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Redskins lay low in FA and avoid chasing splashy contracts, everybody's happy.

Wizards, in possession of a killer young core, do the same and everybody jumps off of a bridge.

Difference is Scot McLoughan is an outstanding drafter and has a track record of building quality teams.

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Guys I know he's not Durant, but Ryan Anderson would be a very good acquisition. He finally started to look right again after that horrific injury he suffered a couple of years ago. Got his scoring swagger back. He would be a great fit here. You could realistically expect him to play close to 30 MPG and make 200+ threes on better than 40% shooting.

The only problem is that you are going to have to find a quality back up C that can defend above the rim and rebound for 20 MPG. I'm not really comfortable pegging Jaleel Roberts for that role, although I do want him on the roster this year as a fifth big. Bismack would be ideal but he'll be too expensive, both for us and for whoever is dumb enough to buy high on such a limited player. Cole Aldrich makes a lot of sense as the back up C. Throwing some money at Dewayne Dedmon could be an interesting option too, and he has a little bit of an offensive game too. RFA though. Mozgov could be OK. Maybe Miles Plumlee although he's a weaker defender than the others and he's also an RFA.

The other move I like is trading for Jeff Withey from Utah. I've always thought he was good and I think he could be acquired for a minimal return because Utah has a thousand redundant centers. EDIT: Not getting TOOCed on that one.

Need a back up PG that can play some heavy minutes, a wing that can shoot and play D and has some strength on him, and we need to bring Sato over. Bazemore would be solid but he'll be expensive and looking for starter's minutes. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but Lance Stephenson actually makes a lot of sense for us. He'll probably be fairly cheap and he has the skill set we're looking for.

As far as back up PG goes, there are a ton of names out there and I don't feel like going through them right now. Suffice to say we have to get this spot right. Wouldn't be opposed to bringing Sessions back I think. Sato could also be an option, but I don't like the idea of relying on a rookie for such a key role. I think we need to bring Sato over in addition to signing a credible veteran.

Edited by stevemcqueen1
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Also it's the NBA, you win by acquiring top players via FA. This isn't the NFL where you have to build a 53 man roster. We're not going to be building the 2004 Pistons here, are hope of being relevant is getting impact players with the cap space we have, not hoping that this franchise actually grooms young players properly for once.

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The only places where a team like the Wizards (who are not in title contention and can’t offer the perks of bigger markets) can make improvements through free agency is by trying to aggressively go after players on some of the few teams with cap issues, or by going after players stuck on rebuilding teams who don’t want to sign up for a rebuilding project.



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All those names you just mentioned are average at best players other than Anderson.


That's the problem with this team.  You need legit stars to win in this league.  And if not stars, very good players who can contribute.  Cole Aldrich is the best name on there, and for a backup C I'd be fine with that.


Let's be honest, even with Anderson the Wizards will barely slide into the playoffs and will be a first round exit.  Let's stop with the disillusionment.  One look at our roster and anyone could tell you that.


I'm in the group of, "fed up Wizards fans."  This team has given me nothing but heartache for 33 years.


If we need a big man, why not go after Joakim Noah?  Festus Ezeli?  I know he had a disastrous postseason, but his stats were pretty good during the regular season.  As for bench guards, I'd make a run at Brandon Jennings and see if he can rejuvenate his career in DC.  He's only 26.

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Redskins lay low in FA and avoid chasing splashy contracts, everybody's happy.

Wizards, in possession of a killer young core, do the same and everybody jumps off of a bridge.


The Redskins laid low on purpose, the Wizards aren't laying low...NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY HERE. 

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Redskins lay low in FA and avoid chasing splashy contracts, everybody's happy.

Wizards, in possession of a killer young core, do the same and everybody jumps off of a bridge.


John Wall is entering year seven and Beal is going into year five.. You can only play the "young up and comer" card so long. That's not a criticism of Wall and Beal, but at some point, the team needs to take a step forward. You rarely get better in the NBA just by your players taking incremental steps - especially with "stars" at that age.

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All those names you just mentioned are average at best players other than Anderson.

We're targeting bench players. You're not going to find any All Stars for these roles. You're just looking for ones who can do a good job.

If we need a big man, why not go after Joakim Noah?  Festus Ezeli?  I know he had a disastrous postseason, but his stats were pretty good during the regular season.  As for bench guards, I'd make a run at Brandon Jennings and see if he can rejuvenate his career in DC.  He's only 26.

Noah would be good, but there are three main problems in signing him:

1 - He wants to start and finding a team where he can do that is one of his main priorities.

2 - He's going to be more costly than a lot of the other options, and we're going to run into money issues if we sign both him and Anderson

3 - He's got serious durability issues. It'd be risky to have him and Anderson as our bench. I'm thinking one of our back ups needs to be durable.

Ezeli would be solid, but I'm a little less interested in Ezeli than other options. He's a decent choice though, especially if he can be signed for cheap.

Jennings would be a very high quality back up PG and I would definitely be on board for signing him. But I think he'll want to find a team where he can start. However, if he would accept being a back up here and not cost too much money, then let's do it. Anderson + Jennings + Sato + Oubre + a decent back up C + a decent back up SF is a high quality bench. We could legitimately expect that group to score and win games for us.

