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Judge William Adams Beats Daughter for Using the Internet


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It takes a special kind of coward to beat a kid with a belt or other objects. Stupidity causes it, I think. You have to be stupid to think that the best way to positively affect your child's behavior is hitting them repeatedly with a belt. Oh no! My dog pooped on the floor, maybe if I beat it's face in with a baseball bat it'll realize that it shouldn't have pooped on the floor, AND it will love me for correcting it's behavior in such a kind manner.

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County of Aransas, 301 N. Live Oak, Rockport, Texas 78382

Aransas County Judge C. H. "Burt" Mills, Jr., 361-790-0100


November 2, 2011

ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS - Judge Burt Mills has today announced that Aransas County is aware of the video posted on YouTube regarding County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams, and the matter is now under review by the Police Department. Please refrain from communication with County offices or the Sheriff's Department on this matter until the review has been completed. Calls, emails, and faxes only create disruptions for other ongoing county business. The public's cooperation would be most appreciated.

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Mine would beat ya with whatever was at hand, butcher knife(flat side),good ole glass coke bottle

Tennis rackets, butcher knives and coke bottles? Lordy.

I got spanked with the standard tools of punishment, i.e., brushes, belts, and hands. The brush was, by far, the worst. My trick was to cry like a little baby. My older brother was too stubborn to do so ... so he probably got more licks than I did.

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I'm not going to go into my spiel against corporal punishment again. It didn't convince anyone the last two times.

Now that you've come to that realization, it's probably time you stopped posting on ES all together. nobody here ever seems to change their mind.


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Anyone else find it kind of ironic that the punishment was for using the internet and the internet is the reason this video came out?

Yeah, it's always kind of fascinating to see what goes viral on the internet. It's the most interesting when it's something that is topic for debate, and not some stupid cat video.

I think that the majority of people on here are understanding of the value of corporal punishment, but this obviously isn't one of those times. He's not "spanking" her to simply teach her a lesson, the guy is beating a 16 year old girl out of pure anger. There is a big difference in disciplining the kid (actually, I don't think you should be spanking a teenager, but I'm not going to get into that) with the intention of correcting behavior and simply taking out your own anger and frustration through physical violence.

I'm fine with the fact he disapproved of her using kazaa (damn it's been a while since someone mentioned that) to illegal download music and games, but his reaction is abhorrent.

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Interesting, a little surprised he handled it the way he did. I guess we'll wait and see what the story is.

Just curious, but do you guys think the story would have blown up on the internet the way it has if the video had been of this guy beating his son and not his daughter?

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The video of his response might not play so here is the quote:

"She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the car back, in a nutshell, but yeah that's me, I lost my temper," Adams told us. "Her mother was there, she wasn't hurt.. it was a long time ago.. I really don't want to get into this right now because as you can see my life's been made very difficult over this child," Adams continued.

When asked if he felt he was going to face any suspension or discipline from the state over the video Adams responded, "In my mind I have not done anything wrong other than discipline my child when she was caught stealing. I did lose my temper, I've apologized.. it looks worse than it is."

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Tennis rackets?!? WTF. :yikes:

I went to a private (catholic) school in India... They were very strict with rules, must wear the correct colored clothing for the day (M/W/F had to wear blue shirt with white pants and white shoes, T/R, white shirt with blue pants and black shoes, and Saturdays was blue shorts with a white shirt). If you came to school wearing the wrong outfit for that day, you had to stand outside (rain or shine) until they told you to come in and join the class.

the tennis racket story goes like this.. On days we had recreation (P.E.), if you didn't trim your nails you got beating on the hands with whatever they could find, that day just happened to be the day we were to play tennis and I had not trimmed my nails so I got whacked by the head of the class with the butt of the tennis racket (solid wood) on the top of my hands (other side of your palms). Left a nice lump on my hands for about 2 weeks.. but you can bet I trimmed my nails everyday after that incident.

and parents beat me with whatever was at hand... their hands, rulers, belts.. you name it. Teachers did the same.

As you can tell I was a little devil as a child ;)

My experiences with Middle/High school in India is why I laugh at kids here when they say "school is hard.." Try going to school in another country.

As for the OP's Video... I wouldn't feel so bad if it were just a regular kid, but one with CP? Now that's just ridiculous and if confirmed, that guy should be in jail ASAP.

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Pshhhhh I used to get beat like that all the damn time when I was little. And my parents didn't use no ***** ass belt (well some of the time) My dad had a whip, 4X4s, whatever he could find. Yea I feel sorry for her, but this **** happens all the time. And yea the classic paint stirrers, holy Hell, right out of the shower, my dad would yank me into the room and beat the mess out of me with them damn things. Hurt like hell, but if you don't think it works, than you are mistaken. Teaches you not to **** up. Parents are way to soft on their kids these days, "go to timeout, BILLY!!!" like wtf is that teaching them? not a damn thing.

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Pshhhhh I used to get beat like that all the damn time when I was little. And my parents didn't use no ***** ass belt (well some of the time) My dad had a whip, 4X4s, whatever he could find. Yea I feel sorry for her, but this **** happens all the time. And yea the classic paint stirrers, holy Hell, right out of the shower, my dad would yank me into the room and beat the mess out of me with them damn things. Hurt like hell, but if you don't think it works, than you are mistaken. Teaches you not to **** up. Parents are way to soft on their kids these days, "go to timeout, BILLY!!!" like wtf is that teaching them? not a damn thing.

Jesus, your father literally whipped you and hit you with a 4x4? I'm not against spanking, but whipping and 4x4s?

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Pshhhhh I used to get beat like that all the damn time when I was little. And my parents didn't use no ***** ass belt (well some of the time) My dad had a whip, 4X4s, whatever he could find. Yea I feel sorry for her, but this **** happens all the time. And yea the classic paint stirrers, holy Hell, right out of the shower, my dad would yank me into the room and beat the mess out of me with them damn things. Hurt like hell, but if you don't think it works, than you are mistaken. Teaches you not to **** up. Parents are way to soft on their kids these days, "go to timeout, BILLY!!!" like wtf is that teaching them? not a damn thing.

"I got it bad, therefore others should too. Only a beating really gets kids' attention."

I used to think similarly. Not anymore. I'd never go within 50 feet of my kids with the intention of beating them; never have and never will. What it really teaches them is to ignore any directive that doesn't come with the implied threat of beatings.

Which means everything you really want them to learn or do, has to come with the implied threat of beatings. That's the environment they live in for nearly 2 decades.

No thanks. My kids won't go through that hell.

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Pshhhhh I used to get beat like that all the damn time when I was little. And my parents didn't use no ***** ass belt (well some of the time) My dad had a whip, 4X4s, whatever he could find. Yea I feel sorry for her, but this **** happens all the time. And yea the classic paint stirrers, holy Hell, right out of the shower, my dad would yank me into the room and beat the mess out of me with them damn things. Hurt like hell, but if you don't think it works, than you are mistaken. Teaches you not to **** up. Parents are way to soft on their kids these days, "go to timeout, BILLY!!!" like wtf is that teaching them? not a damn thing.

Yes. We are soft on our kids. Being teaching them right from wrong should never involve 4x4's or whips. There is NO reason to beat your child like that. If you feel that's the best course of discipline, do everyone a favor and don't procreate. This is why I see kids every day who are afraid to speak. This is why I see kids every day who want to hang out at school until 10 o clock at night, and try to sneak into the building when its closed. There is discipline and there is abuse. This is major abuse.

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