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Judge William Adams Beats Daughter for Using the Internet


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No, you know firsthand that you turned out ok.

You have no idea if the corporal punishment helped or hurt in that process, or whether other methods would have been better and less cruel.

yes, i do know that corporal punishment helped in the process. i am 100% sure it did. it wasnt cruel anyways.

could other methods be effective? sure they could. but why would i use those methods if corporal punishment worked so well? and why would i use a different method, if i am familiar with how to properly use corporal punishment and would most likely be less effective (due to inexperience) at handing out different types of punishment?

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yes, i do know that corporal punishment helped in the process. i am 100% sure it did. it wasnt cruel anyways.

could other methods be effective? sure they could. but why would i use those methods if corporal punishment worked so well? and why would i use a different method, if i am familiar with how to properly use corporal punishment and would most likely be less effective (due to inexperience) at handing out different types of punishment?

dude, even if I didn't have other posts you've made over time as material that raise my eyebrow a bit at your self-evaluation :D this paragraph is so replete with the kind of blocked-off and self-limiting cognition and clearly (to one who knows how to read it) blunted perception ( I won't even get into the logical fallacies and crippled premises you present) I indicted earlier that it would serve as a "negative" teaching tool. :)

Keep in mind that this doesn't automatically mean you ain't a fine fellow and perhaps a swell parent with wonderful kids. :)

So think of me fondly. :pfft:

Seriously, though, as long as the "punishment" (that's a red flag right there, but I won't get into it) to you wasn't abusive, and as long as you don't make the physical discipline you administer a standard reaction to undesirable behaviors of the kid, all may be fine.

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yes, i do know that corporal punishment helped in the process. i am 100% sure it did. it wasnt cruel anyways.

could other methods be effective? sure they could. but why would i use those methods if corporal punishment worked so well? and why would i use a different method, if i am familiar with how to properly use corporal punishment and would most likely be less effective (due to inexperience) at handing out different types of punishment?

Because science tells us that it doesn't work well?

I mean, the same argument could be made like this: "I need to travel to New York. My great great grandpappy walked from New York to Galveston 130 years ago. My parents tought me how to walk, and I walk real good now. Why should I consider this newfangled aeroplane method? Seems risky."

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dude, even if I didn't have other posts you've made over time as material that raise my eyebrow a bit at your self-evaluation :D this paragraph is so replete with the kind of blocked-off and self-limiting cognition and clearly (to one who knows how to read it) blunted perception ( I won't even get into the logical fallacies and crippled premises you lay put) I indicted earlier that it would serve as a "negative" teaching tool. :)

Keep in mind that this doesn't automatically mean you ain't a fine fellow and perhaps a swell parent with wonderful kids. :)

So think of me fondly. :pfft:

yes, i realize that was an insult.

i dont have an issue with the majority of your posts because they are typically well thought out. and i realize that your post #62 could have been taken to sway people toward alternatives to corporal punishment based on your experience in your field and lengthy studies. i respect that, but i disagree. there is a reason (as i have aforementioned) why i didnt respond to your post (#62) because i knew it would lead to an argument and i didnt see it as necessary or productive.

im not here pushing corporal punishment vs. non-corporal punishment. i just stated why i feel that corporal punishment can work when used properly and which is why i will use it in the future (in addition to other methods).

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i feel that corporal punishment can work when used properly and why i will use it in the future (in addition to other methods).

I agree, of course properly is a rather inexact term.

I whipped mine and they turned out fine(aside from that killing people for a living bit)

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was it illegal downloads or age restricted?

he hits like a girl.

You are hilarious. I saw the video. No wayyyy does that hit constitute a beating or abuse.

Takes a village to raise a child?

The outcry for his head is the reason why children feel as though they can carry on without repercussions. Cursing at parents, hitting, verbal abuse. If that was my mom, she would say

"Oh you want to record and let the world see huh?" Well, lets give the world really something to see go and get me that switch for the whole world will not only see you, but they will hear you too.

No lie

---------- Post added November-3rd-2011 at 07:41 PM ----------

My personal opinion is that I wish the girl was stronger than the father so she'da whipped his ass. Coward mother****er. Try whipping my ass with that belt, I'd break all your bones god dammit.

Wow. oh my,

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You are hilarious. I saw the video. No wayyyy does that hit constitute a beating or abuse.

Takes a village to raise a child?

The outcry for his head is the reason why children feel as though they can carry on without repercussions. Cursing at parents, hitting, verbal abuse. If that was my mom, she would say

"Oh you want to record and let the world see huh?" Well, lets give the world really something to see go and get me that switch for the whole world will not only see you, but they will hear you too.

No lie

---------- Post added November-3rd-2011 at 07:41 PM ----------

Wow. oh my,

Well, this is an interesting new perspective.

