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Dexter: Season 6 (Season premier tonight at 9pm 10/2/11)!


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I must be really easy to please and/or simple bc I've enjoyed this season so far

I think I'm pretty easy to please also, and it's not that I think it's *bad*, just that it doesn't live up to my expectations of previous seasons. The "big bad" this season as we've seen him so far really isn't scary in any ways. Tom Hanks Jr. just doesn't come off as intimidating in any way and the only way he ever gets the upper hand is Dexter seeming really incompetent (relative to past seasons) at times.

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I think I'm pretty easy to please also, and it's not that I think it's *bad*, just that it doesn't live up to my expectations of previous seasons. The "big bad" this season as we've seen him so far really isn't scary in any ways. Tom Hanks Jr. just doesn't come off as intimidating in any way and the only way he ever gets the upper hand is Dexter seeming really incompetent (relative to past seasons) at times.

I can agree with everything you said. Dexter seems to be moronic this year

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Its pretty bad when a show based on a serial killer comes off as hokey.

That's the word I'd use to describe this last season. Still entertaining, but the writing just makes me smh far too often. I used to respect Dexter somewhat, but this season he's just plain stupid and lucky.

. . . and invisible.

Seriously, all the stuff Dexter does and he somehow never gets caught on any security cameras. :ols:

This was my biggest gripe with the atheist professor killing scene.

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. . . and invisible.

Seriously, all the stuff Dexter does and he somehow never gets caught on any security cameras. :ols:

This was my biggest gripe with the atheist professor killing scene.

Yeah he does creep around in those gloves with a needle in hand way more carelessly than he used to.

It feels like the writers just got tired of writing, and have been cutting corners, no longer bothering to make the show remotely believable.

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While the plotlines may not be as hefty as previous seasons, I’m still enjoying the show. Dexter is sort of in a weird place right now – I think Brother Sam affected him on a deeper level than we think.

I’m also really digging the Deb into-her-brother plot twist. They could go a few different directions with that down the line.

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Him mailing the hand to Dexter? Does it even make sense? That is a wasted scene. If he suddenly becomes somebody that does violent crime, it will be completely unbelievable.

Yeah it makes sense, he's imitating the Ice Truck Killer b/c that's exactly what he did. And it will be believable b/c he's really smart, weird, and was creating a serial killer video game, the conversation about this possibility went on for a bit in here already

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Yeah it makes sense, he's imitating the Ice Truck Killer b/c that's exactly what he did. And it will be believable b/c he's really smart, weird, and was creating a serial killer video game, the conversation about this possibility went on for a bit in here already

so to you someone who has no history of violence can just start doing violent crime. Gotcha

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Dexter tied up in a boat with gas cans,and the villan lighting it and then running away,giving Dexter time to escape,reminded me of the old Batman TV show.

Pretty much, if only Travis had explained his entire plan in exact detail before trying to blow Dexter up, then nefariously laughed as he sped away.

They didn't even bother to show any way he could have gotten loose, he's just tied up and then he's not.

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The only thing this season does better than the rest is pushing the envelope with the death crime scenes. The horsemen, the professor, etc...They were great. The only problem is you can only take that so far and then it will get old. I loved this season up through the "Gellar-Sixth Sense" reveal. I thought that was great and hated myself for not seeing it coming. Since then, it's been just way too ridiculous, even for fiction TV.

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DDK targeted Deb with wormwood and Dexter foiled it?

I thought the only people aware of this would be those in the police department? Although I guess they could make the viewers assume that the press released the incident and made Dexter's identity known as the guy who saved everyone.

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They can explain away the painting pretty easy, not sure how they'll deal with the video on Travis' phone of Dexter calling him out though. I guess they'll either ignore that totally or something will happen to the phone. I'm not sure why Dex keeps leaving all sorts of evidence around that can get him caught this season. Either they've gotten lazy with the writing or they're setting it up for Deb to find out about Dex?

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How do you want Dexter to end?

A. Sails off into the sunset on "A Slice of Life", forever evading capture.

B. Killed by rival serial killer

C. Arrested and paraded through the homicide dept in cuffs in slow motion while that "end of episode" music plays and all of his co-workers/Sister react to the real Dexter

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