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What are you doing this evening?


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Decompressing from graduation weekend.

Watching "The Bachelorette" and making fun of the dudes.

Very likely drinking some champagne.

Bottom line: Not doing a DAMN THING related to school and not feeling guilty about it...for once in the past two and a half years.

Proud of you Katie! :cheers:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been sick as a dog these last two days and work has stank to high heaven. So, it will be a night in watching Dateline and 20/20, making sure the 2 dogs we are babysitting this week don't tear up the house, and watch my hubby make dinner for me :D Such a good guy!!

Beer and darts. Hell yeah!
:ols: That sounds like a dangerous combination. Not that I should judge, last weekend it was beer, tons of illegal fireworks, and BB guns... No one lost an eye or a limb, so I considered it a successful weekend.
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  • 2 weeks later...

:ols: That sounds like a dangerous combination. Not that I should judge, last weekend it was beer, tons of illegal fireworks, and BB guns... No one lost an eye or a limb, so I considered it a successful weekend.

Wait, wait, wait. Are you saying you can play darts without beer? Let's not be silly.

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Getting read for my trip! 8am flight - Austin to San Francisco direct.

Spending 5 days with some buddies in Santa Cruz and SF (they live in the mountains outsides Santa Cruz). I have no idea what I am doing while there - they won't tell me. They mentioned we could do some camping, hiking, drinking and seeing a couple of shows in SF - but no details. They are picking me up at the airport and the adventure begins right then. I am only taking a backpack with a few shirts and some underwear - no bags.

Both have medical marijuana cards for "back problems." I am going to have a good time :ols:.

Oh, and the fiance is staying at home. She only asked that I come back alive.

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I was at a friends house about 40 minutes away from where I live when I get a call from my grandma that their are people banging on the door. She doesn't speak English so I immediately call 911 and they tell me that she's the one who called and it's the police guys outside who are knocking on the door. I call her back to tell her but no one is picking up. I drive back home, let the cops in, go to my grandmas room where we find her scared out of her mind. Turns out, she accidentally dialed 911 because when you call some certain areas in India, you have to put in 911 somewhere in the number.:doh::doh::doh:

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