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You are hilarious. I saw the video. No wayyyy does that hit constitute a beating or abuse.

If that was my mom, she would say

"Oh you want to record and let the world see huh?" Well, lets give the world really something to see

That's hilarious b/c that's literally word for word what I think would happen if one of my parents found the camera.

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Wow. oh my,

Perhaps a bit of a knee-jerk reaction. I don't like seeing men hit females, and it breaks my heart to imagine the trust and love lost within those 5 minutes of asswhipping. I think wise words of encouragement and understanding is 1,000x better than this. Striking your child seems like such a dumbed-down, easy way out, as far as trying to teach a lesson.

That may sound soft, but I'm a strong believer in the Gracie Martial Arts way of teaching your children. Don't attack things they're doing wrong, constantly highlight what they're doing correctly, then touch up on what they need to fix up. Clear communication, encouragement, laughter and reasoning. I'm not trying to turn my home in to Marine boot camp, and I'm certainly never planning on hitting a girl - especially my own.

Unless of course she wants to spar a little when she gets older (I can wish).

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Maybe I'm a puss, but there is no way in hell I could do ANYTHING like that to my child. None.

My parents spanked me in one, and only one, set of circumstances. If I lied to them, Dad was turning my backside a nice shade of red. I adopted the same philosophy with my kids, and have preached to them from day one, that as long as they don't lie to me, I will back them as far as I possibly can.

There was one time I thought I was going to have to spank my then-6 year old. She had gotten a negative note from her teacher, to bring home to her Mom and I to sign and send back. Well, the teacher called and said she never got it. Having tried that trick, I thought I knew for sure what was going on. And for the first time in my life, I yelled at her pretty good. (I'm very fortunate in that I almost never have to even raise my voice to my kids.) So as I'm yelling at her, her story about what happened to the note kept changing. It went from "I put it on her desk," to "I threw it in the trash can," to everything in between.

I told my ex to come downstairs. We sat on the couch and talked over whether or not she was going to get her first spanking. I went back and forth, remembering the decision we had agreed to long ago. Lying = spanking. Ultimately though, I decided not to do it. We decided to take all of her electronics away for two weeks; DS, Wii, even the TV. (That's a big deal to kids these days, and at 6, two weeks is a long ass time.)


The next day, I got a call from her teacher. "Mr. Hog, Little Hog did give me the note. It got buried on my desk, and I forgot about it."

I was so damned glad that I hadn't spanked her that I STILL can't put it into words. I felt like enough of a jackass, having yelled at her the way I did, and calling MY CHILD, who was TELLING ME THE TRUTH, a liar.

The day after that, I picked up lunch at Burger King, and took it to her school. We had lunch together, which she loved. Then I marched her down to her classroom where I apologized again to her, and to her teacher, for not believing her. Her teacher apologized as well, for misplacing the note. I think doing that taught her more about how to handle things than any spanking EVER could have.

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yes, i realize that was an insult.

i dont have an issue with the majority of your posts because they are typically well thought out. and i realize that your post #62 could have been taken to sway people toward alternatives to corporal punishment based on your experience in your field and lengthy studies. i respect that, but i disagree. there is a reason (as i have aforementioned) why i didnt respond to your post (#62) because i knew it would lead to an argument and i didnt see it as necessary or productive.

im not here pushing corporal punishment vs. non-corporal punishment. i just stated why i feel that corporal punishment can work when used properly and which is why i will use it in the future (in addition to other methods).

no sweat, and mea culpa that my last post did read harsher than i intended. sometimes when I'm half-playing aorund while still making a point, and i get distracted, my often barbed-humor falls a little short of my intentions. i actually have found you to be a fine poster (not that it's any big deal what i think), while i certainly disagree with your main contention (that's it's a useful tool, period, bar no counter-option), i really do respect your personal values on the topic and have the sense that you are quite responsible. :)

---------- Post added November-3rd-2011 at 06:41 PM ----------

Does that whipping make him unfit?

For a single incident to render one unfit, in any serious manner I'm familiar with using that term, it would have to be more egregious.

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Just to follow up on sportjunkie07and Jumbo...not directly aimed at either, just a thought when reading this whole thread.

Raising children is a lifelong process, and I guess you don't really know if what you did was right, until way later on in life. So maybe sportjunkie07 needed to be beaten by every household appliance. The question is to wonder what might have become of you had you not been beaten. To say it was highly effective might mean you have to extrapolate I would have turned into X but because of my beatings I am now Y and Y is better than X.

Personally I am a believer in Jumbo's rules, not to say that what I am doing is correct, as my daughters are only teenagers. Both are straight A students, both in honors programs, and both never been spanked. When it comes to girls, I have a bigger issue with beatings, as I don't want my daughters to think thats the norm and end up with some jackass man that thinks they can physically assault them later on in life.

