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Is it possible to flip through the channels, see The Godfather, and not watch?

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Its easy to get caught up in it.

Same with Band of Brothers. I own the thing on DVD and find myself watching whenever its on.

When the marathons come up I usually have to watch at least a couple of episodes.

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I've seen both Godfather 1 & 2 about a dozen time each, but never seen #3.

Is it worth it ?

Ya know,I've been asked that question so many times, and I can never come up with a good answer. It all depends on how well you understand the story. I thought it was good, because it showed Michael in a different light, it portrayed him more as atragic character struggling to come to grips about the sins he commited in his past, instead of the cold, emotionless tactician that he was in the first 2. He wants out of the life he lived, but his past won't let him go so easily, hence the great line "Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In". You should give it a look-see Mick.

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Yes, it is possible. Especially if it's being played edited and with commercial interruptions. There are plenty of movies that I love that I can't watch on TV for the same reason.

I remember WDCA-20 aired The Deer Hunter a couple of times unedited. (Though they did air commercials.) It was a pretty bold move then and much appreciated, when cable wasn't as prevalent as it is now.

And I agree that commercials can be maddening when trying to watch a movie on TV. They sometimes pick the oddest and most inappropriate times to interrupt and stick some in.

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Why the hate for Shawshank? Truly a great film.

And to answer the OP's question, if I get into it, I will just pop in the DVD

No hate for shawshank, only love!

I was saying that I could pass by The Godfather but if Shawshank is flipped on it stays on. Same with Braveheart.

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The one to watch if you can ever get your hands on it (it was only released on VHS) is The Godfather Epic. It's the first 2 put in chronological order with all the edited scenes put back in. In particular, there are a lot more DeNiro as young Vito scenes, which imo are the best parts of the entire series

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