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Small, subtle things people aways do in movies/on TV that they (almost) never do in real life

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Here's another thing. People can always hear each other perfectly at bars' date=' concerts, or dance clubs and can engage in long conversations. I'm not talking about the corner bar after work. I'm talking about inside The Danceteria (By the way, I'm old). The only movie I ever really saw get this right was High Fidelity when John Cusak first meets his girlfriend while he is a DJ. They are screaming incoherently at each other things like "Hi!" and "Huh?" and "What?" and "I like this song!"

I've been in the 9:30 Club or Black Cat enough times to know that once the band starts, you are not having another conversation until it is over. All flirting is done via exaggerated facial expressions at that point.[/quote']

hahaha this is SO true. You can never understand a damn thing anyone is saying when the bar/club is poppin. I often just shake my head like "yea, i totally can understand the exagerrated conversation that we are having right now" lol

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Here's another thing. People can always hear each other perfectly at bars' date=' concerts, or dance clubs and can engage in long conversations. I'm not talking about the corner bar after work. I'm talking about inside The Danceteria (By the way, I'm old). The only movie I ever really saw get this right was High Fidelity when John Cusak first meets his girlfriend while he is a DJ. They are screaming incoherently at each other things like "Hi!" and "Huh?" and "What?" and "I like this song!"

I've been in the 9:30 Club or Black Cat enough times to know that once the band starts, you are not having another conversation until it is over. All flirting is done via exaggerated facial expressions at that point.[/quote']

I recently read an interview with a screenwriter/director who does bit work on a lot of random cable TV shows, and he was talking about this exact thing.

He said that when filming a scene like that, they just have all the extras standing around in the background, dancing to complete silence, and it's a really weird thing to step back and watch while it's being filmed.

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In shows or movies set in New York' date=' people bump into friends or colleagues on the street all the time. One of my best friends grew up in New York. He alaimed that he bumped into someone he knew on the street one time in his life. Even the Sopranos did this once - Tony checked into the Plaza Hotel just as Melfi was coming out of brunch with friends there. Seinfeld did this weekly.[/quote']

Every time that I have been to NYC I have bump into people that I know on the streets. I think it has happened every time on my first day of being in the city. So in my opinion it does happen.

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How has nobody said this one..

In a resturant, get in fight, leave before paying or eating the food.

To add to this - fights in general. Especially those in high school. On tv, they show people setting up like they are going to actually throw punches and blocks, while the innocent bystanders form a perfect circle around the fighters. In reality, most fights just turn into a royal rumble of 2+ people wrestling.

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How about people bursting into song over every little thing? We're going to beat up some Puerto Ricans ... let's do a dance. I wish I were a rich man ... let's sing a song about it, I tried to molest my girlfriend at the drive-in and she punched me ... I feel a song coming on.

That freaking never happens in real life. I've probably only done that like four times ... maybe five.

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The women in shows are all 10s. I am not taking about the main character, but the extras. Also, a movie like transformers, Shia Lebouf's character gets two smoking hot chicks and the dude is a skinny, little nerd. In the last movie he was unemployed and still has a hot chick that is successful. Sorry wouldn't happen.

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Love this thread premise...

I don't know if this is what we're looking for but when people are using computers in TV and Movies, it's always some made up generic software and when they "hack" things it takes like 3 seconds. "ok, we're in."

kind of like the "Enhance" montages.

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One thing that happens in every TV show and movie, is that when two people are having an argument, inevitably one of them is left totally speechless after the other person makes a good point.

I've seen that happen maybe twice in my life, and never when a woman was involved.

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Love this thread premise...

I don't know if this is what we're looking for but when people are using computers in TV and Movies, it's always some made up generic software and when they "hack" things it takes like 3 seconds. "ok, we're in."

kind of like the "Enhance" montages.

HAHA!!! I love enhance montages!!!

How about how nobody (unless it is for comedy purposes, e.g. Uncle Buck) drives a beat up car. Everyone has the newest, latest, and greatest vehicles. No one has rust or dents or duct tape holding the window up or anything like that.

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1) Fights. Some of the shots these people take would cripple or leave you writhing in so much pain, you couldn't get up. Nut shots especially.

2) Friends and How I Met Your Mother "always" get to sit in the same booth/couch. You mean, nobody else wanted to drink their coffee on that big comfy couch in the middle of the room?

3) Everybody knows how to drive anything. Bad guy gets away and the hero knows how to drive a tractor, snowmobile, motorcycle or front end loader or any other vehicle within grasp and can do it at 100 mph.

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The women in shows are all 10s. I am not taking about the main character, but the extras. Also, a movie like transformers, Shia Lebouf's character gets two smoking hot chicks and the dude is a skinny, little nerd. In the last movie he was unemployed and still has a hot chick that is successful. Sorry wouldn't happen.
Or a fat loser like Seth Rogen getting with a hottie like Katherine Heigl (Knocked Up).
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One thing that happens in every TV show and movie, is that when two people are having an argument, inevitably one of them is left totally speechless after the other person makes a good point.

I've seen that happen maybe twice in my life, and never when a woman was involved.

Well done. My "boom" moments never work the way that TV and movies have taught me they would.

"...and there, you just made my point for me!" is never greeted with silence and reflection. It's met with "...what the Hell are you talking about?" and eye rolling.

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Most grocery bags have a loaf of french bread and a few stalks of celery hanging out of the brown paper bag, sans the convenient handle.

And milk still comes in cartons.

....and the milk carton will usually sit in the fridge and spoil, while it waits for the unsuspecting victim to take a swig and spit out the curdled mess. ;)

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Conversations in cars are almost never realistic. The driver will look at the passenger for the entire length of the conversation and never at the road. The only time they do look at the road is if it is for the plot. It always makes me nervous.

Henry-you're too quick, and I can't believe we were both thinking the same thing at the same time.

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