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Judge William Adams Beats Daughter for Using the Internet


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For the record, I'm Asian. My mom used to use a bamboo hahaha. My dad used hangers. But all that's taught me is to hit back. I love them to death but I don't care you they are; if someone hits me I hit back.

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if done correctly recidivism does not occur.

if you feel you need to take a belt to your 16 yr old you screwed up long before that

I agree. 16 years old? Is this how you would treat a 30 year old? Lets get real. A 16 year old may be immature, but needs to be treated more like an adult. This is not how you teach people to communicate with each other. It's just a horrible model of behavior.

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My parents would spank me with their hands and my Mom would wash my mouth out with a bar of Ivory soap. That worked and it wasn't over the top.

No child deserves to be beaten the way this girl was beaten. I have two sons, 6yrs, and 3 yrs, and I can't even imagine approaching them with belts and whips as they cower in fear. If anyone thinks this type of abuse builds character or is just discipline then they are completely ****ed up. There is discipline and then there is child abuse.

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Daughter in Beating Video. Why I released it.


A disturbing viral video, taken 7 years ago and posted on YouTube last week by the daughter of a Texas judge, has turned a family’s private pain into a wave of public outcry. .

The 7 ½-minute video, uploaded by 23-year-old Hillary Adams, shows Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams viciously whipping his then-16-year-old daughter with a strap.

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For all those who think that beating one's child with a belt is okay, it's not. I was beaten with paddles and also had Tabasco Sauce poured down my throat. To this day, if I eat anything with Tabasco Sauce in it, I gag and I'm 60. One NEVER forgets such abuse. And that's what it is, abuse.

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For all those who think that beating one's child with a belt is okay, it's not. I was beaten with paddles and also had Tabasco Sauce poured down my throat. To this day, if I eat anything with Tabasco Sauce in it, I gag and I'm 60. One NEVER forgets such abuse. And that's what it is, abuse.

I think spanking a child with a belt is fine as long as it isn't done with the kind of force to seriously hurt the child or leave marks that don't disappear within a few minutes. Leaving cuts on a kid, spanking while angry and out of control, pouring Tabasco Sauce down a child's throat, etc. is a whole different story.

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My wife and I have never beaten my children. Never spanked them. Never hit them in any way. Never will.

Somehow, we miraculously have well behaved, high achieving children, and have discipline and order in the house. How can that be?

(here's a tip - just because your parents spanked you doesn't mean that it was the best choice, or one you have to emulate. You are not disrespecting your parents or calling into question how much they love you by realizing that corporal punishment is a primitive, outmoded, and unnecessary parenting tactic.)

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My wife and I have never beaten my children. Never spanked them. Never hit them in any way. Never will.

Somehow, we miraculously have well behaved, high achieving children, and have discipline and order in the house. How can that be?

(here's a tip - just because your parents spanked you doesn't mean that it was the best choice, or one you have to emulate. You are not disrespecting your parents or calling into question how much they love you by realizing that corporal punishment is a primitive, outmoded, and unnecessary parenting tactic.)

You are entirely on the money, P.

I usually stay out of these "spanking" threads (and try to minimize similar confrontations in my work). Mainly because, for all my flaws, I am sort of a smart guy. :silly:

One of the largest components of my work the last five years involves family systems and presenting parenting skill development (including teaching multi-family classes where the kids go into separate rooms determined by developmental stage/age and parents are in their own classroom) .

Research, and the experiences of most regarded and competent professionals I know of for the last 40 years, who are also parents 8 times out of 10, leave little doubt as to the fact that corporal discipline is ALMOST always a less effective method, and is often quite counter-productive in personal development. We work in the front lines as clinicians, not with a couple problem children, but with literally hundreds (many with serious behavioral diagnoses) over the course of a year, day in day out. We WANT techniques that work most effecitvely for our own sake, as well as for the best interest of the kids and the parents.

Hitting doesn't fall under that umbrealla. Yes, I was hit a lot growing up--and there are times and circumstances where it can be done without it being a big deal, if done very rarely and in specific manners. But, like with most other things people argue over, someone will conflate having a strong opinion with it being right, even if it's based on little more than noises they made up in their own head that's parroted by others doing the same, or simply that it's all they know.

And to anyone so primed, spare me your anecdotal or personal philosophy about how/why it's ok. I've heard 'em all a million times. Juts ignore my post and opinion as "whatever" and move on, if that's all you have to say. If you have something more broadly experiential or evidence-based, fine. I do a lot of that and am always interested in hearing other well-founded thoughts on such matters.

But if you're merely going by "personal beliefs" or "what my friends/families say" or imaginary socio-historical validations ("kids don't get enough spanking now, that's why they're so bad") to support corporal punishment in parenting, well, that is a conversation I have to have a thousand times a year in my work and I won't do it here this thread. :)

BTW, we don't try to tell the parents they "can't" or chastise them at all (if it's not actual abuse), we simply offer them additional ways that use other means that have PROVEN to be most effective "in the trenches."

