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On the other side of the ledger, hell, leave aside stuff like drafting Jan Vesely over literally any other basketball player ever (but especially Klay Thompson, Nikola Vucevic, and Kawhi Leonard); or the investment he made in a world-historically hilarious Nick Young-Andray Blatche-JaVale McGee “nucleus”; or when he gave ****ty 32-year-old Captain of Failure Antawn Jamison a four-year $50 million contract. Hell, you can even leave aside the unthinkably stupid six-year, $111 million Arenas extension—which was so bad that, along with the insane Rashard Lewis contract Grunfeld later took on in exchange for unloading Arenas, it directly precipitated the 2011 lockout and the current CBA’s amnesty provision. Leave all that stuff aside, and just consider the time he traded the fifth overall pick in the 2009 draft—a pick that could have gotten him Steph ****ing Curry—to the Minnesota Timberwolves ... for Randy Foye and Mike Miller. What I am saying here is that Ernie Grunfeld belongs in ****ing prison.

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A couple of things first:


1. Yes, I want Wittman and Grunfeld fired ASAP.


2. I did enjoy reading that article.


But in reading that and others in here, regarding the 2009 5th pick and trade for Foye and Miller.  Everyone keep saying that we could have had Steph Curry.  In my recollection (and I may be wrong) we weren't even considering him.  Looking at the rosters from 2008-09 and 2009-10, we were pretty loaded at PG and SG.  I know Curry is listed as a PG, but we had Arenas, who was a score first PG as is Curry. I'm really not sure that even if we had have held on to the pick, the team would have selected him.  And who would have known Curry would blow up like he has.  He was a great player in college, but he came from a small school and was considered a guy without a position. 


Personally, I just don't think we would have selected Curry even if we had have held on to that pick.  Thoughts?

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"We weren't considering him" in regards to the reigning MVP is an indictment of the front office, not a defense. They get paid to be better at picking players than fans. It doesn't matter what need is, if you have a top 10 pick you get an asset out of it that can provide depth, replace a starter eventually, or simply serve as a trade later. He got a short rental of two average role players, essentially nothing in return.

The best teams right now draft well or sign Lebron James. Look at how much the Thunder, Spurs, and Warriors have gotten from draft picks. Not just top ten picks but from later selections and even the second round. Ernie meanwhile rarely gets anything in the first round and sells 2nd round picks (that become productive somewhere else).

The 2011 draft is enough all by itself to question Grunfeld, but while its arguably the worst, it is one of many. Both his 1st round picks were out of the league 4 years later. You could throw darts at a draft board with consensus first round talent taped on it and do better than that.

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There has never been a GM that's been allowed to rebuild a team three times. Now his first rebuild was fine, because we went from terrible to pretty good. But after that it plateaued and has been terrible since. How does Ted keep him but fire George McPhee who was on the same level but in some ways better(at least drafted better consistently in a sport harder to draft in).

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I don't buy anything Vecsey said about Wall/Wizards. There are working journalists, like those at WaPo, that would've gotten the scoop.



Well, I just got confirmation from someone on the team that Peter Vecsey's report is "totally false." You can put that to rest.


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That kind of total bull**** pisses me off. Trying to make John look like some diva malcontent when he's the opposite. He's a company man that's done everything he could to save this sorry ass coaching staff. He's been in Randy's corner since day one and he's the reason Randy got his extension two summers ago.

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Nobody in the NBA has more cause to complain about the ****ty, half-assed coaching and misuse they've had to endure in their career than Wall. No budding star has had their career undermined by the incompetence of the franchise that drafted them like Wall has. And he has never once complained or even been passive aggressive. The dude is hard as a rock. One of the most stabilizing and reliable players in the league.

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But in reading that and others in here, regarding the 2009 5th pick and trade for Foye and Miller.  Everyone keep saying that we could have had Steph Curry.  In my recollection (and I may be wrong) we weren't even considering him. 

I wish I didn't remember this.  The consenus pick at the 5 would have been that kid from Spain who looks like Pete Maravich. 

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That kind of total bull**** pisses me off. Trying to make John look like some diva malcontent when he's the opposite. He's a company man that's done everything he could to save this sorry ass coaching staff. He's been in Randy's corner since day one and he's the reason Randy got his extension two summers ago.

Sometimes I wonder if Wall's support for keeping Randy two summers ago is why we haven't heard any definitive news on Ernie's fate (because it sounds like Ernie wanted to replace him right then and there).

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Jorge CastilloVerified account@jorgeccastillo

Wall denied report about practice incident last week: "I've never cussed my teammates out."



See now that makes me wonder if he did cuss Wittman out. lol




Yea...as soon as I read "Peter Vecsey," I rolled my eyes.  LOL. 


Plus the last line makes you wonder if he even knows how the NBA works or if he's watched basketball at all.



Because is Bradley Beal going to stick around much longer if the team doesn’t improve?


Beal only has leverage over the size of his 2nd deal because the Wizards are desperate. He has no option to leave and no power to demand, and receive, whatever the hell he wants.  He's not Melo demanding to be traded from the Nuggets, he's not even close.  The player that the wizards have to worry about sticking around is Wall. 

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Just had someone in the locker room tell me Wall cussing out Wittman "absolutely not true" #WizardsTalk @CSNWizards #ATLatWAS



Wall denied alleged incident. Used an expletive to describe lack of accuracy. Insists never happened #WizardsTalk @CSNWizards #ATLatWAS



Just had another player, who had no idea about the report, say something similar. "When u lose this is what happens" #WizardsTalk #ATLatWAS




I'll say this about Wall and Beal (and what I respect about both), if it happened theyd admit it. #WizardsTalk @CSNWizards #ATLatWAS

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Seems weird that with the often pathetic play and debacle of a season they had, the team leader actually didn't cuss somebody out. Probably should've, and a long time ago. I'm hoping he did, but he's keeping it in-house.

Edited by justice98
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We're assuming all this reported tension is a new thing and isn't just being leaked now by Ernie to his media friends to frame his scapegoating nicely. It's important to convince everyone that Wittman was the real problem we should all be focused on.

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