Steelers team, and I think the Redskins would've had a shot to return to glory. But Rogers lets the ball bounce off him and fall to the turf...and I just knew that was it. It was one of those plays that you just know will come back to haunt you.

But again, I'm only 26, so I'm only really aware of Redskins football since Norv, which sucks.

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Jeez, way to win the thread on the 1st response.

Ok, other than Sean Taylor, as somebody who was barely alive when the glory years ended, I have 2 game-related moments like what you're describing.

1. Watching Turk botch the snap in Tampa. I was at the Lions game the week before, and was hoping that this was our year. I was a sophomore, and was hoping this was the franchise rebounding back to glory. The Tampa game was close, but then snap/hold for the game winning FG went awry, and I wanted to cry. I just couldn't believe they had screwed up something so routine at the worst possible time. Sadly, all that did was prepare me for the following 12 years....

2. Carlos Rogers dropping the pick-6 in Seattle. He holds onto the ball, he's gone, we win. We'd survived Tampa, we would have beat the NFC representative in the Super Bowl that year. That year was a horrid SB with a weak Steelers team, and I think the Redskins would've had a shot to return to glory. But Rogers lets the ball bounce off him and fall to the turf...and I just knew that was it. It was one of those plays that you just know will come back to haunt you.

But again, I'm only 26, so I'm only really aware of Redskins football since Norv, which sucks.

Agreed man! I was only in Elementary school for the botched snap in the FG game and that crushed me too! And eff Carlos for dropping that easy pick 6. That should have been our year!

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My biggest Oh **** feeling was obviously Sean Taylors death. It was pretty unique to me, because I was in Ranger school at the moment, mountain phase... No TV, no news, no nothing... So I heard several days after the fact when I was climbing the cliff face in my lane, and I reached a check point, and a Ranger instructor was sitting there, and he knew me from previous days... He was like "Hey Joe, whats up with the redskins... they killed that receiver." <another instructor yelling from next lane on the cliff "Nah, it was the safety.... Taylor? Sean Taylor">

Before I could process everything, they told me to move on or I was toast... Wasn't sure if they were joking for about a week; when I got a letter from my dad in the mail, with the Washington Post article on his death... That's when it really hit.

SO, as for the "positive" oh **** moment... I'd have to say Redskins Bucs... 1st play... Portis takes it to the house... I was like "OH ****!!! WE GONNA DOMINATE" haha... Fudge...

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1. Watching Turk botch the snap in Tampa. I was at the Lions game the week before, and was hoping that this was our year. I was a sophomore, and was hoping this was the franchise rebounding back to glory. The Tampa game was close, but then snap/hold for the game winning FG went awry, and I wanted to cry. I just couldn't believe they had screwed up something so routine at the worst possible time. Sadly, all that did was prepare me for the following 12 years....

I have to agree with this.

Most recently it's had to have been the botched redzone series/missed field goal against the Seahawks in the '07 playoffs that absolutely killed our momentum in that game.

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Oh this one is easy for me.

I had season tickets once upon a time and I was there for Aikman to Rocket Ismail in OT back in 1999. I had a clear view of Rocket running all by his lonesome in our secondary and Aikman throwing the ball.

I literally said (or thought...I forget now) "ohhhhh ****" and closed my eyes waiting for the crowd to confirm what I already knew was about to happen.

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Oh this one is easy for me.

I had season tickets once upon a time and I was there for Aikman to Rocket Ismail in OT back in 1999. I had a clear view of Rocket running all by his lonesome in our secondary and Aikman throwing the ball.

I literally said (or thought...I forget now) "ohhhhh ****" and closed my eyes waiting for the crowd to confirm what I already knew was about to happen.

I was there as well, and I was probably sitting right next to you. I was pretty much sitting in the top row of the stadium, perfectly in the middle of the end zone that Rocket was running away from.Saw him streak down the field, as did everyone else. You could just hear a collective groan from the stadium. We were up 35-14 in the 4th of that game and blew it.

Other game-related moments: Turk's snap, Rogers drop, Hall's missed FG vs Seattle, Cooley's drop from Todd in Seattle the 2nd time, then Suisham's miss.

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Everything that's been said on here I agree with. I thought I'd go with something different: The Saints game when they were undefeated. We played great football that game and the field goal at the end crushed me bad. The worst part of that game was the interception that was stripped and returned for a TD, I was so pist about that.

Also, the Steelers game when we were 6-2 in Zorn's first year. It was the beginning of the end of the only season where we seemed dominant of my entire life.

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It was a game in the late 80s or 90...Riggs had his way with the Eagles all day setting a franchise record. We were nursing a lead and Riggs ran for a clinching first down but fumbled the ball. The defender illegally lateraled the ball forward to a teammate ultimately setting Philly up in position to score the game winning TD.

Another one was Mitchell's fumble in SF in early 1993...I was pretty sure we were on our way down after that season...even though I assumed we would be back in a couple years.

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Just to mix it up- meachem(?) taking a ball that had been intercepted out of the hands of (?) and running it back last year (er 2) in a wild play. That, or Suishams miss that day because it cost me a costly bet. I had it all going that the Skins would actually take down the undefeated Saints, and besides Suisham, they pretty much did.

And even more present day, seriously, every FG snap, including extra points, I would have to say I do say, or at least think, "oh ****".

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Other than Sean Taylor, it'd be Super Bowl 22 vs Denver, when we were down 10-0 and fumbled a kickoff deep in our own end. Denver players were signaling they had it, and it was the most sickening feeling: we were looking down the barrel of a 17-0 deficit early in the game. Deep in the pile of players, I think it was Ravin Caldwell who fought tooth and nail to get the ball. If he hadn't, I'm not sure we win that game.

EDIT: Just googled it, and Terry Orr actually had the recovery. Game-changing play.

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I just re-watched highlights of both playoff games against the Seahawks. My heart is broken....

If we play the Steelers in the SB that year are we just as ref-owned as Seattle was? Part of that could be how much disrespect the hawks got for being in a super bowl. The entire crowd was terrible towels and they showed more shots of Jerome Bettis' mother than they did Shaun Alexander.

if it's the 'storied' Redskins vs Steelers in Detroit, I think there's more B&G in the crowd and more honest refs.

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