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Redskins lay low in FA and avoid chasing splashy contracts, everybody's happy.

Wizards, in possession of a killer young core, do the same and everybody jumps off of a bridge.

How'd the Wizards do in the draft compared to the skins?


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Redskins lay low in FA and avoid chasing splashy contracts, everybody's happy.

Wizards, in possession of a killer young core, do the same and everybody jumps off of a bridge.


There is no killer young core.


It's John Wall and then a bunch of role players.

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Hell what about Roy Hibbert as a back up C? He got Monstarred at the end of his time in Indy (I hereby coin this the official phrase for a player who abruptly loses his talent). But maybe a change of scenery, a diminished role, and a prove it deal could be good for him.


Look, I think you have to role the dice here. Whiteside wants his money on day one of free agency. Pat Riley is almost certainly not doing anything until he knows what Durant is going to do. Go to Whiteside, treat him like a king, max him out, and promise his picture on banners outside the arena.


Wall, Beal, Whiteside, and Porter is at least a core that you can fool yourself on for two or three years. I mean, there were points last year where Whiteside looked like the best center in the league. And the one thing that gave the Warriors and Cavs trouble over the last two years were active defensive teams with long arms all over the place.


And if Whiteside shows up 40 pounds overweight, well, the cap is going up next year......and you didn't just roll out Ryan Anderson in an attempt to win 48 games.....


Let's be honest, all you dudes have been pining for Cousins for years. Cousins is a dude with all the same character issues as Whiteside, except he was marked as a "star" at age 16 so everyone has coddled him since.


On paper, isn't the potential 20/14/4 that Whiteside gives you pretty much what you would get with Cousins with the added bonus that he would never demand the ball.


And finally you brought in Brooks because he knows how to develop guys, right? Miami had no interest in "developing" Whiteside. They seemed kind of annoyed that he was as productive as he was, because it threw off their long-term plans.

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There is no killer young core.


It's John Wall and then a bunch of role players.

I still believe in Beal. And I think Porter is going to end up being hugely valuable, role player or not. It feels bleak right now because the twin disappointments of Ernie Grunfeld not getting fired and not even getting consideration by Durant are still fresh. But we're not in as desperate a situation as it seems. We've got a lot of upside left in that Wall/Beal/Porter/Oubre group, we got a better coach, and we have the money to actually get some quality on the bench.

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I still believe in Beal. And I think Porter is going to end up being hugely valuable, role player or not. It feels bleak right now because the twin disappointments of Ernie Grunfeld not getting fired and not even getting consideration by Durant are still fresh. But we're not in as desperate a situation as it seems. We've got a lot of upside left in that Wall/Beal/Porter/Oubre group, we got a better coach, and we have the money to actually get some quality on the bench.


Agreed. I meant that statement to purely reflect what the situation is today. 


I am hoping Beal and Porter take a big leap this year. If not, we got two glorified role players with the #3 pick. Porter right now doesn't even qualify as a quality starting SF. He really need to get his act together and play well consistently.

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Look, I think you have to role the dice here. Whiteside wants his money on day one of free agency. Pat Riley is almost certainly not doing anything until he knows what Durant is going to do. Go to Whiteside, treat him like a king, max him out, and promise his picture on banners outside the arena.


Wall, Beal, Whiteside, and Porter is at least a core that you can fool yourself on for two or three years. I mean, there were points last year where Whiteside looked like the best center in the league. And the one thing that gave the Warriors and Cavs trouble over the last two years were active defensive teams with long arms all over the place.

Yeah, I would do it. Whiteside would be my top target. But I don't think Ernie Grunfeld will. He is risk averse and has little vision. From what I can tell, we're not even considering Whiteside.

Then again Ernie has been tricky in the past. Some of our recent trades and signings have come out of nowhere.

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If we're in a win now mode, I'd go after Batum and dangle Otto as trade bait.  Maybe we could entice Philly for Noel.  Which would be a bit ironic considering we took Otto over him a few years back...but it would be #sowizards. 


Win now mode? What does that even mean for a team that missed the playoffs?


I don't get the discussion here. This team is nowhere in the same zip code as Cleveland right now. It's not as good as Toronto. And if Whiteside stays and Bosh comes back, it's not as good as Miami. It's not as good as Boston, and Boston would have to make some big mistakes not to continue improving for a few years. Maybe with some breaks, it can catch up to the Hawks and Hornets and be a 5-seed, which means that the best case scenario is getting run off the court by the Cavs in round 2.


And you are really considering trading for Noel when Whiteside is standing right there just begging for a contract.


Isn't the hope that Noel will one day be as productive as Whiteside is right this very moment?


The guy had multiple triple doubles WITH BLOCKS last year. Just treat this like one of those 1990s NBA drafts and commit a ton of resources to a young head case with unlimited potential.

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Of the current free agents Whiteside is the highest potential that the Wizards may be able to reach. Would need to shed Gortat's salary somehow though, and we have no young bigs because Ernie is a persistent failure when it comes to drafting anyone taller than 6'8.






That's not a bad starting lineup if:

Beal stays healthy

Wall improves his shooting

Porter improves his three point shot

Morris stays out of jail

Whiteside doesn't get swallowed up by DC club life.

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