My two kids are very different. And each needs a different style of discipline. But neither has required anything like being hit with anything in my home.

Of course how they turn out in the long run remains to be seen.

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That's hilarious b/c that's literally word for word what I think would happen if one of my parents found the camera.

You feel ME? FO SHO

---------- Post added November-4th-2011 at 08:57 AM ----------

Perhaps a bit of a knee-jerk reaction. I don't like seeing men hit females, and it breaks my heart to imagine the trust and love lost within those 5 minutes of asswhipping. I think wise words of encouragement and understanding is 1,000x better than this. Striking your child seems like such a dumbed-down, easy way out, as far as trying to teach a lesson.

That may sound soft, but I'm a strong believer in the Gracie Martial Arts way of teaching your children. Don't attack things they're doing wrong, constantly highlight what they're doing correctly, then touch up on what they need to fix up. Clear communication, encouragement, laughter and reasoning. I'm not trying to turn my home in to Marine boot camp, and I'm certainly never planning on hitting a girl - especially my own.

Unless of course she wants to spar a little when she gets older (I can wish).

The problem with identifying books and methods by posters here is flawed .The behavior of children vary in degrees. Its like saying all computers malfunction the same and you have to fix them the same way each and every time. These books dont 't seem o account for family history, geographical location, psychosis, fetal dependency and a host of other abnormalities. Some here post that their children are very well behaved and have never used spankings to influence good behavior. That's great for your household, but try living in a house where many measures have been exhausted, try if you will living in some one elses shoes. You can never say what you would and not do. I think to criticize someone who regulates their house the way they deem fit, (without excessive blunt force) is stepping out of bounds.

I am a product of a mother who would tell you " I will take names and kick *****", and she meant it. My brothers and sisters and I at times were whipped like MULES by my mother and even today she would tell anyone to mind your own business.

My parents are very successful, very upper middle class even today. I mention for those who will look at the culture, ethnicity and class.

I love my parents to death.

At a very young age I owned my own business, Maryland U grad and have a bunch of kids by 1 woman. I believe I am successful because of the balance of Love and discipline I received.

We would never whip our children like I got whipped, but we Will tighten their behinds up if they cross that imaginary line and they know it. They just don't see us as their parents they see us as friends and they tell us they love us daily. They have been taught to take responsibility for their own actions.

I believe in balance folks.

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The problem with identifying books and methods by posters here is flawed .The behavior of children vary in degrees. Its like saying all computers malfunction the same and you have to fix them the same way each and every time. These books dont 't seem o account for family history, geographical location, psychosis, fetal dependency and a host of other abnormalities. Some here post that their children are very well behaved and have never used spankings to influence good behavior. That's great for your household, but try living in a house where many measures have been exhausted, try if you will living in some one elses shoes. You can never say what you would and not do. I think to criticize someone who regulates their house the way they deem fit, (without excessive blunt force) is stepping out of bounds.

I am a product of a mother who would tell you " I will take names and kick *****", and she meant it. My brothers and sisters and I at times were whipped like MULES by my mother and even today she would tell anyone to mind your own business.

My parents are very successful, very upper middle class even today. I mention for those who will look at the culture, ethnicity and class.

I love my parents to death.

At a very young age I owned my own business, Maryland U grad and have a bunch of kids by 1 woman. I believe I am successful because of the balance of Love and discipline I received.

We would never whip our children like I got whipped, but we Will tighten their behinds up if they cross that imaginary line and they know it. They just don't see us as their parents they see us as friends and they tell us they love us daily. They have been taught to take responsibility for their own actions.

I believe in balance folks.

Of course, you recognize that your anecdotal evidence is no more useful than anyone else's anecdotal evidence, and that your views on this matter may be skewed by the love you have for your parents and the underlying psychological need to justify their actions toward you.

At least I assume you do.

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You feel ME? FO SHO

---------- Post added November-4th-2011 at 08:57 AM ----------

The problem with identifying books and methods by posters here is flawed .The behavior of children vary in degrees. Its like saying all computers malfunction the same and you have to fix them the same way each and every time. These books dont 't seem o account for family history, geographical location, psychosis, fetal dependency and a host of other abnormalities. Some here post that their children are very well behaved and have never used spankings to influence good behavior. That's great for your household, but try living in a house where many measures have been exhausted, try if you will living in some one elses shoes. You can never say what you would and not do. I think to criticize someone who regulates their house the way they deem fit, (without excessive blunt force) is stepping out of bounds.

I am a product of a mother who would tell you " I will take names and kick *****", and she meant it. My brothers and sisters and I at times were whipped like MULES by my mother and even today she would tell anyone to mind your own business.

My parents are very successful, very upper middle class even today. I mention for those who will look at the culture, ethnicity and class.

