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Small, subtle things people aways do in movies/on TV that they (almost) never do in real life

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I keep seeing things in movies and on TV that I have almost never seen in real life...yet if you just went by movies and tv shows you'd swear they happened all the time. I'm not talking about the huge, obvious things like walking slowly away from an exploding building without even looking back or gorgeous 25 year old women who just happen to be astrophysicists lol...I'm talking about the smaller things that are now cliches, they occur so often in movies.

Things like:

- Never saying goodbye on cell phones. Movie and TV characters constantly just end cell phone calls abruptly, without even slightly acknowledging that they're done talking.

You do that in real life, though, and the other person is saying "Hello?...Hello?...Are you there?", then trying to call you back because they assume the call got disconnected.

- Someone is always carrying a flask full of whiskey. How often do you carry flasks of whiskey inside your suit jacket? lol...I swear, 80% of men in movies and on TV do, offering up a swig to whoever happens to be going through a stressful situation. They'll be more likely to be carrying flasks than lighters. They even offer up their flasks while on the job.

If that happened in real life, though, they'd be considered alcoholics and would be fired from their jobs. Are things THAT bad that you have to have a pint of whiskey an inch away from your chest at all times?

- Everyone eats Chinese food straight out of the carton. In movies and on TV, when people order chinese food they always eat right out of the cardboard containers. Doesn't matter how many people are eating, they'll each be holding a small, white cube and stabbing at the contents with their chopsticks.

In real life, though, those cartons are packed pretty solid and people mostly just spoon out stuff from each container onto a plate, especially if there's several people eating chinese at the same time. And they'll be using forks lol.

- Straight men asking other straight men out for a drink. In movies, you'll always see two male characters cross paths, complete strangers up until then...and one will inevitably ask the other if he'd like to go get a drink. Usually takes about 3 minutes. The follow-up scene usually shows the two guys getting along like old friends and opening up to one another about something. If you never lived in the real world you'd swear that most friendships between men start off by arbitrarily asking a stranger to join you at a nearby bar.

In real life, though, if a strange man who just walked up to you on a street corner at night asked you if you wanted to go get a drink you'd swear the guy was hitting on you.

- People walking around the house while brushing their teeth. Who the hell does this? lol...In movies, every-stinkin-body does this. They go into the bathroom, shove the toothbrush into their mouth, and start brushing...then walk out of the bathroom and down the hallway, still brushing away...then go downstairs, and open the front door and pick up the newspaper, still brushing...then go into the livingroom and pick up their kid's toy truck, toothbrush still wedged in their mouth...then...well, you get the idea.

In real life, though, if you tried to do 19 household tasks while brushing your teeth you'd be drooling soggy toothpaste down your chin and running to the nearest sink to spit out the disgusting concoction.

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I eat Chinese food out of the carton and walk around while brushing my teeth if I'm in a hurry, or on the phone. Yes I talk on the phone while brushing my teeth.

Now onto the subject. Ripping the panties off of your significant other in one shot. First, every woman I've been with would tell me things like, don't do that, you're going to stretch them out or worse. Second, those things don't rip like they do in the movies.

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I eat Chinese food out of the carton and walk around while brushing my teeth if I'm in a hurry, or on the phone. Yes I talk on the phone while brushing my teeth.

Now onto the subject. Ripping the panties off of your significant other in one shot. First, every woman I've been with would tell me things like, don't do that, you're going to stretch them out or worse. Second, those things don't rip like they do in the movies.

You sound like you've tried this :ols:
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I used to NEVER say bye on the phone. If someone says "okay I'll see you at 7 at blah blah" I say "kay sounds good!" click...we settled on plans, isn't the convo over? Then I got ****ed at by a bunch of my friends, not because they didn't know the conversation was over, but because it bothered them. So I make an effort to do so more now :ols:

I hate trying to do things while brushing my teeth. I guess they don't use real toothpaste in tvs/movies.

Also, it bothers me that people never have to go to the bathroom in movies. Okay superbladder. And sex scenes don't always seem very realistic, but I'm not going into detail about that haha...

Oh, and I wish I carried a flask with me everyone, it always seems like a good idea on tv.

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- People walking around the house while brushing their teeth. Who the hell does this? lol...In movies, every-stinkin-body does this. They go into the bathroom, shove the toothbrush into their mouth, and start brushing...then walk out of the bathroom and down the hallway, still brushing away...then go downstairs, and open the front door and pick up the newspaper, still brushing...then go into the livingroom and pick up their kid's toy truck, toothbrush still wedged in their mouth...then...well, you get the idea.


I actually do this...lol.

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I was actually just commenting about this to some of my students. In "movie school", when the bell rings, everybody is in the hall and just sort of strolls into class. In "real school", this would have the whole class strolling back out to get a tardy pass. :)

Also, people in movies and TV shows always find a prime parking space on the street right in front of their destination, unless it is dramatically necessary for them not to.

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I dunno about a flask in their pocket, but tons of TV guys seem to have a bottle in a desk drawer just waiting for a thirsty guest. Outside of a working meeting in a restaurant or bar I don't see many people nursing a scotch on the rocks during real life business meetings.

And...I confess...I tried the panty thing also. Once. :ols:

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Constantly walking into a house if no one answers the door. It's always one knock then they open the door slowly saying "hello?" Then they just start browsing around the house. Where I come from this is horrible manners at the minimum and may get you shot in some areas.

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In the movies/tv people will get in the shower, stand under the shower head, and then turn the shower on. No time for adjusting the temperature beforehand.

Not to mention that for some reason the left over water in the pipe from the lower faucet to the shower head somehow cools until is approaches freezing.

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In shows or movies set in New York, people bump into friends or colleagues on the street all the time. One of my best friends grew up in New York. He alaimed that he bumped into someone he knew on the street one time in his life. Even the Sopranos did this once - Tony checked into the Plaza Hotel just as Melfi was coming out of brunch with friends there. Seinfeld did this weekly.

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In shows or movies set in New York' date=' people bump into friends or colleagues on the street all the time. .[/quote']

Good catch. Never would've considered that. Growing up in a small town you do bump into people you know all the time so it just seems common from my perspective.

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Here's another thing. People can always hear each other perfectly at bars, concerts, or dance clubs and can engage in long conversations. I'm not talking about the corner bar after work. I'm talking about inside The Danceteria (By the way, I'm old). The only movie I ever really saw get this right was High Fidelity when John Cusak first meets his girlfriend while he is a DJ. They are screaming incoherently at each other things like "Hi!" and "Huh?" and "What?" and "I like this song!"

I've been in the 9:30 Club or Black Cat enough times to know that once the band starts, you are not having another conversation until it is over. All flirting is done via exaggerated facial expressions at that point.

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