A quick recommendation to anyone interested (and it's something I have been deeply involved with both in research development and application) is the "Triple P", or Positive Parenting Program, developed by Dr. Matt Sanders and a huge team of excellent professionals over a couple of decades. No program works the same for everyone, and there are many fine tools (programs) out there, but this one has a stellar record if done as laid out, and I have had truly great success with it.


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Jumbo, good post, thank you for that

Only thing I will add from what I have [briefly] read so far is I often see people use "beat" and "spank" interchangably. I do not think that is a fair or acurate assumption.

As for my personal opinion, I hope I do not have kids anytime soon to have to worry about how I will punish them :)

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violent/physical discipline is just a cop out by parents who can't craft effective punishments that actually teach a lesson and deter certain behavior. they are not a rational form of discipline unless you practice the hammurabic code in your household and your child was physically violent toward someone else.

(says the 26 year old without any kids). i was spanked when i was younger but looking back on it, it was completely ineffective and didn't teach me a damn thing. i just think it's dumb now. i do remember the punishments that involved heavy manual labor, or ones that made me feel terribly guilty about what i did. none of those required violence in any form though.

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i was spanked as a child and it was highly effective for me, my brothers, and my cousins. i was spanked with nearly every household item that you could imagine and by parents, aunts and uncles. some of the stories i have would make most people lol. like the time my brothers and I decided to break the switch and hide the evidence..

yeah, sometimes it went overboard, but it was rare, and that can happen with any kind of discipline. no one is perfect, and i knew my parents still loved me but were just frustrated and wanted the best for me. overall, the punishment taught me that there were severe consequences for doing things that i shouldnt be doing.

after i was 11 or 12, spanking was not effective. other types of punishment worked better and that's the route that my parents took. i think they did a great job with discipline and i will mimic their route when i have kids.

so as far as the corporal punishment talk goes, i think it can be highly effective, but its not necessarily the only way to discipline your children. the key word is "discipline" here. you have to make it known to your kids that there will be punishment for bad behavior.

i think thats what "spare the rod, spoil the child" is referring to.

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i was spanked as a child and it was highly effective for me, my brothers, and my cousins. it tought me that there were severe consequences for doing things that i shouldnt be doing. but after i was 11 or 12, it was not effective. other types of punishment worked better and that's the route that my parents took. i think they did a good job and its the route that i will take when i have kids.

You could also try a method that is different from the ones your parents took, while incorporating in the best of what they did. There is a lot of good information in Jumbo's post #62.

so as far as the corporal punishment talk goes, i think it can be highly effective, but its not necessarily the only way to discipline your children. the key word is "discipline" here. you have to make it known to your kids that there will be punishment for bad behavior.

i think thats what "spare the rod, spoil the child" is referring to.

I agree. But as Jumbo explained, corporal punishment is actually less effective than other measures. But it is easier to administer, and has the advantage of tradition.

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You could also try a method that is different from the ones your parents took, while incorporating in the best of what they did. There is a lot of good information in Jumbo's post #62.

I agree. But as Jumbo explained, corporal punishment is actually less effective than other measures. But it is easier to administer, and has the advantage of tradition.

there is a reason i didnt respond to Jumbo's posts. i dont have substantial evidence or studies done to prove that corporal punishment is effective. i have personal experience, which isnt enough for him. thats fine, i shouldnt fall in the high percentage of people who will use corporal punishment ineffectively because i experienced it done in the correct way.

like i have already said, i will use punishment similar to what Jumbo has explained, but there will be a heavy dose of corporal punishment involved, especially early on, because i know firsthand how effective it can be when done properly.

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Jesus, your father literally whipped you and hit you with a 4x4? I'm not against spanking, but whipping and 4x4s?

Obviously an exaggeration,I'd probably be dead if that were the case! haha but he did whip me plenty of times. I mean I'm not saying parents literally should beat there kids like this guy did, but a little spanking every now and again never hurt anyone. You'd be amazing how much of a difference it makes. At least for me it did. And I grew up in a very nice suburban neighborhood with both parents, etc, etc. So it's not like I'm a product of the hood. lolI'm not gonna go ape**** on my kids like this guy did, but I most certainly will try n teach them as best I can that there's some things you just can't do, and if that involves a light spanking, than so be it.

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there is a reason i didnt respond to Jumbo's posts. i dont have substantial evidence or studies done to prove that corporal punishment is effective. i have personal experience, which isnt enough for him. thats fine, i shouldnt fall in the high percentage of people who will use corporal punishment ineffectively because i experienced it done in the correct way.

like i have already said, i will use punishment similar to what Jumbo has explained, but there will be a heavy dose of corporal punishment involved, especially early on, because i know firsthand how effective it can be when done properly.

No, you know firsthand that you turned out ok.

You have no idea if the corporal punishment helped or hurt in that process, or whether other methods would have been better and less cruel.

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