I love my parents to death.

At a very young age I owned my own business, Maryland U grad and have a bunch of kids by 1 woman. I believe I am successful because of the balance of Love and discipline I received.

We would never whip our children like I got whipped, but we Will tighten their behinds up if they cross that imaginary line and they know it. They just don't see us as their parents they see us as friends and they tell us they love us daily. They have been taught to take responsibility for their own actions.

I believe in balance folks.

I'm convinced, you've reeled off some incredible excuses for hitting children. Awesome. I'm gonna go whip the hell out of my little girl now. Thanks for the advice, you've saved my family. It's too bad she doesn't have disorders - that would make the job easier according to you. By the way, as much as I don't want to sit here and get specific with you - fetal dependency is the mother's fault and SHE should be the one ***** slapped for doing that to her kid.

The Gracie way isn't a book or anything, just a simple approach: Negativity spewed towards loved ones is the easy way out; a healthy lifestyle promotes positive attitude throughout the family. Respect is gained not through belt or tree switch, but through involvement, leadership and enthusiasm. I've worked with kids as a career, a lot of them red-in-the-face angry. I've had to deal with these children for longer stretches than their lame parents have had to. Never once have I raised an aggressive hand towards one, that's way beyond chicken ****, IMO. We've changed these kids for the better without having to even restrain many of them.

As far as putting myself in other parents' shoes, or trying to understand "geographical location" or "family history", it sounds like you're telling me I wouldn't be able to HELP myself from hitting a child. Give me a break, first of all you don't know me - second of all, unlike way too many parents out there, I actually took the time to educate myself on how to encourage children to do the right thing without smashing leather in to their backsides.

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Of course, you recognize that your anecdotal evidence is no more useful than anyone else's anecdotal evidence, and that your views on this matter may be skewed by the love you have for your parents and the underlying psychological need to justify their actions toward you.

At least I assume you do.

You almost might beleive I could hate them for the whippings too, but I don't. You might also Assume I loved to be whipped like a Mule, I didn't. Therefore the psychological need to justify their action towards me is me taking reponsibility for my Own actions.

---------- Post added November-4th-2011 at 02:32 PM ----------

I'm convinced, you've reeled off some incredible excuses for hitting children. Awesome. I'm gonna go whip the hell out of my little girl now. Thanks for the advice, you've saved my family. It's too bad she doesn't have disorders - that would make the job easier according to you. By the way, as much as I don't want to sit here and get specific with you - fetal dependency is the mother's fault and SHE should be the one ***** slapped for doing that to her kid.

The Gracie way isn't a book or anything, just a simple approach: Negativity spewed towards loved ones is the easy way out; a healthy lifestyle promotes positive attitude throughout the family. Respect is gained not through belt or tree switch, but through involvement, leadership and enthusiasm.

Thats the authors opinion not have raised all the children in the world.:D

I've worked with kids as a career, a lot of them red-in-the-face angry. I've had to deal with these children for longer stretches than their lame parents have had to. Never once have I raised an aggressive hand towards one, that's way beyond chicken ****, IMO. We've changed these kids for the better without having to even restrain many of them.

Do you have the success rate after they left your care and beyond? Where are they now and what are they doing?:D

As far as putting myself in other parents' shoes, or trying to understand "geographical location" or "family history", it sounds like you're telling me I wouldn't be able to HELP myself from hitting a child. Give me a break

Are you serious. A disobedient child added to the equation of stress trying to raise the child as well as other house hold problems may be too much for some. Still does not justfiy abuse. By the way I never said I apporved of brutal punishment, did I?

, first of all you don't know me - second of all, unlike way too many parents out there, I actually took the time to educate myself on how to encourage children to do the right thing without smashing leather in to their backsides.

Why are you taking my response personally? Why would I know you?

I am not sure how many houses you have lived in with kids that are not yours, but you sound as though there has been a lot. You are rambling on without disecting my post.

Question: How many kids Do You have?

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You almost might beleive I could hate them for the whippings too, but I don't. You might also Assume I loved to be whipped like a Mule, I didn't. Therefore the psychological need to justify their action towards me is me taking reponsibility for my Own actions.

Actually, that is called rationalization. Children do it all the time, and so do adults when they recall childhood experiences.

You don't have to hate them for the whippings. They loved you and they were just doing their best to raise you, using the methods that they learned from their own parents. Doesn't mean the methods were necessary or can't be improved upon, even if they were delivered by your parents with the best of intentions.

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i'm not sure how anyone thinks that the 'dad' in that video has his daughters interests in mind while he screams and whips her. he was absolutely out of control. that charade was clearly all about him expressing his unfiltered rage rather than an attempt to teach his kid. it was a completely self indulgent, selfish act.

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