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Dexter: Season 6 (Season premier tonight at 9pm 10/2/11)!


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How do you want Dexter to end?

A. Sails off into the sunset on "A Slice of Life", forever evading capture.

B. Killed by rival serial killer

C. Arrested and paraded through the homicide dept in cuffs in slow motion while that "end of episode" music plays and all of his co-workers/Sister react to the real Dexter

D. Deb finds out what Dexter really is and doesn't turn him in. Life goes on, no grand resolution.

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How do you want Dexter to end?

A. Sails off into the sunset on "A Slice of Life", forever evading capture.

B. Killed by rival serial killer

C. Arrested and paraded through the homicide dept in cuffs in slow motion while that "end of episode" music plays and all of his co-workers/Sister react to the real Dexter

Dunno, but B. is the most likely outcome, with Lewis being the killer and Dexter being his first kill.

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I listened to Michael C. Hall's interview on NPR today. He said it himself that as the show has gone on, the writers have stopped thinking too hard and gotten more relaxed on some concepts, basically suggesting that they don't try to stay within a realistic dimension as much as they used to.

This show set the bar really high with the first two seasons.

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the Walking Dead blow it away in terms of character and plot development.

I love The Walking Dead, but I love it despite all of its flaws. This season of Dexter is below average for the show, but its still better, story-wise and character-wise, than The Walking Dead. If the half-season of Walking Dead hadn't ended with such a great episode, and great plot twist, this would be unthinkable.

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This season has had some good moments, and I still enjoy watching the show, but it's not the same show it was 1-2 years ago. At this rate, the show might as well be on network tv because honestly that's the kind of dumbed down, fast-paced show it is becoming.

Exactly, it feels like a CBS show you'd see on Monday night - except without the commercial and with more gore.

I listened to Michael C. Hall's interview on NPR today. He said it himself that as the show has gone on, the writers have stopped thinking too hard and gotten more relaxed on some concepts, basically suggesting that they don't try to stay within a realistic dimension as much as they used to.

This show set the bar really high with the first two seasons.

I thought Season 4 was, by far, the best of the series. Everything since then has been an enormous let down - in comparison. I'm still entertained by the show but I find that it has me rolling my eyes at the sloppy writing more than it has me intrigued about what's about to happen next.

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How do you want Dexter to end?

A. Sails off into the sunset on "A Slice of Life", forever evading capture.

B. Killed by rival serial killer

C. Arrested and paraded through the homicide dept in cuffs in slow motion while that "end of episode" music plays and all of his co-workers/Sister react to the real Dexter

How about Deb killing Dexter? I've been thinking about that for awhile now. Maybe she has to decide between her passion (law enforcement) or Dexter. Could be an interesting twist or she realizes who he really is and lets him go since he is her rock.

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D. Deb finds out what Dexter really is and doesn't turn him in. Life goes on, no grand resolution.

That would be my ideal ending, but I also like C.Arrested and paraded through the homicide dept in cuffs in slow motion while that "end of episode" music plays and all of his co-workers/Sister react to the real Dexter.

A or B would be the absolute worst. If Dexter lives through Dokes and the Ice Truck Killer only to get caught by Tom Hanks Jr or the intern it would ruin the entire series imo. Him sailing away scot free is even goofier for, what started out as, a semi believable show about such an evil character.


---------- Post added December-14th-2011 at 01:10 PM ----------

How about Deb killing Dexter? I've been thinking about that for awhile now. Maybe she has to decide between her passion (law enforcement) or Dexter. Could be an interesting twist or she realizes who he really is and lets him go since he is her rock.

That would be the most unbelievable shock value ending I've ever seen. Kudos for coming up with something that would anger me to this degree. I don't think many Dexter fans would like this much, though. Deb has practically worshipped Dexter from day 1, and I don't think there's much he can do to lose that love.

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. . . and invisible.

Seriously, all the stuff Dexter does and he somehow never gets caught on any security cameras. :ols:

This was my biggest gripe with the atheist professor killing scene.

Once, just ONCE, you'd think he would pick a lock to a house only to have a burglar alarm start wailing.

Seriously, does no one in Miami have an alarm? What the hell

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Kudos to the uncomfortable-ness of the Deb/Dex makeout scene. I dig that angle.

I always thought they had an odd chemistry (given that they are brother and sister) on the show, so I'm not entirely surprised to see them go that angle. It is, however, pretty cheap that it's being pushed by the psychologist.

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I always thought they had an odd chemistry (given that they are brother and sister) on the show, so I'm not entirely surprised to see them go that angle. It is, however, pretty cheap that it's being pushed by the psychologist.

Well, it is a bit cliche I guess, but who else in her life can push her on this issue? She doesn't deal with uncomfortable situations very well on her own, any hard decision she always goes to someone else (usually Dexter) and asks them what to do.

Her best friend is Dex and her only other "friends" seem to be male cops who now also view her as their boss. It would seem odd to suddenly introduce a new female friend and she suddenly and awkwardly points this out.

I agree with you, but I'm not sure how else they could have naturally approached this.

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How about Deb killing Dexter? I've been thinking about that for awhile now. Maybe she has to decide between her passion (law enforcement) or Dexter. Could be an interesting twist or she realizes who he really is and lets him go since he is her rock.

My only problem with that is at the end of the Jordan Chase season when she had a confirmed killer on the other side of a curtain, but she consciously let him go. If she were to kill her own brother for the same offense, I'd be pretty pissed off. Besides, I want Dexter to have to live with how much he ends up hurting her when she finds out the truth.

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they really hooked us with one of the few interesting plot-lines left.

---------- Post added December-18th-2011 at 10:22 PM ----------

also, did they skip the "formalities" of getting Travis on the table? I may have been away from the TV for like 30 secs and I come back and "Ta Da".

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they really hooked us with one of the few interesting plot-lines left.

---------- Post added December-18th-2011 at 10:22 PM ----------

also, did they skip the "formalities" of getting Travis on the table? I may have been away from the TV for like 30 secs and I come back and "Ta Da".

Dexter took him back to the church after he dropped Harrison off. (He was drugged up on Dex's horse tranqs).

I'm excited for next season - Deb has just seen Dexter kill Travis. This is a huge case at Miami Metro, I think Deb covers it up.

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There are definitely two more seasons and the writer have confirmed it. They are going to fit this into two more seasons. I don't know how, but they will.

That was a great ending wow. Deb has to figure out that Dexter is/was the Bay Harbor butcher. Slice on the cheek, surgical kit, body wrapped in plastic. Yikes.

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